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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:78 题号:18863855

Do you remember what it was like to be a kid?     1     Wake up. Get dressed. Brush your teeth. Eat your breakfast. Get in the car. Go to school.

Sometimes kids listen to the instructions and sometimes they don’t. And when they don’t, that can be very frustrating for parents.     2     It might sound unexpected, but one strategy widely advised by children’s health professionals is to engage your child in short, daily periods of child-led play called “special time”. It gives young children a chance to interact with their parents without the stress of having to follow directions — which in turn, strengthens the bond between them.

    3     As that attachment is building, it increases the likelihood that a child is going to listen or value what a parent has to say.

The idea is simple. For at least 5 minutes a day, sit down with your child and join them in an activity. That includes drawing, playing with dolls, building blocks — anything that doesn’t have a right or wrong way to play (like video games).     4     Bear it in mind that this is your child’s time to be in charge.

This kind of playtime can be helpful in treating behavior in children who like destroying things. According to a 2022 review of literature, parent-child interaction therapy — which includes special time — has long been regarded as an “effective intervention for plenty of emotional and behavioral difficulties” since it was developed in the 1970s.     5    

A.Make it a special time to remember.
B.Don’t ask questions or give commands.
C.So how can parents get their kids to obey?
D.So much of the day was directed by adults.
E.Playtime is a period of time when children can play outside.
F.And it’s been shown to boost attention spans and social skills in children.
G.Special time increases opportunities for closeness between a parent and child.
【知识点】 当代教育问题


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】For some school children, PE is the best lesson of the week — a chance to leave the desk behind, get outside, and enjoy a run around with friends. For others, it is often an unhappy experience — a time when they feel embarrassed, and may even experience physical pain.

The idea of competitive sport was a clear source of argument. Those who were good at it did not want those less able to “get in the way”, while those less skilled felt annoyed for being made to compete. They also felt less “liked” by their PE teachers and their more sporty classmates.

Research shows that participation (参与) first over excellence can dramatically increase the confidence and participation rates of those less skilled — because it really is the taking part that matters. If schools value taking part above winning against other schools, the nature of PE changes.

As one pupil commented (评论): “I have actually joined the football team now, because all the violence has gone. Before it was, ‘You made us lose the game…, it’s all your fault.’ With the new approach, it is more like we are all in there just trying to get better. No one is to blame. Now it is worth doing.”

To those who argue we need competitive sport to “build character”, I would point out that there is quite simply no evidence to support this view. But what we can build if we allow young people to work together in a spirit of support and cooperation in the competitive sport is leadership and mutual understanding.

If we need competitive sport to build our national teams, this should happen out of school. PE is about the participation of all — not the excellence of a few.

At home, the most important thing a parent can do for a child who struggles with PE is to take their concerns seriously. Being physically active is very important for children and young people, so how, when, and at what level they do it should be their first choice.

1. What does the author consider the most important in PE lessons?
A.The rules of teachers.B.The available sports activities.
C.The participation of students.D.The spirit of winning over others.
2. Why does the author mention the comment of one pupil?
A.To support his argument.B.To praise the boy’s behavior.
C.To explain the new approach.D.To prove the violence of football.
3. What does the author think competitive sports fail to build?
A.Leadership.B.Character.C.Cooperation.D.Mutual understanding.
4. How should parents help children who struggle with PE?
A.By making a plan for them.
B.By letting them choose what to do.
C.By giving them psychological advice.
D.By encouraging them to be the most excellent.
2023-10-06更新 | 89次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】College students usually hear the praises of education. We have all become used to believing that a college education is always a guarantee of an easier life. I was nine years old when my fourth-grade teacher presented me with a task, to write down all of the things I wanted in my life. I filled my paper with things like: own a big house and have servants; be rich and have a good job. The next day my teacher handed back my paper and in red ink she wrote: “GO TO COLLEGE.” For a long time, I believed that once I got a college education, BAM! Life would be easier.

