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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:78 题号:19625573

Climate change and beer might be two things that rarely appear in the same sentence. But according to an article in the scientific journal Nature Plants, if the Earth gets warmer, your Friday-night drink might get pricier.

The team behind the article modelled the effect of extreme events on production of barley, the main ingredient of beer. “Extreme weather conditions such as drought or heat will impact barley production. Barley is irreplaceable in beer making,” said Xie Wei, first author of the article. “If barley production drops, beer production will also drop, and beer might get more expensive.” When global temperatures rise to their highest, global beer supply will drop 16 percent. Prices will also hike due to drop of supply. For instance, a 4.84-U. S.-dollar price hike for a 500 ml bottle is projected in Ireland, almost doubling the previous price. Quality of that beer might also be affected. If barley cannot receive enough irrigation, quality of the protein and carbohydrate in its grain will drop.

In fact, the effect of drought on beer production has been seen. Bloomberg reported that drought and heat caused a 30 to 40 percent drop in barley production in European barley producing regions during summer 2018, leading to a 35 percent price hike of barley in France.

However, regional fluctuations in barley production are still manageable now. If production in one region fails, beer makers can make it up by importing more from other regions. But if climate change gets out of control, the impact will be global. Agriculture is incredibly vulnerable to climate change.

Xie pointed out the impact of climate change is not only limited to staple crops. “We are only using barley and beer as an example of high-added-value agricultural products,” said Xie. “In countries like China, per person consumption of staple crops is dropping, but that of products such as dairy and beer is rising.”

Beer, not essential for human survival, occupies a major part in culture around the world. That gives people yet one more reason to care more about climate change.

1. What can we know from the first two paragraphs?
A.Extreme weather influences the price of beer.
B.The more irrigation, the better quality of beer.
C.It’s necessary to replace barley in beer making.
D.Efforts should be made to promote beer production.
2. Why is Bloomberg’s report mentioned in Paragraph 3?
A.To lead in a new topic.B.To make a comparison.
C.To give a supporting example.D.To provide background information.
3. What does the underlined word “vulnerable” probably mean in Paragraph 4?
4. What’s the author’s potential purpose to write the text?
A.To popularize agricultural products.
B.To show the importance of beer in culture.
C.To draw people’s concern on climate change.
D.To indicate the impact of temperature on staple crops.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。作者向读者介绍了人们爱吃辣椒不仅是因为喜欢它的味道, 还因为辣椒中的辣椒素具有很多其他功能:白卫、缓解疼痛、减肥、使身体健康等。科学家们对辣椒的研究仍在持续进行中。

【推荐1】A quarter of the world’s population eat peppers every day, notes Joshua Tewksbury. He is a biologist who spent 10 years studying peppers.

Peppers do much more than burn people’s mouths. Scientists have discovered many uses for the thing. Called capsaicin(辣椒素), it’s the main ingredient in pepper spray. Some people use this weapon for self-defense. In smaller quantities, capsaicin can relieve pain, help with weight loss and possibly affect microbes(微生物)in the gut(肠道)to keep people healthier. Now how cool is that?

Capsaicin triggers a rush of stress hormones. These will make the skin redden and sweat. It can also make someone feel energized. Some people enjoy this feeling. But there is another reason why peppers show up on dinner plates around the world. When food sits out in warm weather, microbes on the food start to multiply. If people eat food with too many of these germs, they risk getting very sick. The cold temperature inside a refrigerator stops most microbes from growing. That’s why most people today rely on refrigerators to keep their food fresh. But long ago, those appliances weren’t available. Peppers were. Their capsaicin and other chemicals, it turns out, can slow or stop microbial growth. Before refrigerators, people living in most hot parts of the world developed a taste for spicy foods.

Peppers also may help people lose weight. However, a person can’t simply eat hot, spicy food and expect to lose pounds. “It’s not a magic remedy,” warns Baskaran Thyagarajan. As a pharmacologist, he studies the effects of medicines. His team is now working to create a drug to make the body burn through fat more quickly than usual. A primary ingredient: Capsaicin. In a 2015 study, his group showed that mice that ate a high-fat diet containing capsaicin did not gain extra weight. But a group of mice that ate only the high-fat diet became obese.

As scientists continue to uncover the secret powers of peppers, people will keep spicing up their soups, stews, stir-fries and other favorite dishes. Next time you see a pepper on a plate, take a deep breath, and then take a bite.

