组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 个人情况 > 个人经历
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:194 题号:20094229

When I was in middle school, I became blind. Suddenly thrown into a world of darkness. I was troubled by frustration and self-pity. Depression consumed me and I was frightened to try anything challenging.

Imagine my surprise when my teacher asked me to enter a speaking contest. I rejected it out of hand. Among so many students, why did she pick me? I was an average student. blind and plain-looking. Anyhow. she insisted that I go for it. Her reply:“Because I believe you can deliver a good speech. You are more capable than you imagine!” Encouraged by her words,1agreed to give it a shot

I decided on a fictional mole (鼹鼠) as my topic. It was a cute creature with poor eyesight mostly living underground, digging holes and helping get rid of pests. Not a brilliant idea, but unique; and undoubtedly a relatable tale.

What did the mole think, as he fought his way in the darkness? Would he get scared? Have second thoughts? Want to quit? It struck a chord immediately. I got exhausted from preparing the speech. I had doubts about my choice. I wanted to escape from reality. But, like the blind mole. I kept it up. I doubled my efforts. I checked out books from the school library. I referred to some great speeches. I turned to my father for guidance.

A week before the competition, I presented my speech to my teacher. She smiled, saying “Good. Now, polish your writing and practice your delivery.” I couldn’t remember how many times I made adjustments to my writing. Nor could I recall how I practiced it over and over again, with mixed feelings. “Could my message get across to the audience?” “How would they react?” Tons of questions crowded into my mind.


The big day finally arrived


I went up to my teacher after the award ceremony.

【知识点】 个人经历 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

It was 11 p. m. when Alex Conrad saw the woman on the Main Street Bridge in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. She was standing by the railing, peering down at the rushing river. At her feet was what appeared to be a backpack; maybe she was fishing, he thought.

As he crossed the quarter-mile-long bridge again after getting something from home for his friend’s party,Conrad saw the woman standing in the same spot. Something didn’t sit right. Why would she be fishing this late at night—in December? He pulled a U-turn and parked some 20 feet away with his hazard lights (汽车危险警示灯) flashing, blocking one of the four lanes. He stepped out of his car and got a clearer picture of the scene. The woman was in her 20s, dressed in pants and a heavy coat. What he’d thought was a backpack was in fact a rope pooled by her feet. One end was tied to a bridge post. The other, around her neck.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Conrad called out. He didn’t acknowledge the rope because he didn’t want to let on that he knew exactly what was going on. She spoke a little, but he kept inquiring, eventually pulling from her that she was going through a particularly rough time. She was jobless, not doing well in school- in short, life wasn’t working out as she’d hoped.

“Not everything goes as planned,” agreed Conrad. He started talking about the ups and downs he’d faced in his life. As he talked, he inched closer.

When she mentioned that, on top of everything else, her car had broken down, Conrad chuckled. “Well, that’s better than when my friend rolled his car,” he said. “Too much power for him.” The woman laughed. He told a few more jokes about his friends, and the dumb things they’ve done, just to get her mind off stuff.

Conrad is a quiet guy, not given to gabbing (喋喋不休). But for the next hour he found enough topics of conversation to keep the woman engaged and even laughing. She grew comfortable enough to let him get within a few feet of her. Then a switch seemingly went off.


Without warning, she climbed onto the railing.


Suddenly, bright lights appeared—it was the police!

2023-03-14更新 | 89次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Cate walked slowly through the empty house one more time, memories crowding in.“Good-bye, kitchen,“ she whispered. A shiny spot on the worm linoleum (油布) stood out where the refrigerator had been until yesterday afternoon. Cate rubbed her sneaker over a pink stain in the carpet. That was where she’d spilled a glass of grape juice when she was seven.

Cate’s throat tightened when she passed the door to the laundry room. Short lines were pencilled across the door frame, with tiny numbers written next to them. Cate ran a finger over the numbers as she read them out loud.

“Age two, thirty-four inches. Age three, thirty eight inches. Age four, forty inches. Age five, forty-four inches.” “Stand up straight, now.” her dad would say as she stood against the wall. Then he’d place the ruler on her head and mark the frame with his pencil. Whoever bought the house would just paint over the numbers. All the growing up she’d done here wouldn’t mean anything to them.

“Cate! We’re almost ready to leave. Do you have everything?”

Cate jumped, startled. “Um, yes, I guess so.”

“All right. let’s go.“

Well it was no use daydreaming now, she thought, blinking back tears. They were moving, and there was nothing she could do about it. The only thing she was sure about was that she didn’t like the new house.

”So, what do you think?“ Mom asked. ”I think it’s the nicest one we’ve looked at.“

“Not as nice as our old house.” Cate murmured under her breath. Mom pulled her into a hug“Cate, I know you miss our old house, but we can’t go back to it. Dad’s job is here now. Why don’t you take a look outside?" Mom suggested.

Cate sighed and walked out the front door, banging it noisily behind her. The yard was big, with lots of old oak trees that stretched their branches up to the second-floor windows. Cate noticed that one huge oak tree (橡树) had wooden steps nailed up the side of it. She climbed up the oak.

Paragraph 1:

As Cate settled back in the tree, a large knothole (节孔) in the opposite tree trunk caught her eye.

Paragraph 2:

With trembling fingers, Cate took out a piece of paper from the metal box.

2022-09-21更新 | 83次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I knew I would have a beyond-busy summer. I would be a junior teacher for the Little Dragons Karate(空手道)Camp. And I had to do summer swim team. And Ollie and I already had two customers for our dog-walking business.

“You might be biting off more than you can chew,” my mom said with a warning glimpse when I talked to her about it and announced, “I want to do everything!”

“Don’t worry.” I grinned. “I have strong teeth!”

My mom smiled back. “In this case, its your organizational skills, not your teeth, that need to be strong.”I didn’t take it to my heart.

And the first week really was no problem. My friend Ollie was out of town and karate camp hadn’t started, so my swim stuff was all I needed to worry about. The next week was great too. I swam, and a Little Dragon at karate camp told me I was his favorite teacher ever!

I did learn, though, that staying organized with two activities was harder. My backpack was already stuffed with a towel and swim things, so I needed another for my karate clothing. Riding my bike from karate camp to the pool with two backpacks was a challenge. But I still had it under control until Ollie got back.

“We’re late getting our business together!” he said. “We’ll have to spend every spare minute preparing.”

“But I don’t have any spare minutes!” I said.

“Did you forget we agreed to walk Alfie every Saturday? And Muffin on Tuesdays at 4:00?” Ollie asked. I couldn’t let Ollie down, so I took out a third backpack and filled it with dog toys, treats, and plastic bags. I thought I was all set.

But I was wrong! It didn’t take long for my dog-walking stuff and karate stuff and swim stuff to get all mixed up, forgotten, or lost. One day, I forgot my karate backpack and had to borrow Emma’s extra outfit, which was too tight. The next day, I remembered my karate stuff but forgot my swimsuit, so I had to help out in the snack shop and stay out of the pool all afternoon. And another time, when I reached into my dog-walking pack for plastic bags, all I could find were swim goggles (护目镜) and sunscreen.

Paragraph I: Worse still, I had to keep track of all the special times.
Paragraph 2: Luckily, I, with my parents, came up with a solution to get organized.        
2023-11-25更新 | 0次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般