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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:125 题号:19186341

It is known to us that smoking is bad for people. But if one or both of your parents smoke, you might be worried about their health.     1     Here are some expert advice on how to help your parents give up smoking.

Encourage your parents to quit rather than order them.     2     For example, smoking will hurt their health. Smoking creates second-hand smoke, which you don’t like. Smoking will make it hard for them to keep up with you because they might run out of breath easily and so on.

Find some videos on the Internet so that your parents can really feel the bad effects of smoking. Besides, there are some free programs to help people stop smoking.     3    

    4     It takes a while to quit smoking. Some people try several times before they succeed. Instead of yelling, tell them that you love them and want them to enjoy healthy life. At last, your parents can realize you are right about smoking.

Become their greatest supporter. Ask if there’s anything you can do to help them when they feel the urge to smoke. Maybe you can go for a walk, do a puzzle, or listen to music together.     5     Each appreciation will give them the motivation (动力) to go on.

A.Avoid parents’ anger.
B.Be patient and friendly with your parents.
C.These are beneficial for them to quit smoking.
D.You need to praise any progress they make.
E.But sometimes it’s not so easy for them to stop smoking.
F.You can talk to them about the disadvantages of smoking.
G.You can tell them what benefit they can get from quitting smoking.


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】One of the essential aspects of becoming successful is the person’s charismatic personality.    1    . Though many skills can make your personality charismatic, we’ve got some of the essential skills that are required to become a charismatic person, a person who represents friendly and influencing skills.

1.     2    

Having high confidence helps you to cross many barriers while communicating with different types of people every day. Confidence helps people to communicate smoothly and provide accurate and reliable solutions to all the key problems. A charismatic person shows a high level of confidence while communicating. These people create a positive environment round themselves.

2.Charismatic people have excellent leadership skills.

Charismatic people are the best leaders in the field. They know how to motivate people so that production can increase quickly. They know how to deal with people and solve conflicts without affecting the performance of the organization.    3    .

3.Charismatic people have excellent influencing and persuasion skills.

They can influence people to get what they want. They change and encourage other people to do those things that seem impossible.    4    . It helps them to gain respect, care and trust of other people though they can use this trait for both cases—good or bad.

4.Charismatic people listen to others patiently and show their interest in others.

Charismatic people pay attention to what others say, and they seem interested in them. They ask questions to understand the points, views, and opinions more clearly. They keep all the details of their previous conversations carefully in mind.    5    .

A.Charismatic people have supreme confidence
B.This quality of them helps to gain trust from others
C.Charismatic people are good at building relationships with people
D.Charismatic people can influence people to go for hardworking jobs
E.Their communication skills are so excellent that they know how to lead people in the right direction
F.Charismatic personality makes you more attractive, charming, and likeable
G.They think carefully about if what they want to say can be easily accepted by others
2023-07-25更新 | 96次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】With food costs rising, many people are considering starting a garden. This makes sense. Humans have been growing their own food for centuries. And gardening is truly helpful. It improves the look of your home.       1     Besides, it can save money.

At first thought, this might seem like an obvious win: Once you get a tomato plant going, for example, you get free tomatoes without having to always buy them.       2     And not all that you plant are the same in terms of cost-effectiveness. Can you really save money by growing your own food? The answer is yes, but you should carefully think about it.

Firstly, do some math.       3     The money goes towards water, tools, and so on. According to a study, in America, most home gardens require just about $70 in the beginning. And you can expect a yearly return of about $600. Those are good numbers. But keep in mind that there are continual costs after your plants are planted.       4     Besides, during their growth, some of your plants will die off due to weather, animals, etc. These can affect your garden’s return to you.

    5     Some plants are more cost effective than others. But there’s no point in planting a high-return plant if you won’t eat it. When you’re planning your garden, choose fruits and vegetables you enjoy and will actually eat. After all, to save money through gardening, you’ll need to eat what it produces.

A.Slowly, the costs will rise.
B.It provides delicious foods.
C.But gardens have hidden costs.
D.In this way, your tomatoes can be tastier.
E.Another consideration is what you plant.
F.The starting point is your cost in the beginning.
G.G For example, you’ll buy something to keep the plants growing.
2024-02-22更新 | 39次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Apologizing for a mistake might seem difficult, but it will help you repair and improve your relationships with others after that offense (冒犯).

Acknowledge the offense. This is an essential element of a good apology.     1    Apologies are most likely to be well-received if you show that you recognize who was responsible and who was harmed. For example, saying “I made a mistake” is more effective than saying“mistakes were made”, which fails to clarify responsibility.

    2    In some cases, it’s helpful to explain an offense, especially to explain that it was not intentional and that it will not happen again. But explanations that are long-winded, sound like excuses, or blame the victim (e. g. You were really getting on my nerves.) tend to have an opposite effect.

Express regret.    3     Expressing these feelings communicates that you recognize and regret the suffering you caused. Be careful of phrases like “That was uncharacteristic of me.”     4     Instead, acknowledge your disappointment in yourself and your commitment to improve.

Tell them how you’ll change. Let them know how you’ll change and what you’d do to make that possible. For instance, if you’ve been late once again, instead of just apologizing, share how you’d keep an early alarm to be on time!     5    

A.Provide a proper explanation.
B.Express your intention clearly.
C.But many apologies don’t do this enough.
D.When you hurt someone, it’s natural to feel shame or regret.
E.A true apology is one where you promise it won’t be repeated again.
F.This might show that you aren’t taking full ownership for what happened.
G.This will enable you to know what means the most to the offended person.
2023-04-27更新 | 286次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般