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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:144 题号:18844507
How to Be a Good Roommate

Living with other people can be difficult, especially when each person comes from a different background and has their own ideas about how they want to live. Though having a roommate can be challenging at times, it can also be enjoyable and fun.     1    

You can discuss your expectations ahead of time. Get together before or on the first day you move in together and talk about what each of you needs and wants from the other.     2     This applies to finances, food, clothes, possessions, use of common areas and so on.

You should agree to respect each other’s privacy. This is especially important.     3     For instance, you may not mind if your roommate comes into your room unannounced, but they might find you to be very rude for doing so. You should talk about these kinds of things so that you know what to expect from each other.

    4     Say hello and goodbye, ask them how their day was, and show interest in their life. Getting to know the person you live with helps you understand their perspective, and allows them to understand yours. It also makes it easier to deal with problems that you have with that person if you’ve already developed a harmonious relationship with them.

You can also be considerate of your roommate in your life. Understand what’s going on in your roommate’s life. You should aim to be flexible and accommodating. Your roommate may have a big test coming up.     5     If your roommate is busy and stressed with their job, give them some time and space to relax and unwind.

A.You can discuss each of your preferences for privacy.
B.Spending time with your roommate is also important.
C.This is your best chance to set boundaries with your roommate.
D.Make sure that everyone is clear on the rules and responsibilities.
E.This is what you should know to respect your roommate’s privacy.
F.Then in this case you should probably be quiet and let them study.
G.The following steps will help you live in harmony with your roommate.
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【知识点】 方法/策略 社会关系


阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Words of Support

When your friends have doubts about their work or think their latest idea is second-rate, you’ve probably felt unsure about just how to support. But being there for people you love can be a positive experience for both sides.     1     Read on for tips on how to show your support.

Be positive. One way to offer support is to remind your friends of any previous occasions when they doubted themselves or their writing but their English teacher thought it was great and gave them a top mark. If they’re still worried, you could highlight what you like in the work. Be as specific as you can about these areas.     2    

Be supportive. The golden rule is to be supportive and to help people grow and develop.    3    This provides the person with something concrete that they can change and means they’re less likely to feel they’re being unfairly criticised or that there’s nothing they can do to make things better.

Be patient.    4     This can help them feel valued. If someone hasn’t requested your opinions but they seem unsure of what they’ve done and you’re familiar with the subject, you could ask if they’d be OK to hear your thoughts.

    5    Part of being supportive and honest is appreciating when people treat you with the same respect and learning from what they know and the words of encouragement they share with you.

A.Be receptive.
B.Be straightforward.
C.A large part of this is giving constructive feedback.
D.What can you do to help them change their attitude to work?
E.How can you make the experience pleasant and positive for you both?
F.Give others time to respond and make sure you listen to their opinions.
G.This will show that you’ve paid attention and you want them to do well.
2023-11-17更新 | 97次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Even though teens are seeking independence, parental involvement is an important ingredient for academic success.     1    

Attend back-to-school night and parent-teacher conferences. Attending your school’s back-to-school night is effective to get to know your teen’s teachers and their expectations. School administrators may discuss policies that parents and guardians of teenagers need to know about.     2     Although in high school, staff usually set these up only when parental involvement is needed to address issues like behavior problems and poor academic performance.

Support homework expectations. During the high school years, homework gets more intense and grades become critical for college plans. Many teens are learning how to balance academics with extracurricular activities and social lives.     3     It means no phone, TV, or websites other than homework-related resources.

    4     A nutritious breakfast fuels up teens and gets them ready for the day. In general, teens who eat breakfast have more energy and do better in school. You can help boost your teen’s attention span, concentration, and memory by providing proper breakfast foods.

Make time to talk about school. Many teens spend so much of the day outside the home: at school, on extracurricular activities, or with peers.     5     Still, you should make efforts to talk with your teen every day and he or she will know their parents are interested in their academic lives.

A.Send your teen to school ready to learn.
B.Ensure your teen to have good living habits.
C.Attending parent-teacher conferences is another way to stay informed.
D.Here are several ways to keep your teen on track to succeed in high school.
E.But parents are still their supports for providing love, guidance, and help.
F.One way to help is to ensure your teen has a distraction-free (无干扰的) place to study.
G.So staying connected with them can be challenging for parents and guardians.
2023-06-21更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to Help Your Garden Get Through the Heat

Record-breaking heat is affecting plants in many places around the world. But gardening expert Jessica Damiano says selecting the right plants and a little care could save them.

Damiano says that in serious heat, and when that heat is dry, the soil loses water in it quickly.     1     This requires them to use energy to cool down and use water. This energy should be spent on growth, flowering, fruiting and reproducing. The stress often completely weakens the plant.

    2     These systems allow the plants to reach distant sources of wetness when the nearby area dries out.

Many foreign plants, including most plants that live for just one year, have root systems that are not deep. This means they must depend on the top few centimeters of soil for all of their water needs.     3    

Planting advice

When planting, Damiano says she always covers root balls with fungi (真菌) called mycorrhizae. It helps roots grow and helps plants deal with high temperature. She also treats her plants once a month with two materials: a seaweed-containing fish mixture and a vitamin—hormone—kelp material.

Seaweed and kelp are plants that grow in water.     4     These materials also help plants grow quickly after dividing and planting.

Finally, Damiano says the last addition is a good deal of covering on top. Covering not only keeps things looking clean, but it also helps to keep soil wetness and soil temperatures even.     5     Covering can mean the difference between life and death when it gets hot.

A.When the top soil dries up, so do they.
B.Study which plants are native to your area.
C.And it also keeps unwanted plants from growing.
D.She has watered her flower garden just two times this summer.
E.They have been proved to help other plants in difficult environments.
F.Plants will turn to their own limited water storing when they need water.
G.When plants are native to an area, they naturally develop deep, large root systems.
2023-11-08更新 | 53次组卷
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