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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:86 题号:18867684

By now, nearly everyone knows we can be addicted to our digital devices. The average smartphone user rarely goes two hours without using her device, unlocks her device 50 or more times a day, and swipes or taps on it as many as 2,617 times in the process. The youth are particularly affected: A 2018 Pew Research Center report found that 44 percent of teens said they often check their devices for messages or notifications as soon as they wake up, 54 percent said they spend too much time on their mobile phone, and 42 percent feel anxiety when they do not have it.

A device addiction is quite harmful. It is associated with depression and anxiety. According to the technology research firm Compare Camp, 26 percent of car accidents in the U.S. today are due to the use of smartphones while driving. These problems are obvious to almost everyone; the solutions, less so. Some experts suggest taxation to help limit digital overuse, similar to the way the government discourages tobacco use. Others say the only way to beat an addiction is to quit cold turkey and go device-free.

But in a world of electronic payments, digital documents, and remote work, a truly smartphone-free lifestyle is getting less and less practical. A better—and, for many of us, more reasonable—approach is to manage addictive behavior by moderating device use. This isn’t just a matter of setting screen-time limits you can easily break; rather, you can start to develop specific habits to replace the unhealthy ones that keep sending you back to your phone.

The digital-technology scholar Cal Newport recommends the “phone foyer” method, wherein he leaves his phone by the front door when he walks into his house, and doesn’t put it in his pocket until he leaves again. If he needs to look at it, he does so only in the foyer. Just as the Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus taught in his Discourses, “No man is free who is not master of himself.”

1. How does the writer explain phone addiction in paragraph 1?
A.By giving reasons.B.By listing numbers.
C.By raising questions.D.By making comparisons.
2. What does the underlined phrase “quit cold turkey” mean in paragraph 2?
A.Charging a tax.B.Stop eating turkeys.
C.Stop using smartphones.D.Discouraging smoking.
3. Why does the author quote Epictetus in the last paragraph?
A.To show respect to Epictetus.B.To prove the “phone foyer” method.
C.To advise people to be a master.D.To inspire people to get rid of phone addiciton.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.How to Break a Phone AddictionB.Effect of Phone Addiction on Teens
C.Phone Addiction Ruins Our FreedomD.Device Addiction Contributes to Depression


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A new student group in the Highline district, south of Seattle, wants youth to have a say in hiring educators.

Jordyn Famimiko, a 17-years-old, is president of her school’s Black Student Union(BSU). She says it’s critically important to get a more diverse teaching staff. Eighty percent of students in the Highline district are youth of color. But people of color make up only 25 percent of the teaching staff. Across Washington, youth of color are about 47 percent of the student population, and people of color consist of 13 percent of teaching staff.

“I feel like students on every level need to feel safe, they need to feel valuable,” she said. “It’s not to say that minority students can’t connect with their white teachers, however, just right off the bat there is some disconnect there culturally.”

Mary Belay, 17, is entering her senior year at Mount Rainier High School in Des Moines and is an officer in her school’s Black Student Union. She helped contact BSUs at other schools to form the student association and initiate(发起)a districtwide discussion about their experiences as students of color.

The new student group met recently with Superintendent Susan Enfield. Highline does have a policy that calls for “hiring teams to reflect the diversity of our schools and community.” Mary said, to put that into practice, the district needs to include youth representation.

Highline district spokesperson Catherine Carbone Rogers said in an email that the district has included students on hiring teams for principals. The district is now considering ways to give students a role in the teacher hiring process, though it may be difficult to include students in interviews of candidates because those decisions often happen quickly and teachers of color are in high demand.

1. What’s the function of the statistics in Paragraph 2?
A.To tell most students in Highline are of color.
B.To call on people of color to become teachers.
C.To show people of color can’t be teachers easily.
D.To indicate unbalanced rate of students and teachers of color.
2. Why is it vital to get a teaching staff of different cultural background?
A.To have a say in hiring educators.
B.To connect with the white teachers.
C.To initiate a districtwide discussion.
D.To ensure students’ sense of security.
3. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Students decide which principals to employ.
B.Highline district employs youth on hiring teams.
C.The schools are in great need of teachers of color.
D.Students are given a role in interviewing candidates.
2021-02-23更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇说明文,本文介绍了一年一度的圣诞毛衣日(Christmas Jumper Day),19世纪晚期就流行起圣诞节前穿圣诞毛衣的传统。但现在这个传统被延伸为一年一度的慈善活动,人们穿上充满圣诞气息的毛衣,为孩童们募款。

【推荐2】Whether you admit it or not, people’s love for Christmas jumpers (毛衣) around Christmas has increased over recent years. And while you may be less willing to get involved in the Christmas jumper trend, Christmas Jumper Day now enables you to do more with your jumper than build up sweat in an incredibly warm office.

