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题型:阅读理解-六选四 难度:0.4 引用次数:204 题号:18998758

Young Africans are logging in and clocking on

His home is Bungoma, a small town in western Kenya, but his workplace is the world. Kevin, who asks that his real name be masked to protect his credibility, has written about offices in China without ever going there. He has reviewed home-security systems he has never seen.

    1    Freelances (自由职业者) on online platforms can reach clients around the world, mastering skills from blogging 10 web design. Optimists hope that online work can set Africa on the path of service-led growth dominated by countries such as India and the Philippines. Pessimists worry such work will breed injustices.

Some are attracted to the work by the flexibility and pay; others because they cannot find a traditional job. There are advocates for freelancing.    2    “Now everyone is speaking about digital jobs,” he says. In Kenya the government’s Ajira program runs support centers that aim to link a million Kenyans to online platforms and make the country a “digital center”.

Freelances, like the wider outsourcing (外包) industry, “are fighting against a reputation of Africa as somewhere where you would not expect digital work to take place,” says Mohammad Amir Anwar of the University of Edinburgh, who co-wrote a book about Africa’s digital workforce. Some African freelances use virtual private networks and fake names to pretend they are somewhere else.    3    

The available data suggest that it will take time for Africa to become a continent of digital freelances. In 2019, Mr. Anwar and colleagues estimated that there were 120,000 African workers on Upwork, the continent’s most popular platform—fewer than in the Philippines. Most did not seem to be making any money.

Outsourcing practices have also sparked moral questions. Al Astra (a live-streaming company) content-moderation center in Kenya run by Sama (an outsourcing firm), workers told journalists that they were mistreated and misled about the nature of their work.    4    Finally, Sama discontinued its services for Astra this year.

Technological change bounces in unpredictable directions. Could Al tools, previously trained by Kenyan workers, one day make these freelances such as Kevin unnecessary?

A.Africa’s digital workers are re-mapping the old geographies of labor.
B.The internet creates new kinds of work, without any patterns of inequality.
C.A former employee has taken both companies to court, accusing them of forced labor.
D.Typical tasks include data entry, online marketing, or even writing essays for lazy students.
E.Baraka Mafole, a student in Tanzania, organizes training events for navigating online platforms.
F.Power cuts and competition for part-time jobs from cheaper workers in Asia and beyond create other challenges.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约550词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】People often imagine that a knowledge of languages is sufficient to make an interpreter. Of course it is a prerequisite, as are two hands to a professional boxer. But just as the fact of having two hands does not make a boxer, so the knowledge of different languages, be they many or few, does not make an interpreter. It is only an instrument which you must learn how to use in a particular way — for which you may or may not be gifted.

The basic qualities required of the interpreter are not exceptionally rare, but their combination is very uncommon. They are:

(1) A capacity for being passively receptive, i.e. for drinking in readily and without any personal reaction all that may be said by the speaker.

(2) The type of quick-wittedness which makes for prompt and effective repartee (妙语), interpretation being a sort of mental game of tennis.

(3) A good memory, because all the tricks of the trade are intended only to make up for its deficiencies. Two things are expected of the interpreter’s memory: first, that it should store up an exceptionally large vocabulary in the related languages and supply instantly the required word or phrase; second, that it should retain for a very brief period(seldom more than one hour) a picture as full, detailed, and accurate as possible of what has just been said after which the interpreter will be well advised to wash his mind clear of most of what he has memorized. In this latter function, the interpreter’s memory is therefore the reverse of the comedian’s. Whereas the actor has ample time to learn his part, gradually, and methodically, and is then expected to remember it over a long period and repeat it on a succession (连续) of occasions, the interpreter must wholly commit to his memory fleeting thoughts and words as they fly past, and then bring them back to mind only once, a very short while later.

The work of the translator and that of the interpreter are fundamentally different and can hardly be combined. Very rare indeed are people who can do both. The reason for this is clear: the translator can or should search at leisure for the accurate term, as well as effort to express himself in the best possible grammar and style; he may re-write the same paragraph ten times or more, improving it each time; he may consult all dictionaries and reference books, and ask for help and advice. The interpreter, on the other hand, is given hardly any time to think, can consult neither books nor friends, and must “put across”, immediately and as accurately as possible, whatever the speaker wishes to convey. But he may express nuances (微妙) by varying the tone of his voice, he may paraphrase when he does not find the exact word, he may repeat, correct or add to what he has just said, if he sees that he was not properly understood. These are in reality two contrary techniques.

