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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:20251783

In the spring of 1944, the Allied powers in World War Ⅱ took the fight against Nazi into the fifth year.     1    (plan) for months or even years, the D-Day called “Operation Overlord” was designed     2    (free) north-west Europe from German occupation. After waiting for the perfect combination of weather, moon and tides, the date for the start of Operation Overlord     3    (set) for June 6, 1944.

With General Eisenhower’s encouraging words     4    (ring) in their ears, Allied soldiers prepared for     5     would become known as D-Day. The Allied invasion     6    (stretch) across five beaches code-named “Utah”, “Omaha”, “Gold”, “Juno” and “Sword”. The fiercest fighting was at Omaha Beach. Countless Allied soldiers gave their lives on D-Day in violent attacks. Even though they were     7     the terrible cost of human life, the D-Day landings were     8     success and were considered     9    (wide) as the beginning of the end of World War Ⅱ. By the end of August 1944, the Allies had reached the River Seine. Paris was liberated.

Seventy years later, people including     10    (survive) came together for memorial ceremonies in honour of those who fought and died on D-Day.

【知识点】 历史事件


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

New research suggests     1     the story of Franklin’s famous experiment with lightning may be fiction instead of fact. More than one generation of school children has been amazed by his bravery and his     2     (science) approach to     3     (look) for the truth. However, neither the story nor the details of the experiment are entirely true. Although it has been proved that Franklin’s experiment     4     (take) place, more than one scientist has questioned what really happened.     5     detail about the string and the key is true. But     6     (science) all agree that if he had     7     (actual) touched the key, he would certainly have died from the electric shock. Fiction is     8     (interesting) than the truth. People have been more inspired by Franklin’s spirit of scientific     9     (explore) than by the facts themselves. But in science, facts should be proved     10     experiments and research.

2023-04-16更新 | 41次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)
The Amber Room 1 to the great wonders of the world. It was originally 2 (design) for the palace of Frederick Ⅰ. 3 took the country’s best artists about ten years to finish it. Everyone thought ___4___(high) of its style and design. Several tons of amber as well as gold and jewels were used to make it, so no wonder it is worth a lot of money. But later, the next King of Prussia decided to give it as a gift to Peter the Great, ___5___ gave Prussia a troop of his best soldiers in 6 . Unfortunately, during the Second World War, the Nazi Germany was at war with Russia. In 1941, Germany invaded (入侵)Russia, and the Russians had no time to ___7___anything from the Amber Room except some furniture and small art objects. When the Nazis saw the Amber Room, there was no 8 that they liked it so much that they took it apart and in less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. The boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. Since then, the whole world has been in 9 of the Amber Room. No one knows what 10 (happen) to it and whether it still exists now. Maybe it will remain a mystery forever.
2017-11-14更新 | 257次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

In the summer of 1405, Zheng He set sail from Taicang on his first voyage. His ships     1     (load) with china, silk, tea and other treasures as gifts for foreign rulers. Zheng He's seven voyages had a far­reaching impact     2     China and its neighbours. Zheng He's efforts helped develop and strengthen     3     (harmony) relations with these countries and regions. Zheng He's accomplishments are now     4     (wide) acknowledged, and he is remembered as one of China's most influential explorers.

Columbus was born in a port city of Italy in 1451. As a teenager, he loved sailing, and he showed great interest in geography,     5     inspired him to begin his career as a seaman. Columbus insisted on     6     (search) for a direct sea route to the East Indies by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. On 3 August 1492, he     7     (depart) from Spain with three ships carrying about 90 crewmen. Regardless of all the challenges, Columbus managed     8     (keep) everyone out of danger with his knowledge and     9     (brave) across the ocean. Finally, on 12 October, the crew spotted land in     10     distance. His voyages opened a new chapter of the Age of Exploration, a period which witnessed many important geographical findings.

2022-03-08更新 | 274次组卷
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