组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:73 题号:19753214

Devin opened his closet door for the third time and pulled out his shoes. “Mom, have you seen my baseball glove?” he called.

“I’ve looked everywhere. When was the last time you had it?” Mom asked.

“Yesterday,” Devin said. “I was playing catch with Silvio after his birthday party.”

“I hope you didn’t leave it there,” Mom said. Devin’s cousin, Silvio, lived 45 minutes away. Mom pulled out her phone and texted Uncle Gabe.

Devin still kneeled on the floor and checked under his bed. Within a minute, Mom’s phone received a message from Uncle Gabe, saying Devin’s baseball glove was there. Devin shook his head. “I have a game in an hour! Dad’s a lefty (左撇子), so I can’t borrow his glove.” “Use mine,” said Mom. “But it’s a softball glove and pink,” said Devin doubtfully. But Mom said there was not much difference and that her team won the city championship with their pink gloves last summer. “People will think it’s a girl’s,” said Devin. “Some of the best players on your team are girls,” Mom said. She handed Devin her glove. He tried it on. “Top of the line,” Mom said. “I had the fewest errors of any infielder (内野手) in the league.” Devin nodded. Both of his parents were excellent athletes, and he was too. He snapped the glove open and shut, open and shut, thinking, “I guess this glove will do.”

Then Mom drove Devin to the field. She told Devin that Dad would meet them there and she reminded Devin not to forget her pink glove.

Before the game, Devin practiced pitching (投球) deep into the center field. He hit several more pitches before the coach told him to warm up at the base.

His teammates noticed his glove. “Isn’t that a girl’s glove?” Jordan, one of his teammates, asked. Devin frowned. “It’s my mom’s. I don’t have mine.” “Pink glove! Pink glove!” several other boys also laughed.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Jordan joked about the colour being beautiful and laughed.

Paragraph 2:

The game was over, and Devin met his parents outside the field.

【知识点】 家人和亲人


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I had a younger sister, Michelle. But as a big brother, I rarely cared for her.

On a Sunday in March when I was 8, Easter (复活节) came. As usual, my sister and I would search for the hidden baskets full of candy and other things prepared for us. On that Easter morning, I got up early.

“Michelle!” I whispered to my sister, who was still sleeping in her bedroom. “Wake up. It’s Easter. We have to go and find our baskets.” She rolled over in bed and finally got up. “Mom and Dad are still sleeping,” I warned her as we walked out into the kitchen. “If we’re quiet, we can find our baskets without waking them up.”

It didn’t take long for me to find my basket, which had candy, toys, etc. This basket was obviously mine because it contained the latest issue of my favorite magazine. My sister continued searching in every room while I dropped my basket off at the kitchen table and started separating candy into different categories. 20 minutes later, my sister told me, “I can’t find it. I looked all over. Can you help me?” I decided to help her not because I felt sorry for her, but because I thought it was fun to find the missing basket.

We started searching through the cabinets (贮藏柜). Later, our parents were awake. Dad headed straight for the bathroom, while Mom walked out to make coffee. “Mom, I’ve found my basket,” I told her. She smiled and asked, “Where’s yours, Michelle?”

That’s when my six-year-old sister started to cry. “Let’s keep looking,” Mom said, taking hold of my sister’s hand. After searching the living room they went to the closet (贮藏室). There Michelle finally found her basket. But when she picked up her basket, we found everything in it had all been bitten and damaged by mice.


Michelle dropped her basket on the floor, looking upset.


Then I walked slowly into my sister’s room with my basket.

2023-12-18更新 | 102次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

My dad, George, only had an eighth grade education. A quiet man, he didn’t understand my world of school activities. From age 14, he worked. And his dad, Albert, took the money my dad earned and used it to pay family expenses.

I didn’t really understand his world either: He was a livestock trucker, and I thought that I would surpass (超过) anything he had accomplished by the time I walked across the stage at high school graduation.

Summers in the mid-70s were spent at home shooting baskets, hitting a baseball, or throwing a football, preparing for my future as a quarterback on a football team. In poor weather, I read about sports or practiced my trombone (长号).

The summer before my eighth grade I was one of a group of boys that a neighboring farmer hired to work in his field. He explained our basic task, the tractor fired up and we were off, riding down the field looking for weeds to spray with chemicals. After a short way, the farmer stopped and pointed at a weed which we missed. Then we began again. This happened over and over, but we soon learned to identify different grasses like cockleburs, lamb’s-quarters, foxtails, and the king of weeds, the pretty purple thistle. It was tiring work, but I looked forward to the pay, even though I wasn’t sure how much it would amount to.

At home, my dad said, “A job’s a big step to growing up. I’m glad you will be contributing to the household.” My dad’s words made me realize that my earnings might not be mine to do with as I wished.

My labors lasted about two weeks, and the farmer said there might be more work, but I wasn’t interested. I decided it was not fair that I had to contribute my money.

Paragraph 1:The pay arrived at last.
Paragraph 2:I understood immediately what my parents were worried about.
2021-06-15更新 | 5208次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

“I’ve taken up quilting,” my mother announced proudly over the phone one day.

“That’s great, Mom,” I said.

My 70-year-old mother was undergoing chemotherapy for her cancer. It is a battle that I knew she would someday lose. Maybe soon. It broke my heart for more reasons than one.

“I’m working on a quilt for your sister now,” she said. “Once I’m done, I’ll make one for you.”

“Thank you.”

She asked about the kids. We chatted about the weather. Then we said our goodbyes. The conversation was short, polite and surface level, as always.

Mom and I had never had what you would call a warm relationship. We never hugged. Never said “I love you”. I didn’t know why. Nothing bad had ever come between us. We just weren’t close the way I was with my kids. For years, I’d longed to break down that wall and to hear those three words. I just didn’t know how to start. We’d been this way for as long as I could remember. Finally, I came up with the idea to schedule regular lunch dates together. Maybe by sharing a meal we might share more of ourselves.

Then the pandemic hit. Suddenly I was on the front line of the COVID-19 battle. No way could I risk infecting Mom, especially with her weak immune system. I settled for daily phone calls instead. It wasn’t quite the bonding experience I’d hoped for. She promised she was working on that quilt for me, though.

My quilt was Mom’s last one.

On a Thursday in June, I got the call from my dad. He was so upset that all I could understand were the words “She’s gone”.

In the weeks that followed, I was torn between thankfulness that she was no longer suffering and an overwhelming desire to see her again, to connect, as if the pandemic had robbed me of that chance. If we’d only had more time. If she’d only said, “I love you.”

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A few months later, I thought of the quilt Mom made for me, and decided to give quilting a try myself.


But Mom’s help could never come, and then Dad offered me Mom’s quilting bag, filled with the spare fabric.

2021-11-19更新 | 76次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般