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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:34 题号:19555398

In the seventh grade I realized I was dyslexic, which made it difficult for me to read and spell. I did really badly in my history course, so my mother said to me, “I’ll work with you for a full week. I’m going to show you what you can do if you put in the right amount of effort.” So we did. We worked on history for a full week, an extra hour every day. But I still failed the test as always.

By the time I got to college, things didn’t get better. I would wait in registration lines all day to sign up for extra courses. Then I would go around the first day of class and ask each professor: “What’s your policy on misspelling?” If he said, “Three misspellings is a fail,” I’d drop it.

Although I was an academic failure, I had a great time. I had many friends and I was always popular. I was a good football player. I never had a day when I would think “People don’t like me.”

In spite of my obvious weaknesses, I became successful in my career, so much so that people say to me, “So you’ve overcome dyslexia.” No. I don’t overcome it. I just learn to compensate for it. Some easy things are hard for me. Most people read 500 words a minute. I only read 200. I try not to dial a phone because I sometimes have to dial three times to get the number right. I owe my successful career to my writing instructor, Ralph Salisbury. He looked past my misspellings and gave me encouragement. So I always feel confident.

The real fear that I have for dyslexic people is not that they have to struggle with their reading skills or that they can’t spell correctly, but that they will quit on themselves before they get out of school.

1. When the author did badly in the course, what did his mother do?
A.She led him to make more efforts.B.She taught him history in person.
C.She blamed his laziness bitterly.D.She sent him to an extra class.
2. Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.The author always dials three times to make a phone call.
B.The author cures himself without anyone’s help.
C.The author failed in many extra courses.
D.The author leads a successful life.
3. The meaning of the underlined phrase “compensate for” is equal to ______.
A.fight forB.make up forC.struggle withD.put up with
4. What is the author’s suggestion for dyslexic people?
A.They should make more efforts to practice reading skills.
B.They should turn to a writing instructor for help.
C.They should not give up on themselves.
D.They should ignore the disease.
【知识点】 记叙文 个人经历


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A 14-year-old killer whale named Wilkie has learned how to “speak” to humans. Wilkie, who lives at a whale aquarium(水族馆)in France, is able to imitate(模仿)a human saying “hello”, “bye-bye” and “one, two” after working with a team of researchers from the UK, Spain, Chile and Germany.

“Killer whales use their blowholes to make noises, almost like speaking out of your nose, so we were not expecting it to be perfect,” Jose Abramson, the lead author, told The Independent. “But we were surprised by how close it was.”

This isn’t the first time animals have learned how to imitate human sounds. Scientists have already made a record of animals like elephants,parrots,dolphins and beluga whales all imitating our words and noises, but it marks a first for killer whales.

Wilkie had already been trained to imitate the actions of a fellow killer whale. Once the scientists made her again learn how to mimic an action; they had her repeat four familiar sounds made by her 2-year-old calf(幼鲸),Moana. Next, they had her make five killer whale sounds she had never heard before, like a noise of opening the door. Then the researchers had Wilkie imitate the sounds made by a human and,finally,words like “ah ha” and her trainer’s name, “Amy”.

Wilkie was quickly able to imitate all the sounds and words, and she was even able to imitate some on the first try. Researchers said they had the first evidence that killer whales might be learning sounds by imitation, but they had no evidence that the killer whales understood what their “hello” stood for.

1. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Killer whales are the first to imitate humans.
B.Killer whale Wilkie has been used to test other animals.
C.Killer whales are able to imitate the sounds of their children.
D.Killer whale Wilkie has learned to imitate some human sounds.
2. What was Jose Abramson surprised by?
A.Wilkie enjoyed human sounds.
B.Wilkie lived so close to humans.
C.Wilkie made sounds different from human voices.
D.Wilkie made sounds quite close to those of humans.
3. What does the underlined word “mimic” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. Which of the following best describes Wilkie according to Paragraph 5?
5. One thing still uncertain about Wilkie is ______.
A.whether Wilkie can make human sounds
B.whether killer whales can tell voices from noises
C.whether Wilkie can understand the words like “hello”
D.whether other killer whales can do the same as Wilkie
2020-12-16更新 | 104次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】No party? No problem. These people found a way to celebrate their special day that was just as fun and even more meaningful than a traditional birthday party.

