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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:13 题号:18899865

The ISS orbits Earth at an average of 250 miles from the surface of Earth and completes 15.5 circles per day, once every 92 minutes. In other words, the astronauts see the sunrise and sunset 16 times every day!

The station is inhabited by astronauts conducting research in various fields, while also using it as an observatory to explore Earth and outer space. It is also intended to be a transportation center for spacecraft that are bound for the Moon, Mars and other interplanetary voyages.

The crew is not only responsible for the scientific experimentation and research being conducted onboard, but also the upkeep and maintenance of the vessel, a vessel that is continuously in motion and exposed to the worst possible elements. Such conditions are significant area of study for researchers.

The most common effect of space is the initial contact — getting used to such an alien environment. Astronauts are often seen to display anxiety or depression as they adjust to the novelty of space, according to post-psychiatric screenings of astronauts. Other causes of stress are the high pressure of work while being under frequent public observation, being away from home and family, and missing important events.

Sleep is another major factor that affects the mood and efficiency of the astronauts. Due to the irregularity in life and the constant rotation of sunrise and sunset, the circadian rhythm of the astronauts goes completely haywire, resulting in poor quality of sleep. The shuttle itself is noisy, with essential equipment always in operation to sustain the vessel. Half of all the astronauts onboard rely on sleeping pills to get some rest and manage to get an average 2 hours less sleep than when they’re back on Earth. Sleep is so critical for functionality that 50% of all medicines taken by astronauts in orbit is to help them sleep better. Low-Earth Orbit living is a restless endeavor, indeed.

1. Which of the following is most likely to affect the astronauts’ mood?
A.Scientific experiments onboard.
B.Observation of outer space.
C.Interplanetary voyages.
D.Exposure to extreme conditions.
2. Which of the following can best explain the underlined phrase in the last paragraph?
A.Return to normal.B.Become out of control.
C.Go unnoticed.D.Remain unchanged.
3. How can we describe the astronauts’ life in the ISS?
C.Safe and sound.D.Quiet and beautiful.
2023高二·全国·专题练习 查看更多[1]
【知识点】 说明文 航空航天


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】We are all interested in equality, but while some people try to protect the school and examination system in the name of equality, others, still in the name of equality, want only to destroy it.
Any society which is interested in equality of opportunity and standards of achievement must regularly test its pupils. The standards may be changed — no examination is perfect — but to have no tests or examination would mean the end of equality and of standards. There are groups of people who oppose this view and who do not believe either in examinations or in any controls in schools or on teachers. This would mean that everything would depend on luck since every pupil would depend on the efficiency, the values and the purpose of each teacher.
Without examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respected schools and from families known to them — a form of favoritism will replace equality at the moment. The bright child from an ill-respected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable for a job, while the lack of certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attending a well-respected school. This defense of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child from a poor family would be a prisoner of his or her school’s reputation, unable to compete for employment with the child from the favored school.
The opponents(反对者) of the examination system suggest that examinations are an evil force because they show differences between pupils. According to these people, there must be no special, different, academic class. They have even suggested that there should be no form of difference in sport or any other area: all jobs or posts should be filled by unsystematic selection. The selection would be made by people who themselves are probably selected by some computer.
1. The word “favoritism” in paragraph 3 is used to describe the phenomenon that        .
A.bright children also need certificates to get satisfying jobs.
B.poor children with certificates are favoured in job markets.
C.children from well-respected schools tend to have good jobs.
D.children attending ordinary schools achieve great success.
2. What would happen if examinations were taken away according to the author?
A.Schools for bright children would lose their reputation.
B.There would be more opportunities and excellence.
C.Children from poor families would be able to change their schools.
D.Children’s job opportunity would be affected by their school reputation.
3. The opponents of the examination system will agree that          .
A.jobs should not be assigned by systematic se lection
B.computers should be selected to take over many jobs.
C.special classes are necessary to keep the school standards
D.schools with academic subjects should be done aw ay with
4. The passage mainly focuses on           .
A.schools and certificates
B.examination and equality
C.opportunity and employment
D.standards and reputation
2016-12-12更新 | 684次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)
真题 名校

【推荐2】If a diver surfaces too quickly, he may suffer the bends. Nitrogen(氮) dissolved(溶解) in his blood is suddenly liberated by the reduction of pressure. The consequence, if the bubbles (气泡)accumulate in a joint, is sharp pain and a bent body—thus the name. If the bubbles form in his lungs or his brain, the consequence can be death.

Other air-breathing animals also suffer this decompression(减压) sickness if they surface too fast: whales, for example. And so, long ago, did ichthyosaurs. That these ancient sea animals got the bends can be seen from their bones. If bubbles of nitrogen form inside the bone they can cut off its blood supply. This kills the cells in the bone, and consequently weakens it, sometimes to the point of collapse. Fossil (化石)bones that have caved in on them selves are thus a sign that the animal once had the bends.

