组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 个人情况 > 个人经历
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:84 题号:19315637

When I was very young, I liked to listen to my mother’s stories. Lying in bed at night was my happiest moment. Every night, I always fell asleep with my mother’s wonderful stories.

When I went to school and began to know how to read. I liked to read fairy tales by myself. I was often lost in the wonderful world described in the books.

I showed more interest in books when I met Mr. Smith. who discovered my deep love for literature. He gave me many storybooks and taught me knowledge about literature. With his encouragement, I began to write my own stories.

Gradually, I developed a strong interest in writing stories, and I felt that writing was not a difficult thing, but a kind of pleasure. When I wrote a story, I would show it to my teacher. He praised me every time and encouraged me to keep writing.

That’s how I have got into the habit of writing. Even after I started working, I would send my stories to my teacher as usual.

One day my teacher recommended me to a publisher. I borrowed my mom’s old, blue car for the day. I drove 12 miles to the county newspaper office. I had on the seat beside me a short one-page story I had just written and I hoped to get it published that day. I was excited, nervous and a little scared. What if the publisher didn’t want it?

When I arrived. I parked across the road and knocked on the door. The secretary let me in and walked me to the office. He was a large man but the kind smile he shared with me soon put me at ease. He read my handwritten story-I didn’t even own a typewriter at the time. Then he said he really enjoyed it and would include it in his next week’s edition.

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My heart jumped with joy but I wanted even more.
My teacher and the publisher would turn me into a writer.
【知识点】 个人经历 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

In July 1971, I was taking a summer class in literature on the campus of SUNY Oneonta in upstate New York. Professor James walked into the classroom and announced that he had invited a special guest to class, but his guest had been delayed.

“Who’s coming?” someone asked.

“Alex Haley, who is the author of one of the books you have read for this class,” he said. “I need a volunteer to meet him in the lobby of the administration building and accompany him here.”

To my amazement, my right hand shot up as though it had a mind of its own. What was I doing? I wondered. I never volunteered for anything.

“Thank you, David,” Professor James said. “You’d better leave now. He’ll be arriving any minute.”

As I walked across campus, my anxiety grew as the massive administration building appeared ahead. I feared that I was about to embarrass myself in front of this famous gentleman by asking stupid questions. I reached the front steps and climbed them slowly.

As I pulled open the heavy glass door, I realized why I instinctively raised my hand to volunteer for this job. This man was what I wanted to be: a writer. He was living my dream. I could learn from him. I paced back and forth across the polished lobby floor until a black man with a briefcase entered the building. He stopped and scanned the lobby. His gaze fell on me.

I approached him and confirmed he was Mr. Haley. We shook hands and then began our walk across campus. I was struck by how approachable this man was. My fear was replaced by curiosity and purpose.

“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” I said. “No. Not at all,” he said.

“I’d like to become a writer, but I don’t know if I have the talent,” I said. “How did you discover that you had a gift for writing?”


Mr. Haley laughed and said, “I didn’t. And I don’t.”


After communicating with Alex Haley, I no longer cared whether I had the “gift”.

7日内更新 | 14次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Hey, Remember When?

When I look back on my childhood, I will always remember the memories I have had with my cousins. There are five of us, including my brother Jack, my cousins Marleigh, Weston and Michael, and myself that are particularly close. Every summer, since I was six or seven, I have spent time with them. Every summer, I bring home unforgettable memories that I know I will keep forever.

Each time I see my cousins, we play a game called, “Hey, remember, when…,” and we remember all the crazy things we’ve done in the past.

“Hey, remember when Jack ordered room service at the Disneyland Hotel right when we were about to leave? Aunt Pam got so mad that Jack had to pay for it, and we didn’t even get to eat the food!” Yeah, that was funny. “Remember when we were at The Good Guys, and Weston decided to test the video camera that showed up on the big screens in the store by putting the camera down his pants (短裤). That totally got the attention of everyone in the store!”

“Remember when…?” And it goes on like this for hours.

One summer the five of us were on holiday in Palm Springs. During the day it was 115 degrees outside, we would go to the coolest place around: the air-conditioned mall.

One day at the mall we went into a shop that sold pillows and Michael had a good idea. He decided it would be fun if we buried him under all those beautiful new pillows. So, of course, we did. In less than two minutes, all of the pillows were off the shelves and on top of Michael and he was no longer in sight.


We were all enjoying ourselves when we spotted a fat saleswoman coming our way.


Michael, realizing his mistake, started running to join us.

2023-07-11更新 | 95次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Everyone wants a blue ribbon (丝带). Blue. First place. The best. In sports,1 was never a blue-ribbon girl. In a race, I was always last. In baseballl was as likely to get hit on the head as to drop the ball. Where I got my horrible sports ability, I don't know.

During the spring of my kindergarten year, our class had a field trip to a park. Looking back now, I don't remember much of that day. I'm sure we ate our sack lunches and played on the swings typical 6-year-old stuff. Then it was time for the races.

These were no ordinary races. Some parents had come up with the idea to have the picnic kind of races, like passing the potato under your neck and holding an egg on a spoon while you run to the other side. I don't remember too much about these, but there was one race that will forever be lodged (牢记) in my memory - the three-legged race.

The parents decided not to use potato sacks for this particular race. Instead, they tied our feet together. One lucky little boy got me for a partner. This little boy was the second most athletic boy in our class. I'm sure he knew he was in trouble the second they laced his foot to mine. As for me, I was embarrassed. This guy was a winner. He almost always won, and I knew that, with me, he didn't have a chance.

He laced his arm with mine, the gun sounded, and we were off to the other side. Couples were falling and stumbling (绊脚) all around us, but we stayed on our feet and made it to the other side. Unbelievably, when we turned around and headed back for home, we were in the lead! Only one other couple even had a chance, and they were a good several yards behind us.

Paragraph l:

Then only feet from the finish line, disaster struck.

Paragraph 2:

After the race, we were awarded a red ribbon instead of the blue one.

2022-02-19更新 | 170次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般