组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 做人与做事 > 方法与哲理 > 哲理感悟
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:145 题号:19516920

With new faces everywhere, the time in Grade 1 was really tough for me. Since I was an Indian girl, nobody wanted to talk to me. Every spare minute was spent alone, and no classmates would group with me for projects.

Feeling lonely and sad, I was in desperate need of close friends, with whom I hoped to share my happiness and sorrow. A girl named Fatin, who was cute, clever and talented, appealed to me deeply. However, she seemed to be avoiding me as well. Being only six years old, I didn’tunderstand why people treated me like that, I opened up to my mother about all this, almost crying my eyes out.

Mom smiled, patting me on the shoulder and comforting me until I calmed down. She looked into my eyes and encouraged me, “Honey, don’t worry. They’re just not familiar with you. Try to bring out the best in you. They’ll befriend you as long as they see your excellence.” At that time, I didn’t believe her, but Mom was right.

One day, my teacher, Miss Bibiena, announced that there was to be a speech competition. My heart pounded wildly. I really enjoyed participating in speech competitions. Actually, I was quite good at them. The only problem was that the whole school would be watching me and I knew none of my audience.

However, I was determined to do it. I gathered all my courage, marched up to the teacher and said, “Miss Bibiena, I want to join in the speech competition.” She stared at me for such a long time that I started to feel uncomfortable, but then I saw a gentle smile spreading over her face. She handed me an application form.

The next day, I arrived at school early to submit my form to the teacher. Taking the form, Miss Bibiena said encouragingly to me, “For a new student, you have lots of courage. Do your best, Sneha!” Rarely did Miss Bibiena praise anyone. On my way to class, I smiled at her remark, which lifted up my spirits that day.

Until the competition day, I practised my speech whenever possible.
As I went off the stage, I heard someone call my name.
【知识点】 哲理感悟 友谊 个人经历


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

One day my dad came back home in his truck and there was a cage in the back. Naturally I was curious, so I went towards the truck when I noticed that there was a small little goat that wasn’t even an adult yet.

I asked my dad and he said that he bought the goat from his friend and he was going to kill it twenty minutes after he brought it home so that we would have a big meal.

My sister was there too and she was strongly for my view. We found out we got really mad at my dad and told him not to kill it. After about 10 minutes of complaining we finally convinced my dad not to kill it because we told him that there was no reason for him to kill the goat himself when he could just buy goat meat at a store.

My parents know some friends that we visit sometimes and their family really likes animals so we decided to give it to them. For about a month, they had the goat as a pet and they also had the same problems as we had because the dad wanted to kill it and eat it but the rest of the family didn’t want it to die.They also were able to persuade him not to do so. They ended up sending the goat to a family member’s farm where it would grow up happily.

Another thing that has happened to influence my belief is that I have a neighbor that really likes hunting.   One day he hunted a deer and brought the body home, but he decided to leave it outside his house for everyone to see. He just left it there as if it were some kind of award that he just won. Sadly little kids started to make fun of the body and pretended to ride on it. They laughed at it and felt no problem with there being a dead deer just laying.

Paragraph 1:

I felt sick by what was happening and left because of what I had just witnessed._

Paragraph 2:

It amazes me how we have changed from hunting to survive to hunting for sport._

2023-01-06更新 | 84次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I grew up in a small town where the primary school was a ten-minute walk from my house. When the noon bell rang, I would race breathlessly home. My mother would be standing at the top of the stairs, smiling down at me.

When I was in the third grade, I was picked to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had painstakingly(费力地) practised my lines with me. But no matter how easily I delivered them at home, as soon as I stepped onstage, every word disappeared from my head. Finally, my teacher took me aside. She explained that she had written a narrator(旁白)’s part to the play, and asked me to switch roles. Her words, kindly expressed, still hurt, especially when I saw my part go to another girl.

I didn’t tell my mother what had happened when I went home for lunch that day. But she sensed my unease, and instead of suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day and the rose leaves were turning green. We could see yellow dandelions(蒲公英) popping through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with a little bit of gold.

I watched my mother casually bend down by one of the dandelions. “I think I’m going to dig up all these weeds,” she said, suddenly pulling a flower up by its roots. “From now on, we’ll have only roses in this garden.”

“But I like dandelions,” I protested. “All flowers are beautiful--even dandelions.”

My mother looked at me seriously. “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” she asked thoughtfully. I nodded, pleased that I had won her over. “And that is true of people too,” she added. “Not everyone can be a princess, but there is no shame in that.”

Relieved that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry as I told her what had happened. She listened and smiled reassuringly.

注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好。

“But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said.


After the play, I took home the flower I had placed in the pocket.

2024-04-04更新 | 40次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There was a small village by the river. Everyone lived happily and offered regular prayers at the village temple (Church). Once during the monsoon season, it rained heavily. The river started overflowing and flood entered the village. Everyone started to evacuate their homes and set out to go to the safe place.

One man ran to the temple (Church). He quickly went to the priest’s room and told him, “The flood water has entered into our homes and it is rising quickly. And water has also started to enter the temple. We must leave the village as in no time it will sink under the water! Everyone has set out to go to the safer place and you must come along”. The priest told the man, “I am not an atheist like you all and I have a full faith in God. I trust the God that he will come to save me. I will not leave the temple, You may go!” So, the man left.

Soon, the water level started to rise and reached the waist height. The priest climbed on the desk. After a few minutes, a man with the boat came to rescue the priest. He told the priest, “I was told by the villagers that you are still inside the temple, so I have come to rescue you, please climb on the boat”. But the priest again refused to leave giving him the same reason. So the boatman left.

The water kept rising and reached to the ceiling,
At last, when the temple nearly submerged under the water,
2023-04-04更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般