Bruce Rothschild of the University of Kansas knew all this when he began a study of ichthyosaur bones to find out how widespread the problem was in the past. What he particularly wanted to investigate was how ichthyosaurs adapted to the problem of decompression over the 150 million years. To this end, he and his colleagues traveled the world’s natural-history museums, looking at hundreds of ichthyosaurs from the Triassic period and from the later Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

When he started, he assumed that signs of the bends would be rarer in younger fossils, reflecting their gradual evolution of measures to deal with decompression. Instead, he was astonished to discover the opposite. More than 15% of Jurassic and Cretaceous ichthyosaurs had suffered the bends before they died, but not a single Triassic specimen(标本) showed evidence of that sort of injury.

If ichthyosaurs did evolve an anti-decompression means, they clearly did so quickly—and, most strangely, they lost it afterwards. But that is not what Dr Rothschild thinks happened. He suspects it was evolution in other animals that caused the change.

Whales that suffer the bends often do so because they have surfaced to escape a predator (捕食动物) such as a large shark. One of the features of Jurassic oceans was an abundance of large sharks and crocodiles, both of which were fond of ichthyosaur lunches. Triassic oceans, by contrast, were mercifully shark- and crocodile-free. In the Triassic, then, ichthyosaurs were top of the food chain. In the Jurassic and Cretaceous, they were prey(猎物) as well as predator—and often had to make a speedy exit as a result.

1. Which of the following is a typical symptom of the bends?
A.A twisted body.B.A gradual decrease in blood supply.
C.A sudden release of nitrogen in blood.D.A drop in blood pressure.
2. The purpose of Rothschild’s study is to see________ .
A.how often ichthyosaurs caught the bendsB.how ichthyosaurs adapted to decompression
C.why ichthyosaurs bent their bodiesD.when ichthyosaurs broke their bones
3. Rothschild’s finding stated in Paragraph 4________ ..
A.confirmed his assumptionB.speeded up his research process
C.disagreed with his assumptionD.changed his research objectives
4. Rothschild might have concluded that ichthyosaurs ________ .
A.failed to evolve an anti decompression means
B.gradually developed measures against the bends
C.died out because of large sharks and crocodiles
D.evolved an anti decompression means but soon lost it
2016-11-26更新 | 1171次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了何为“ 天才”,这个词已经被滥用,需要重新定义。

【推荐3】The MacArthur Foundation late last month announced its latest crop of “genius grants”, and once again you thought maybe, just maybe, this was your year.

And why not? These days, we’re all geniuses. We might be “marketing geniuses” or “cooking geniuses” or “TV geniuses”. We have so weakened “genius” that it’s fast joining the company of “natural” and “mindful” (留心), words left inactive through overuse and misuse.

Admittedly, the word is tough to nail down. Sometimes we assume genius equivalent to raw intelligence. But many of humanity’s greatest breakthroughs were achieved by those with only modest IQs.

Sometimes we think of the genius as someone extremely knowledgeable, but that definition also falls short. During Albert Einstein’s time, other scientists knew more physics than Einstein did, but history doesn’t remember them. That’s because they didn’t make use of that knowledge the way Einstein did. They weren’t able to, as he put it, “regard old questions from a new angle”.

The genius is not a know-it-all but a see-it-all, someone who, working with the material available to all of us, is able to make surprising and useful connections. True genius involves not merely an extra advance, but a conceptual leap. As philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer put it: Talent hits the target no one else can hit; genius hits the target no one else can see.

We’ve lost sight of this truth, and too often grant the title of genius on talented people hitting visible targets. A good example is the much-boasted announcement earlier this year that scientists had, for the first time, recorded the sound of two black holes bumping, a billion light-years away. It was a remarkable discovery, no doubt, but it did not represent a dramatic shift in how we understand the universe. It merely confirmed Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

As Plato observed, “What is honored in a country is cultivated there.” What do we honor? Digital technology, and the convenience it represents, so naturally we get a Steve Jobs or a Mark Zuckerberg as our “geniuses”, which, in point of fact, they aren’t.

The iPhone and Facebook are wonderful inventions. In many ways, they make our lives a bit easier, a bit more convenient. If anything, though, a true genius makes our lives more difficult, more unsettled. William Shakespeare’s words provide more anxiety than relief, and the world felt a bit more secure before Charles Darwin came along. Zuckerberg and Jobs may have changed our world, but they haven’t yet changed our worldview.

We need to recover genius, and a good place to start is by putting the brakes on Genius Flooding.

1. The key factor that sets geniuses and talents apart is that ________.
A.geniuses have a larger range of knowledgeB.geniuses have access to far more resources
C.geniuses can see visible targetsD.geniuses approach things differently
2. The reasons why people naturally regard Steve Jobs & Mark Zuckerberg as geniuses include all the following EXCEPT that ________.
A.their achievements bring people convenience
B.they have extraordinary intelligence
C.they are native to the country where digital technology is highly valued
D.they satisfy people’s needs in the age of high technology
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.We should stop the improper use of “natural” and “mindful”.
B.The first recording of two black holes bumping each other is a genius breakthrough.
C.Charles Darwin is hardly a genius.
D.More geniuses remain to be found in our life.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Get a new word, geniusB.Learn from a new model, genius
C.Join in a new group, geniusD.Make a new friend, genius
2021-11-07更新 | 228次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般