The origin of the Christmas jumper can date back to the late 19th century in the USA. Americans in the 1930s knitted (编织) for Christmas to create an item of clothing to keep them “warm” during the tough period- the Great Depression. They copied the jumpers they saw their favorite stars wearing on the big screen. From the 1950s, it was common to see American families wearing festive jumpers as they sat down to eat their Christmas dinner.

Now, alongside wearing a festive jumper for the fun of it, there are other positive outcomes. Christmas Jumper Day has been set up to encourage people to make the world better and raise funds tor Save the Children by wearing a Christmas jumper and making a minimum donation of £1. Ladbrokes, a company, in the UK, is running a competition in which all you have to do is take a selfie (自拍) outside of one of their shops while wearing a jumper- the winner will win a good prize and for every submission Ladbrokes will donate f5 to St. Luke’s Hospital charity. For you, it’s a win-win situation.

If you’re still unconvinced that it’s about time you bought yourself a Christmas jumper, then maybe the fact that Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Snoop Dogg have all been spotted wearing Christmas jumpers will raise your enthusiasm. Retailers (零售商) such as Topshop, Burberry and H&M have also become committed to Christmas Jumper Day and have their very own types of Christmas jumpers.

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
A.Christmas jumpers serve many functions.
B.Wearing Christmas jumpers in the office has been a trend.
C.Christmas jumpers have gained huge popularity.
D.Everyone should have a Christmas jumper.
2. For what reason did Americans in the 1930s make Christmas jumpers?
A.To protect them from cold weather.B.To lift their spirits.
C.To follow the stars they like.D.To establish a tradition.
3. What does the author mean by saying “it’s a win-win situation” in Paragraph 3?
A.You may help others and win some money.
B.You may raise awareness and save resources.
C.You may make a donation and achieve fame.
D.You may get some aid and promote Ladbrokes.
4. Why does the author mention Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Snoop Dogg?
A.To encourage people to donate Christmas jumpers.
B.To show the significance of Christmas Jumper Day.
C.To persuade readers to purchase a Christmas jumper.
D.To prove Christmas jumpers are popular among stars.
2023-10-13更新 | 79次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Self-driving technology is expected to have a great effect on public health and reduce the 1.25 million deaths every year on global roads. At the same time, this new technology is a threat to the employment of the millions who are paid to sit behind the wheel — from truck drivers to cab drivers and delivery workers.

Baidu chief scientist Andrew Ng, an expert in the world of artificial intelligence, acknowledges the unemployment concerns, but he sees a way forward that offers society the benefits of autonomous vehicles and blunts the negative (消极的) effects of job losses.

Baidu plans to have commercial self-driving cars on the road in 2018. “I feel a strong moral responsibility to try to make self-driving cars a reality as quickly as possible,” Ng said in a visit to The Washington Post. At Baidu, a Chinese tech company where Ng is developing self-driving technology, the number 3,000 has become a rallying call (号召), representing the number of humans killed every day on roads. For Ng self-driving cars are a good example of the benefits of what he calls the golden age of artificial intelligence.

But for humans who could lose their jobs in this golden age, governments could offer a solution. “We as a society have a responsibility to help those whose jobs are displaced by this value — creating artificial intelligence,” Ng said. “I think everyone in this country has a right to the chance of having a great life.”

He is an advocate for basic income, in which governments pay citizens a nominal (象征性的) amount to guarantee a basic standard of living. Several Northern European countries are planning basic income experiments. Ng also suggests an adjustment to basic income — paying the unemployed to study online and prepare for a new career.

1. Once self-driving cars are available, drivers and delivery workers may ________.
A.lose their jobsB.eam more money
C.work for BaiduD.get basic income
2. What does the underlined word “blunts” mean in Paragraph 2?
3. What does Ng advise the government to do to help the unemployed?
A.Offering them self— driving cars.B.Funding them to learn new living skills
C.Ensuring them to have a great life.D.Providing them with new careers.
4. Where does this text probably come from?
A.A science magazine.B.A transport website.
C.A government report.D.A tour guide.
2023-10-04更新 | 28次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般