However, education cannot promise all wishes, dreams, and desires. Society must reject (拒绝接受) the foolish idea that a college education’s main purpose is to satisfy our desires and secure success. Like most challenging things, education is a gamble (赌博) in which results depend entirely on people’s ability to look past their wants to see the realism and reason behind their wants.

For example, my first year of college, I took a sociology (社会学) class. In class, we were taught that Third World countries were poor. We learned that our quality of life would be almost impossible for an average person in those countries. I began to examine my own desire to be rich. To always go after money felt selfish when knowing others had none at all. Learning about other society’s economic situations forced me to look beyond what I wanted.

Through the process of education, everything once desired is tested. Wanting something no longer is enough; it’s more important to examine why we want it and whether we really want it. When my desire for money changed, everything changed. I stopped longing for money-driven careers and stopped valuing the people who had them. I began to examine the things I bought and my reason for wanting them.

Education is a tool to be used to develop and advance our desires, so we can discover the things that are truly important in life. Education is a source to improve our society to see beyond the superficial (表面的) attractions and the “quick fixes”, leaving the belief of an effortless life behind in order to desire a meaningful one.

1. What does the underlined word “guarantee” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. The author’s fourth-grade teacher probably agreed that___________.
A.the author was a bad-working student
B.the author should set more realistic goals
C.college students were leading an easy life
D.a college education was the key to the author’s dreams
3. Why does the author mention her sociology class?
A.To share her leaning experiences with readers.
B.To support her new understanding about education.
C.To express her pity on people in Third World.
D.To stress the importance of taking a sociology course.
4. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.College education is a key to an effortless life.
B.College education offers solutions to social problems.
C.College education tests and guides our life desires.
D.College education turns young people into gamblers.
2023-05-25更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】They had a dozen children, six boys and six girls, in seventeen years. One reason Dad had so many children was that he was confident anything he and Mother teamed upon was sure to be a success.

Our house at Montclair, New Jersey, was a sort of school for scientific management and the removal of wasted motions — or “motion study,” as Dad and Mother named it.

Dad took moving pictures of us children washing dishes, so that he could determine how we could reduce our motions and thus hurry through the task. Each child who wanted extra pocket money put forward an offer saying what he would do the job for. The lowest bidder got the contract(合约).

Dad put process and work charts in the bathrooms. Every child old enough to write — and Dad expected his children to start writing at a young age — was required to sign their names on the charts in the morning after he had brushed his teeth, taken a bath, combed his hair, and made his bed. At night, each child had to weigh himself, mark the figure on a graph, and sign the process charts again after he had done his homework, washed his hands and face, and brushed his teeth. Mother wanted to have a place on the charts for saying prayers, but Dad said as far as he was concerned prayers were voluntary.

It was strict management, all right. Yes, at home or on the job, Dad was always the efficiency expert. He buttoned his vest from the bottom up, instead of from the top down, because the bottom-to-top process took him only three seconds, while the top-to-bottom took seven. He even used two shaving brushes to make his face smooth enough, because he found that by so doing he could cut seventeen seconds off his shaving time. For a while he tried shaving with two razors, but he finally gave that up.

“I can save forty-four seconds,” he complained, “but I wasted two minutes this morning putting this bandage on my throat.” It wasn’t the injured throat that really bothered him. It was the two minutes.

1. Why was the author’s house considered a sort of school?
A.It had a team of twelve children there.
B.The children were taught how to work well in it.
C.The parents could teach their children better at home.
D.The parents could have the children’s daily activities recorded.
2. What is the purpose of signing the charts?
A.To help to do things efficiently.B.To manage the big family effectively.
C.To look after the children better.D.To remind the children to obey the rules.
3. What did the father complain about one morning?
A.He should have given up shaving.B.His bleeding throat bothered him.
C.He couldn’t shave with two razors.D.He failed to cut short his shaving time.
4. We can we infer from the text?
A.The kids had to bid for everything they wanted.
B.The author took pride in his father’s management.
C.The couple were always troubled by their children.
D.The father’s work was to teach the children at home.
2018-05-27更新 | 115次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般