1. What can peppers be used to do according to Paragraph 2?
A.Keep people’s mouths clean.
B.Defend a country from invasion.
C.Make people feel less painful.
D.Prevent people from getting sick.
2. Before refrigerators, how did people eat safer?
A.Placing food in the open air.
B.Only eating fresh food.
C.Storing food in other appliances.
D.Adding peppers to food.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word in Paragraph 4?
4. Which can be the suitable title for the text?
A.The Cool Science of Hot Peppers
B.A Great Way To Preserve Food
C.Magical Peppers To Lose Weight
D.A Hot Trend of Enjoying Peppers
2023-05-17更新 | 104次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Good news, coffee lovers: Your daily cup of Joe might be doing good to your heart, namely by helping to reduce the risk of heart failure, suggest the findings of a new study. In an analysis of data from three large studies on the topic, researchers found that those who reported drinking one or more cups of caffeinated coffee a day had “a related decreased long-term heart failure risk”.

For the report published in Circulation: Heart Failure, researchers used machine learning to examine data from a large study from the Framingham Heart Study, referencing this data against two other studies. “Each study included at least 10 years of follow-up, and altogether the studies provided information on more than 21,000 U. S. adult participants,” researchers said.

When analyzing the Framingham Heart Study, researchers noted that when compared to non-coffee drinkers, coffee drinkers’ risk of heart failure decreased by 5% to 12% for each cup they drank each day. As for decaffeinated coffee, researchers noted that it did, not have the same benefits as caffeinated coffee, with one study suggesting that decaffeinated coffee may have an opposite effect.

Dr. David Kao, senior study author, said in a statement, “The relation between caffeine and heart failure risk reduction was surprising. Coffee and caffeine are often considered by the general population to be ‘bad’ for the heart because people relate them to health problems like palpitations, high blood pressure, etc. The relationship between increasing caffeine consumption and decreasing heart failure risk turns that thought on its head.”

“However, there is not yet enough clear evidence to prove that increasing coffee consumption can decrease the risk of heart disease with the same strength and certainty as stopping smoking, losing weight, or exercising,” Kao noted. The researchers also warned that the findings only focused on black coffee, that is, plain coffee, without added sugar and high-fat dairy products such as cream.

1. What’s the finding of the new study?
A.The number of heart failure cases has decreased gradually.
B.Coffee can help lower the possibility of heart failure.
C.Caffeine does harm to people’s health.
D.Coffee helps cure heart disease.
2. How did researchers achieve their finding?
A.By comparing data from long-term studies.B.By interviewing experts about their opinions.
C.By conducting surveys among young adults.D.By searching online for detailed information.
3. What can directly affect the result of the study?
A.The brand of coffee.B.The addition of caffeine to coffee.
C.The age of the subjects.D.The amount of coffee consumption.
4. What is Dr. Kao’s attitude towards the result?
2023-11-17更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A growing number of companies are making food and drink products out of things traditionally considered waste. And according to new research, consumers increasingly accept — and even prefer — such products.

“Consumers are actually willing to pay more for food made from surplus (剩余的) products,” says Professor Jonathan Deutsch, who led the study. Deutsch and his colleagues presented study participants with different food products. They had one of three labels “conventional”, “organic” or “value-added surplus”. The third was the study’s term for food normally seen as waste. Participants were not, as food companies have long assumed, disgusted by the idea of using “waste” in their food. Instead, they felt positively about the opportunity to help the environment.

The problem of food waste has been getting more attention in recent years. Globally, up to a third of all food is damaged or lost before it can be eaten. Waste can happen anywhere along the food chain. Farms fail to harvest crops due to bad weather. Food goes bad during transport. Companies throw out trimmings too small to use, and supermarkets reject produce for imperfect looks. Restaurants throw out food after its use-by date.

As consumers become increasingly aware of the problem, a number of companies are betting on surplus foods. Washington, D. C-based Misfit Juicery sells cold-pressed juices made from ugly fruits. Dutch company Barstensvol makes heat-and-eat soups from surplus vegetables. Some of these companies are meeting with major success.

Deutsch reminds that transparency (透明度) is key when using surplus food. Consumers like the idea of helping the environment. They don’t like feeling a company has something to hide. ABC News reported that meat companies often use beef trimmings in ground beef. The product is perfectly safe to eat. But its pink appearance, and the idea that the meat companies were hiding its presence from consumers, caused great anger.

1. Why are people willing to accept surplus foods?
A.The foods are cheap.
B.The foods taste good.
C.They consider it a creative idea.
D.They consider it an eco-friendly idea.
2. What can be concluded from Paragraph 3?
A.Food shortage is a global issue.
B.Food waste is caused unconsciously.
C.Food waste has done harm to the environment.
D.Food waste can happen in many different ways.
3. What do the examples of Misfit Juicery and Barstensvol show?
A.Using “waste!” to make food is available commercially.
B.Surplus foods can bring in more money for companies.
C.Soups from surplus vegetables are easy to make.
D.Juice made from ugly fruits tastes better.
4. What’s Deutsch’s main purpose in the last paragraph?
A.To stress the importance of food safety.
B.To offer a suggestion to food companies.
C.To explain the meaning of consumer needs.
D.To point out a major problem in the food industry.
2023-06-11更新 | 35次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般