On the e-vite (电子邀请函) for Mikayla Gounard’s birthday party, she told her friends that she didn’t want presents. “I didn’t really need anything,” she said. “Everything they would have given me was plastic and stuff I really didn’t need.”

Instead, she asked for donations to help the homeless man, David Sean Currey, who found and returned Gounard’s grandmother’s lost wallet. She was super inspired by that story. She wanted to pay forward the kindness the stranger showed her grandmother.

On Dec. 22, her 12th birthday, Gounard raised $479. A GoFundMe raised an additional $55,000,which Gounard gave to David Sean Currey, along with a note saying, “In a dark tunnel, there is always light.” The homeless man started crying. He was able to check into a hotel, and open a bank account.

Across the country, kids and adults are having pay-it-forward parties, skipping traditional birthday celebrations, foregoing gifts, and choosing to spread kindness and help others.

After the devastating Texas snow and ice storm, Texas State Senator Dawn Buckingham spent her birthday on Feb. 2l in Harper. Texas handed out water and food and supplies to people who had no power for 10 days. Buckingham also invited strangers into her home to use her gas stove to cook meals. It was the end of hunting season — and she had a freezer full of venison she shared with strangers. “There’s nothing better than helping those who need help on your birthday,” Buckingham said on her birthday morning.

1. What did Gounard receive on her birthday in the past?
A.Inspiring blessings.B.Unnecessary presents.
C.Her desired presents.D.Donations from friends.
2. What motivated Gounard to hold the special birthday party?
A.Buckingham’s story.B.Her friends’ requirement.
C.A homeless man’s honesty.D.Her grandma’s influence.
3. How did David feel when receiving the donation?
4. What does Buckingham consider best about birthday?
A.Receiving endless wishes.B.Inviting strangers to her home.
C.Holding an amazing party.D.Giving hands to those in need.
2023-01-13更新 | 124次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】One of the most pleasing sounds in sports is the rushing sound of a basketball swooshing (嗖嗖) through the net on a perfect shoot. Take away the net and all that’s left is the unsatisfying silence of a ball pushing air around as it sails through the rim (篮筐). Did it even go through? Sometimes it’s hard to tell.

Anibal Amador, a businessman from New York City, knows that basketball is nothing without the net. “Without the nets, it is just not good,” Amador said. “No one prefers to play that way.”

The New York City Parks Department is in charge of 1,800 basketball courts (球场) around the city’s five areas, where some of the best games in history have been played. It isn’t possible to keep nets on all the rims in all the parks, so the city doesn’t even try.

“I understand it,” Amador said, “because there are just so many parks that they would have to be putting up nets all the time. That’s where I come in.” He often digs into his own pocket to buy new nets for playground rims.

So, for the past few years, Amador has been buying basketball nets and tying them at a handful of playgrounds near his home in Midtown Manhattan.

Amador’s small act is one of many little acts of selflessness that are likely to go unnoticed yet help keep the quality of life to some degree in a large crowded city. “I think he works for the city,” a player said. “He is ready to spend his money and time. He is very careful about small details. He brings out a long brush and wipes down the backboards. I’ve never seen that before.”

Many stars have pet names. Amador was asked if he had one. Smiling happily, he replied, “I was thinking maybe. the Net Changer.”

1. What is the first paragraph about?
A.The rules of basketball games.B.The importance of basketball nets.
C.The skill of shooting a clean basket.D.The way to tell a good basketball shot.
2. How did Amador act about the city’s present situation?
A.He did his own bit.B.He did not care at all.
C.He expressed his worry.D.He talked the city into doing its duty.
3. What is the best title of the text?
A.Small Net, Big HeartB.Amador’s Road to Fame
C.Amador’s Basketball DreamD.Common Man, Unusual Goal
2022-11-02更新 | 70次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般