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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:126 题号:18955278

Civilization began with agriculture, and though humanity has changed significantly, agriculture remains very important. In certain countries, its significance is more apparent, but the reality is that every country in the world depends on agriculture for one thing or another.

It provides employment. Whether it’s working as a farmer, a harvester, a technician for farm equipment or a scientist, there are plenty of jobs available in this field. In developing countries, agricultural jobs help reduce high rates of unemployment.

It’s crucial to a country’s development. Economic development is tied to a country’s agricultural sector. When trade, national avenue, and employment are combined in a positive way, a country enjoys reduced poverty and boosted economic growth. Because strong agriculture results in benefits fairly quickly, focusing on it is one of the best ways to speed up development and improve a country’s standing across the globe.

It drives innovation in technology. Because healthy agriculture is so essential to a country’s well-being, it’s been the setting of some of the most exciting innovations in technology. Through artificial intelligence, blockchain software, and more, scientists and farmers have been figuring out ways to increase crop productivity, use less water, and reduce negative impacts on the environment. For scientists and tech companies, agribusiness is one of the most fascinating and productive fields to work in.

It’s the source of our food supply. Arguably, the most important aspect of agriculture is that it’s the source of the world’s food supply. No matter where or what you are eating, the ingredients in your meals come from somewhere. All roads lead to agriculture. In countries dealing with food insecurity and severe malnutrition, their agricultural sectors are suffering. When agriculture thrives(蓬勃发展), fewer people go hungry.

It can help heal the environment. Agriculture possesses the power to cause harm or heal. When farmers prioritize biodiversity on their land, it benefits the earth. Having more biodiversity results in healthier soil, better water conservation, and healthier pollinators(传粉者).

All in all, agriculture plays a critical role in the entire life of a given economy. Agriculture culture is the backbone of the economic system of a given country.

1. What is the topic of the article?
2. What is expected to be achieved by using technology in agriculture?
A.Sustainable development.B.Sound economic systems.
C.Low unemployment rates.D.Worldwide food security.
3. What does the author mean by using the word “arguably” in Para. 5?
A.He is critical about such a belief.B.He is doubtful about the importance.
C.He is certain about his statement.D.He is concerned about food insecurity.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The development of agriculture.B.The diversity of farm products.
C.The significance of land farming.D.The origin of human civilization.
【知识点】 说明文 可持续农业


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In December, the intense cold turns dripping water into ice within seconds. Yet, 63-year-old Ren Jianguo gets up early before 5 am every morning to sprinkle (撒) 150 kilograms of corn on the river banks to make sure thousands of migratory birds have enough energy to make it through the winter. Over the past 26 years, Ren has been one of many volunteers protecting migratory birds on Changbai Island, where local residents label him as “Uncle Bird”.

For Ren himself, a cottage near the riverbank has almost become his “second home”, a place from which he can observe the dynamics of the birds, provide help for injured birds, educate the public about bird conservation and, after a long day of work, light a fire and enjoy a warm meal. Winter is the busiest time for Uncle Bird. When the harsh season makes it difficult for birds to find food, he calls for donations or sometimes even pays for the food himself to guarantee their survival during the winter. “I simply want this to be a warm and welcoming place for birds when they choose to stay here for a temporary rest,” he said.

A report in 2021 shows that many migratory birds have changed their habit of just passing through China as they head to the Pacific Ocean or South Asia for the winter. Instead, more and more are choosing to spend winter within China’s wetlands. However, when Ren settled in the city in the 1990s, only hundreds of migratory birds would come every winter. Since then, China has stepped up protection of wetlands and nature reserves by introducing new regulations and high technology.

“Thirty years ago, it was impossible to see more than 8,000 birds together in the urban area. But now, thousands of the birds attract an increasing number of tourists every year. As long as they choose to stay in this city, there should be people to take care of them. However tough it is, I will stick to my choice and try to raise public awareness,” Ren said.

1. Why is winter the busiest time for Mr. Ren?
A.He has to receive more tourists.B.He must treat more injured birds.
C.He needs to feed more migratory birds.D.He is more engaged in observing birds.
2. What causes the change in the birds’ migrating habit according to the text?
A.Long distance.B.High technology.
C.Food shortage.D.Improved environment.
3. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Migratory Birds Boost Tourism
B.“Uncle Bird” Devoted to Bird Protection
C.Great Achievements in Wildlife Protection
D.Environmental Impacts on Bird Migration
2023-04-18更新 | 39次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Weather could power the next generation of smart windows. Researchers have created glass by harvesting energy from wind and precipitation(降水).The approach offers an alternative to other smart windows powered by batteries, solar panels, and even standard power outlets. “The creation represents a new kind of renewable energy source”, says Liming Dai, a nanomaterial engineer at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, who was not involved in the research.

