组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:选词填空-短文选词填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:4 题号:19983205
current, useful, extra, amazed, ordinary, annual, social, academic

It was just another     1     day when I had the idea to spread kindness among my friends. I sent them unusual messages to begin my mission without revealing what I had planned. This was all inspired by my teachers, who always provide kind remarks and show they care.

I noticed a different atmosphere among peers due to the     2     circumstances around COVID-19. Students were not as motivated as before, with their sense of vigour (精力) to conquer the     3     exams decreasing.

So I decided that a surprise care package would be a great idea to uplift the mood! While finding inspiration for the card designs, I could not help but wonder how my friends would react to such a surprise gift. After I had finally created the cards, I moved on to the personalised care packages. First, I prepared a list of items that people would find     4    , such as pens with quotes to cheer them up, sweets to energise them when they study, as well as a notebook that they could either use for       5     purposes, or just to write their emotions. I also included some     6    surprises such as masks or photo books, depending on the person and their preferences.

Next, I had to work out different timings to meet up with each friend at a(n)     7    distance.

The day finally arrived, and my heart was pounding (砰砰地跳). I handed over the first surprise package. My friend was so     8    ! We laughed as she told me she had thought I was going to ask her if we could study together and was not at all expecting anything like this.

One by one, I delivered all the surprise packages. They really appreciated what I did and I felt so happy.

【知识点】 善行义举(个人)


选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. identify             B. modified        C. overcoming       D. performance
E. revolutionary       F. suspicious       G. freely               H. autonomously
I. injured               J. rescuing            K. locate

When Trevor Rogers told climber Mark Inglis he was building a helicopter that could rescue people from Mt. Qomolangma, the New Zealand climber was     1    . “The first thing I said was, ‘Yeah, right!’ I’ve got a real interest in helicopters, and I know a lot about their       2    .”

As the first double amputee(双侧截肢者)to climb the mountain, Inglis also knows a lot about     3     improbable difficulties. Even so, what Rogers proposed seemed like a science fiction. Most helicopters are not designed to operate above a ceiling of 4,300 metres and those that do have to be       4    .

The highest rescue achieved on Mt. Qomolangma was at Camp 1 in 1996, when a Nepalese pilot took his French-built Ecureuil to 6,100 metres,     5     two climbers with severe frostbite(冻伤).

But after six years of research, Rogers told Inglis, his team had developed an unpiloted full-size helicopter called the Alpine Wasp, capable of flying     6     at altitudes up to and even beyond 9,000 m, and a full 3,000 m higher than anything achieved before to carry two sick or     7     climbers to safety.

Built from lightweight composite materials, the Alpine Wasp has a(n)    8     engine designed to function in the thin air of high altitude. “We are going to challenge the science of aviation at extreme altitude and conquer new frontiers on Mt. Qomolangma and in Nepal,” Rogers says.

TGR have created the Mt. Qomolangma Rescue Trust to take over running of the helicopter, and there are plans for a frostbite treatment centre. What is less certain is how the helicopter’s on-board computer systems will       9     stricken climbers.

The Wasp, Rogers says, will use virtual reality systems at its base in Namche Bazaar and can even fly in fog close to the mountain to perform rescues. Climbers will be fitted with a tracking device in order to    10     them, and once they are found the helicopter will lower a cable for hoisting.

2023-07-31更新 | 18次组卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Complete the summary using the correct form of the words and phrases below.
symbolget onultimatedrop out ofturn his back on

Years ago, Jason was a college     1    with a big house. But knowing that many people were living in poor conditions, he felt     2    . Jason decided to     3     his fortune by giving his money to     4     and helping homeless people to     5     in life. Now Jason lives in a small     6     room. He     7     the change. For some people, getting rich is their     8     goal and a     9     of success, but for Jason, deciding to     10     this lifestyle made him feel free.

2023-02-05更新 | 11次组卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
setting, products, tough, treated, contacted, what, satisfied, contribution, Besides

Zhang Tian’s first year is almost over. It has been a     1     year, but he has enjoyed working with the children. What made him feel     2     was that his students were able to read, speak and write in English, and they became more confident in learning.     3       teaching, Zhang Tian also brought changes to the village. He     4     charity organisations about rebuilding the playground and setting up a library, and helped the villagers sell local     5     online. The     6     he made to the village was great, so he became very popular among the villagers and they     7     him as one of them. The village is like his second home now. Although he had only intended to stay for one year, he now feels ready to stay for another year. He feels so happy that he followed his heart when choosing what to do with his life, even though it may not be what others expected of him.

2022-09-27更新 | 43次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般