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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:54 题号:19479344

How can we make learning and reading fun again? How can we get our children excited to open a book? Or explore a new subject? Here are some ideas we used. Besides, these don’t just work for kids!     1    . So, try them for everyone in your family!

Find Fun Bookmarks

    2    . Have kids color them in and tell your kids to put one in the next good book they want to read, and you’ve instantly created a more fun experience.


Do you have a super comfortable place in your home just for reading? Perhaps it’s time to make one! Throw blankets on the floor or make a permanent window seat where anyone can go to enjoy a good book. By making your home suitable for reading, you’ll be setting the stage for lifelong readers.

Get Into a Program

Most libraries have a reading program that ends in a prize especially in the summer. If your kids don’t have one, make your own reading challenge or program.     4    . It will be the perfect end of summer to celebrate their accomplishment!

Model Learning

If you want your kids to become lifelong learners and readers, they should see their parents doing it too. The truth is that we do what is modeled for us, not what someone tells us to do.     5    . You can take the step further by talking to your kids about the books you enjoy, or the new information you learned today. They will love sharing ideas and you’ll be creating an environment that benefits them for a lifetime.

A.Create a Reading Spot
B.Find a Place for Reading
C.Find books that you love to read and join a challenge yourself
D.One of the best gifts you could give your kids is a love for learning
E.Adults can also use extra motivation to get our minds in high condition
F.These cute printable bookmarks to color are the perfect start to reading
G.Let the kids decide what they’d like to do if they hit their reading goals
【知识点】 方法/策略 阅读


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How to Teach Respect

Respect is one of the most important, fundamental skills a child can ever learn. A sense of respect is important for succeeding in school, holding down a job, and having adult relationships.     1    . So it is parents' responsibility to teach their kids these skills.

You should set a good example to your kids. When it comes to teaching children respect, it all boils down to this. Children are easily affected by what they see.     2    . Live a kind, caring, respectful life and your children will learn that this is the way adults are expected to behave.

You should encourage activities that require sharing and cooperation. One of the reasons that respect is so important is that it's needed to form helpful friendships and relationships with others. Teach your children that respect allows them to build bridges by giving them fun opportunities to work with teammates and partners toward a mutual (共同的) goal. If they get rude, warn them.    3    .

You should control your own negative emotions. Children don't have the argumentative skills that adults do.    4    . Worse, it can teach them that it's OK to yell or threaten other people when they become frustrated. Show them that difficult situations are best conquered with a cool head.

    5    . Patience is a sign of respect. It may take some children longer to learn how to behave respectfully around others. Becoming impatient with children only teaches them to become impatient people, so instead take time to explain the problem to your children.

A.You should be patient
B.If they keep it up, end the activity
C.You should read some stories about respect to your kids
D.Using your own behavior to teach your kids needs much time
E.The number one place that children learn respect is in the home
F.Losing your temper can be a scary, confusing experience for them
G.In addition, they naturally look up to their parents and imitate them
2021-08-18更新 | 42次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Wouldn’t it be great to spend a few days in the woods walking around and exploring nature?     1     Simply getting from A to B isn’t as easy as it sounds, especially in the wilderness. Luckily for all of us, there are some excellent tips that can help you when you’re lost in the forest.

Stay calm.     2     If you don’t stay calm, you won’t be able to think clearly and make good decisions. Remember if your heart is racing and your blood pressure has skyrocketed (剧增), it will be much harder for you to survive.

Stay positive. Remember that you’re out in the forest for a reason, whether it’s to experience new things, build memories with friends and family, or simply relax and enjoy life. Remembering what brought you to the forest in the first place will help keep your mind positive.    3    

Build a shelter and start a fire. Your first order of business when you lose your way is to build a shelter and start a fire.     4    By morning, everything might look better. Plus, if you        have survived until daybreak, there’s a chance that search parties looking for you probably know where to find you.

    5    It’s not easy to wait for help without complaining or becoming annoyed when you lose your way in the forest. However, it’s much safer than wandering around aimlessly. If you don’t want to get hurt by animals or pass out from fatigue (疲乏), it’s best not to make decisions hurriedly. Survival takes time!

A.Be hurry.
B.Be patient.
C.Of course, it would, but it’s easy to get lost.
D.ackpackers are usually very adventurous types.
E.Panic is often what leads you to lose their way in the forest.
F.This will help keep you warm and safe throughout the night.
G.If you take a positive attitude, chances are much higher that you’ll make it back alive.
2023-12-31更新 | 54次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Life isn’t fair. Some people just seem blessed with the ability to effortlessly charm anyone they meet. Well, it might seem like a magical power, but in fact there are a number of factors at work.     1     The answer is: to a large extent, yes you can.

But first, the bad news. People initially judge each other based purely on physical appearance. With just a glimpse of a face, people make snap judgments about each other’s likeability, trustworthiness and confidence. How should we deal with this?     2     People perceive a smiling face as more trustworthy, warmer and sociable. It sounds like common sense, doesn’t it? Smile and others will smile with you.

What other tricks might we have?     3     Consequently, three things we can do to signal that we are not a threat: raise our eyebrows quickly, tilt (仰起) our heads slightly, and once again, to smile.

So we’ve looked at body language, but of course what you say is hugely important too, unless you want to just stand there grinning foolishly. The golden rule of friendship is if you make people feel good about themselves, they’re going to like you. In other words, you should not talk about yourself and all your wonderful achievements.     4    

Finally, finding common ground is good to form a connection. Charming people are particularly skilled at seeking out shared interests or experiences to bond with others. Simple things like asking where someone’s from really can open up a discussion and allow you to find areas in common. And if all else fails, you can fall back on that most British of topics: the weather.     5    

A.It can be a nice start of a conversation.
B.Instead, you need to show interest in them.
C.There’s one incredibly simple tool: your smile.
D.So, can you learn to develop superhuman charm?
E.What good tricks can we employ to become charming?
F.Shared interests are the key to making connections with others.
G.Our brains often survey the environment for friend or enemy signals.
2023-12-09更新 | 496次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般