1. Interpretation is similar to playing tennis in that both need _________.
A.two handsB.quick response
C.mental fitnessD.good muscle memory
2. A good memory is required of an interpreter so that he can _________.
A.memorize all that is said and remember it for a long time
B.memorize the important part of what is said and remember it for a long time
C.memorize for a short period all that is said and then forget about it
D.memorize all that is said gradually and completely
3. What is the author’s opinion of the qualities mentioned for an interpreter?
A.It is not necessary for the interpreter to possess all the basic qualities.
B.It is uncommon for the interpreter to possess all the basic qualities.
C.Certain qualities are more important than the others.
D.Only two of the qualities are actually required.
4. Which of the following can best indicate the author’s understanding of the difference between a translator and an interpreter?
A.The qualities required of a translator are basically opposite what is required of an interpreter.
B.Being an interpreter is more stressful because an interpreter cannot take back what has been said.
C.Putting effort into combing the qualities of a translator and an interpreter can enhance their performance.
D.The qualities of a translator are easier to obtain than those of an interpreter.
2023-02-26更新 | 205次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约690词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】To empower students to succeed and make a difference in the 21st century, educator,business leaders, and recent college graduates agree that students have to be better prepared through a liberal, well rounded education and the ability to apply their skills and knowledge to hands-on, real-world learning experiences.College learning for the New Global Century, a recent report released by the National Leadership Council for Liberal Education and America's Proms e(LEAP) , covered specific areas in which institutions can help students prepare for the transition into the workforce.

87 percent interviewed agree that America's colleges and universities need to raise the quality of student achievement to ensure the United States remains competitive.“There is a need to connect what businesses, corporations, and employers want and what colleges offer to meet real-world challenges.”explain Cruncher.“We have to stop channeling students into a narrow field.We need to teach them to think critically, write well, and be a team player with global awareness in order to be a viable(surviving independently) contributor to the business or nonprofit sectors.”

In a previous report, the council began to address the types of skills graduates need to have.The outcomes:besides having a main focus or line of education, they would a so have to think critically and write well.On the negative side, they found there was a basic disconnection about

the type of education students needed to pull this off.“It was a pleasant for members on the board that many of us were on the same page.It became the basis for his current report.”

The College Learning report show show val y important a liberal education is, says Humphreys.“We can focus on what business leaders want and argue for a broader-vision education.To produce responsible citizens in a complex society with global emphasis, we must teach important skills that are marketable.Employers want students to talk about the experiences that brought their education to life.”Business executives place the greatest emphasis on what they look for when evaluating the skills of potential new hires, and 69   percent of employers said combining broad knowledge with more in-depth focus is“very important.” Employers were somewhat c once med about recent college graduates not having necessary specific job or technical skills but agree that“he technical can be taught.“They expressed the greatest frustration with the challenges of finding“360-degree people.”Crutcher agrees.“That's what it means to be flexible.The mind has to be quick, or you will be left behind.”

So what more do employers really want from recent college graduates?“They want students who can function in groups, work in teams, write critically,have analytical reasoning,and communicate effectively,”says   Humphreys.“Keep in mind the most important thing-the world is changing-becoming more global and more connected because of technology, and we have to change with it.Emphasize undergraduate research.Less memorizing.Put into action what you're learning.Both business leaders and recent graduates say engaged learning is key to continued success in the workforce.”

Employers appear to support the recommendations.Both employers and recent graduates stress the need for colleges to integrate skills and knowledge of a major to broader areas of study and to apply both to real-world settings and situations through community service, internships, and study-abroad experiences, for example.

They strongly endorse the concept of a liberal education and producing good citizens.It also helps if students develop a sense of social responsibly through practical skills that span all areas of study, such as communications.

A strong work ethic(道德准则) and sense of loyalty promises greater dividends(回报) for the employer and possible greater success for the individual.This type of graduate is a good investment for an employer and can have along-range impact not only on self-growth but on business development and the community at large.

