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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:232 题号:20059933

Of all relationships, the parent-child relationship is perhaps the purest.    1    These tips will help you improve your relationship with your parents.

Give them your time. No matter how busy you are with your life, try to make some time for your parents.    2    If you’re living away from them, call them and visit them regularly. For all you know, your one could make their day.

    3    If you are living with your parents, help them with housework. Do your part or even more. If you are not living together, check on them and help them out by offering to buy groceries, pay bills, etc.

Put yourself in their shoes. Whenever your parents say something that contradicts (与……矛盾) your opinion, try not to simply agree with them.    4    And try to recognize that they have reason for their views. If possible, take time to explain your point patiently.

Try not to raise your voice at them. These will be times when you disagree with your parents. It is okay to try to help them understand your point of view. However, raising your voice is never a great idea, as it will leave your parents feeling hurt.

Be open with them. As children, we tend to share every detail of our lives with our parents, but as we grow up, we filter out certain things from them. Try to be as honest as possible and let them take part in the most important aspects of your life.    5    

A.Call them every day.
B.Lend a hand with household chores.
C.If the gap is too big, you will become a stranger.
D.Accept the generation gap between you and them.
E.Parents often feel lonely once kids go away to college.
F.Let them know you want them to be a part of your life.
G.It is also the one that goes through several transformations, good or bad.


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】One of the most effective skills you can have in life is powerful and effective time management.     1     Here are important time management tips for getting your goals.

Set goals the right way.

    2    If you don’t set your goals the right way, then you’ll lack the proper targets, which will force you to fall off track. But when you set them the right way, the sky is the limit. Use proper goal setting method to help you see things through. And when you do set those goals, make sure you have powerful deep down meanings for wanting to achieve them.


One of the tips for managing your time is to find the right system to actually do it. The quadrant (象限) time-management system is probably the most effective. It divides your activities into four quadrants based on urgency and importance. Things are either urgent or important, both, or neither.

Take frequent breaks when working.

One study suggests that you should work for 52 minutes and break for 17 minutes. You might not have enough time to do that. But you should take frequent breaks. If you’re a boss working for yourself, this is vital. It’s easy to run out of energy and not even know it.     4    

Make to-do lists in the evening for the next day.

Every single evening before bed, make a list for the next day. Look at your goals and see what you can do to help move you closer.     5     It takes time. But by making to-do lists, you’re effectively setting goals for the day. Daily goals are easier to achieve while helping to move us towards the longer and bigger goals. But that happens by creating to-do lists.

A.This doesn’t happen overnight.
B.Find a good time management system.
C.There’s a right or wrong way to set goals.
D.You cannot reach your goals without managing your time well.
E.Find a good friend who can help you solve the problem of time management.
F.Use your time wisely by abandoning your bad habits.
G.Keep your mental, emotional and physical states at peak levels by breaking frequently.
2024-01-13更新 | 29次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In this era of rapid development of science and technology, it’s unrealistic to try to cut back greatly on the time we spend with smartphones and other screens.    1    

Change your phone settings

If you’re the kind of person who can’t live without your smartphones, a simple way to cut back on screen time is to make a few changes in your phone settings.    2    It allows you to set specific time limits for each app. You can also change your phone to grayscale mode(灰屏模式) to make running through social media much less attractive.

Go off screens at least one hour before bedtime

    3    While reading social media posts, playing games or doing other activities on your phone will keep your brain excited, making it difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, it certainly helps if you turn off all screens about one to two hours before you want to sleep.

Set aside other screen-free times during the day

You can also purposely turn off screens at other times during the day.    4    You can even take it one step further and schedule one weekend day when everyone in the family puts the phones away so that you can spend some quality time with them.


For children and teenagers, a useful way to reduce screen time is spending time in nature according to a 2021 study by Australian researchers. But adults benefit from time outside, too. Studies have found that a walk in the park can be good for your health. And it’s OK to bring your smartphone along so you can take a few pretty pictures.

A.Get outdoors.
B.Organize get-together activities.
C.Smartphones now have “a-limit screen time” function.
D.People have trouble sleeping for a number of reasons.
E.Late-night screen time can affect your sleep more than you think.
F.But there are some steps you can take to get screen time under control.
G.For example, you can start by making a “no phones at the dinner table” rule.
2022-04-30更新 | 62次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Studying abroad can be a great opportunity to meet new people and to experience an unfamiliar and exciting culture by yourself. By challenging yourself to try a new culture. you can make a huge influence on the way you see the world. Although it may be great, it is often a costly experience.     1     You can have wonderful experience without the financial pressure.

Write out a travel budget (预算).

    2     Think about the amount of money you will need to spend every week and month for housing. food. school supplies, travel, transportation and other living expenses to create a monthly budget that you can follow.

Find a job that you can perform remotely.

See if you can find a job before you go abroad to ensure a constant flow of income. Consider a job as a writer or travel blogger. See if you can find a job that lets you explore the country you’re staying in. like by becoming a photographer.     3    

Cook meals at home.

If you are staying with a host family, try to eat as many meals as you can with them.     4     If you can cook on your own, find a local grocery store where you can buy food material to make a simple meal.


If you are fluent in the language of the country you’re staying in, think about teaching local student your native language. Not only does this let you stay with local students, but it allows you to gain an even deeper understanding the language you’ll hear around you during your overseas experience.

A.Apply for a scholarship.
B.Luckily, there are some tips for you.
C.Get a job working as a language teacher.
D.Make sure every day you stay healthy while living abroad.
E.Create a budget for your time abroad to avoid overspending.
F.There are jobs specially intended for employees working abroad.
G.It not only cuts down on costs but spends quality time with your hosts.
2024-03-05更新 | 45次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般