Smart glass, which changes its characteristics to block out light or heat, has been around for decades. Common examples include glare-fighting rearview(后视) car mirrors and windows that change color for energy savings and privacy. But many are expensive, and people are still looking for eco-friendly ways to power the windows. Batteries and plug-in outlets aren’t apparently “green”, and built-in solar panels can cloud or hide parts of the glass.

In experiments, the glass produced up to 130 milliwatts per square meter, enough to power a pacemaker or a smart phone while it’s asleep, the team reported online last month in ACS Nano. This output might suit many applications, such as being a power source for home or office electronics, says co-developer and scientist Zhong Wang of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta Since their first project in 2012, a light-up sidewalk powered by footsteps, he and his colleagues have miniaturized their generators to create everything from self-cleaning keyboards to sensors for security systems.

But Wang and colleagues still have more work to do before this smart glass is ready for commercialization. Now, the glass has no way to store the energy it creates. To solve this problem, Dai says, transparent supercapacitors(超级电容器) could be placed into the glass without decreasing visibility.

For now, the team wants to improve the energy efficiency of their nanogenerators. These tiny power plants can convert about 60% of the mechanical energy that they encounter into electricity. “The output power is a constant goal,” Wang says. “Free energy surrounds us, and anything can happen if you take control of it."

1. What is unique about the smart glass?
A.It can protect privacy.B.It is more expensive.
C.It is powered by weather.D.It can block out light and heat.
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.The research history of Zhong Wang.
B.The experimental process of Zhong Wang.
C.The research theory of Zhong Wang’s team.
D.The experimental findings of Zhong Wang's team.
3. What is the drawback of the smart glass?
A.It cannot suit the supercapacitors.B.It cannot keep its produced electricity.
C.It cannot power a smart phone.D.It cannot change its color according to weather.
4. Which of the following best explains “convert” underlined in the last paragraph?
2020-06-11更新 | 124次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Peter Ripken loves literature and reads books by writers all over the world. He learned years ago that not all nations permit writers to express themselves freely. In fact, free expression can be quite dangerous in many places.

So, Ripken decided to act. He helped establish an organization, the International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN), to protect writers. Its founders sought to persuade cities, not central governments, to give refuge to persecuted(受迫害的)writers. He was involved right from the beginning, from the mid-1990s, to set up this program.

Originally, he had a different view of his future as a young man. He thought of becoming a bookseller because of his reading obsession when he was 15. But he did not become a bookseller. Instead, in the late 1960s, Ripken began a five year stint as a manager in an aid organization working in Africa. But his love for the written word remained strong. He then worked for three years as a deputy editor for the Africa section at the Voice of Germany. Despite his love for the job, when asked to join an organization promoting African, Asian and Latin American literature, Ripken didn’t hesitate. He had fun travelling to literature conferences and holding workshops with publishers and authors. That’s why he did the job for 20 years.

Ripken grew up reading German authors. But his interest broadened to other European and American literature. Then, he found what he called books "outside the norm(常态)". This helped grow his interest in political developments in other regions.

In 2016,Ripken retired after several years as ICORN’s chairman. But he is still active in the organization. His goal is to increase the group’s capacity to protect and promote writers and artists at risk around the world. He said he hoped to be remembered as somebody who had promoted creativity and supported literature as a political tool and source of enjoyment.

1. What’s the role of Ripken in the development of ICORN?
A.A monitor.B.A co-founder.
C.A consultant.D.An analyst.
2. What might Ripken work as in 1975?
A.A bookseller.B.A manager.
C.A deputy editor.D.A staff in ICORN.
3. What contributes to Ripken’s active involvement in ICORN?
A.He grew up reading German authors.
B.He loved travelling and meeting people.
C.He’s obsessed with literature all over the world.
D.He concerned himself about political developments via literature.
4. What might be talked about in the paragraph following the passage?
A.Why politics influences literature.
B.Why literature itself is a pleasure.
C.How ICORN has become so international.
D.How people read works of literature "outside the norm".
2020-01-20更新 | 88次组卷
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