1. What does the report released by LEAP focus on?
A.College students' application of skills and knowledge.
B.College students' preparation for the entry into workforce.
C.College students' desire for well-rounded education.
D.College students' ability to learn real-world experience.
2. According to the report, American education has been      .
A.preparing students to meet real challenges
B.raising the quality of students' achievement
C.teaching students to think critically
D.guiding students into a narrow world
3. What's the problem of American education pointed out by the previous report?
A.It failed to help graduates to focus on their studies.
B.It failed to track students' mainline of education.
C.It failed to help graduates develop skills which are critically needed.
D.It failed to clarify how students could be on the same page in education.
4. The greatest challenge for employers is to     .
A.find employees with flexibility and quick mind
B.produce responsible citizens with global emphasis
C.place the greatest emphasis on what they look for
D.combine broad knowledge with more in-depth focus
5. What should college graduates do to ensure continued success according to Hamphreys?
A.Attach importance to memorizing work.
B.Keep themselves occupied in learning.
C.Bring what they are learning to life.
D.Try to enrich study-abroad experience.
6. What type of graduate will become a good investment for an employer?
A.Those with a sense of social responsibility.
B.Those with the concept of a liberal education.
C.Those with practical skills and work experience.
D.Those with a strong work ethic and sense of loyalty.
2020-04-05更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约550词) | 较难 (0.4)

How many cabs in New York City? How many tears in a bottle of wine? These aren’t just the lyrics (歌词)to a song by the Australian musician Paul Kelly. They are the kind of questions you are likely to be asked during a job interview.

In recent years, it has become common for bosses to ask interview questions that are impossible to answer. There is no right answer to these “brainteasers”. Instead, they are supposed to help an interviewer calculate an applicant’s ability to reason. What matters is how you come to the conclusion, not what conclusion you arrive at.

Brainteasers started out in management consultancy firms. Young graduates hoping to join the company would be asked: “How many phone booths are there in Manhattan?” They weren ’ t expected to blurt out (脱 口说出)a random number — instead, they were expected to show they could solve even the most stupid problem.

As consultants swarmed across other organizations, they bought their inscrutable (难 以理解的)questions with them. Now, people applying for a job in a call centre can expect to be asked how a nuclear power plant works.

While many bosses have great confidence in how good or effective brainteasers are, a research paper published in the journal Applied Psychology found they are useless for spotting the best candidate for the job. What they are great for is to make employers feel like intellectual giants.

The study’s findings are not surprising. Studies have repeatedly found that most methods of selecting job candidates are hopelessly flawed (有缺点的).Job interviews are among the worst way of picking the right person for the job.

The results of this research raise the question: if interviews are bad at picking the right person for the job, what are they there for? One feeling I have is that many job selection processes are thinly disguised (伪装的)forms of suffering, designed to make applicants feel worthless and boost the confidence of the person asking the question.

Think about the extensive list of personal skills required for even the most lowly entry-level job. Or those painful assessment centres where you are supposed to play nice with people you are competing against to get the job. And then there are the firms that ask applicants to make a presentation to convey how awesome the firms are. All these exercises seem designed not to get the best person for the role, but to assure the boss how great they are, and remind you just how lucky you would be to get this boring job.

Passage outlineSupporting details
Introduction to brainteasersThey are widely used in job interviews and the answers are     1     to interpretation.
They focus more on an applicant’s    2     skills rather than the outcomes.
    3     and popularity of brainteasersThey started out in management consultancy firms and spread to other organizations.
Nowadays,a job applicant is often asked questions     4     to the job he applies for.
Research findings    5     to popular belief of the bosses, brainteasers are actually useless for selecting candidates.
They are just meant to show off the     6     of the employers.
In—depth AnalysisMany job selection processes make job applicants have a poor     7     of themselves and the employers more confident.
Some job applicants are asked to show skills, some of which are     8     the requirements of a certain occupation.
In some assessment centres, job applicants are required to play nice with their     9    .
Some job applicants are supposed to make a presentation to     10     the firms.
2019-05-08更新 | 132次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般