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题型:阅读理解-六选四 难度:0.65 引用次数:7 题号:20393536

Symptoms of Culture Shock and Their Stages

Like any new experience, there’s a feeling of euphoria (兴高采烈) when you first arrive in a new country and you’re in awe of the differences you see and experience.     1    During this stage, you still feel close to everything familiar back home.

The Distress Stage

Everything you’re experiencing no longer feels new; in fact, it’s starting to feel like a thick wall that’s preventing you from experiencing things. You feel confused, alone, and realize that the familiar support systems are not easily available.

Re-integration Stage

During this stage, you start refusing to accept the differences you meet.     2    You start to idealize life “back home“ and compare your current culture to what is familiar. You dislike the culture, the language and the food. You throw it as inferior. You may even develop some prejudices (偏见) towards the new culture. Don’t worry. This is normal. You’re adjusting.

Autonomy Stage

This is the first stage of acceptance. It’s the emergence stage when you start to rise above the clouds and finally begin to feel like yourself again. You start to accept the differences and feel like you can begin to live with them.     3    You no longer feel isolated and instead; you’re able to look at the world around you and appreciate where you are.

Independence Stage

    4    You embrace the new culture and see everything in a new, yet realistic light. You feel comfortable, confident, and able to make decisions based on your preferences. You no longer feel alone and isolated. You appreciate both the differences and similarities of your new culture. You start to feel at home.

A.You are yourself again!
B.You feel excited, stimulated, and enriched.
C.You feel more confident and better able to handle any problems that may arise.
D.You are still what you are and there is no change at all.
E.You are like a baby.
F.You’re angry, frustrated, and even feel hostile (敌对的) to those around you.
【知识点】 情绪 文化差异


阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many people feel anxious in situations that are stressful to them. For example, they may feel anxious about taking tests, meeting new people, or speaking in class.     1     But it’s best to learn how to cope. Here are several tips that can help you through anxious moments:

Start with a “growth” mindset. Some people have a fixed mindset. They might think, “This is how I am.”     2     They think they are the way they are. But brain science has shown that with a growth mindset, people can get better at just about everything—with effort and practice. That includes reducing anxiety.

    3     When you’re anxious, you might tell yourself things like, “I can’t do this!” or “What if I mess this up?” Instead, plan to tell yourself something that could help you face the moment with a bit of courage like, “I can do this!” or “It’s OK to feel anxious. I can do this anyway.”

Notice how anxiety affects your body. When you’re anxious, do you feel “butterflies” in your stomach? Sweaty palms? Shaky hands? A faster heartbeat? These physical feelings can be uncomfortable but they aren’t harmful. You can cope. You don’t have to push the feelings away.     4    

Face the situation—don’t wait for anxiety to go away. You might think that you’ll put off speaking in class or talking to that new person until you no longer feel anxious about it. But it doesn’t work that way.     5    

Learning to cope with anxiety takes time, patience, and practice. Most of all it takes being willing to face anxiety. Start with one small step. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at lowering anxiety.

A.Talk yourself through it.
B.Tell a parent or another adult you trust.
C.It’s facing the anxiety that helps you lower it.
D.Try to pay attention to anxious thoughts and feelings.
E.Try to notice them without getting upset that they’re there.
F.With a fixed mindset, people don’t think things can change.
G.If you feel anxious in situations like these, you’re not alone.
2024-03-24更新 | 97次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】What do you do when somebody hurts you? Do you want to hurt that person back, or do you hold it against them for the rest of your life? If you answered “yes” to these questions, know that you are like most people. To forgive is something that most people generally have difficulty with.

People don’t forgive readily, because it is easier to hate than to forgive. Some people think to forgive is a sign of weakness, but actually to forgive takes courage and effort.

Forgiveness is a gift from a generous heart. It is not a reward for good behavior. It is not based on whether the person deserves it or whether the person has asked for it.

Besides, forgiveness is an act and a process, which often takes time. The deeper your pain, the longer it usually takes to completely forgive. It is an act because it is not just the words you say, but also your actions which show if you’ve truly forgiven someone.

Forgiveness is necessary because it releases you from the burden of bitterness and hate. It takes a lot of energy to hate and to keep that hate in place. Hate puts unnecessary stress on your body. It is a well-known fact, proven by numerous studies, that bitterness and hate can actually make you sick. The moment that affected people forgive and let go of their hate, they will start to get well. Forgiveness brings freedom, whereas revenge (报复) is neither sweet nor satisfying.

I have personal experience of this. I used to be very cynical about life and didn’t forgive easily. At the time, I also struggled in every area of my life. Things just didn’t seem to work out for me. It is as if everything that could go wrong, always went wrong. That was until somebody told me to take a look at my attitude. And when I forgave those who wronged me and changed my attitude, everything else changed. It didn’t happen overnight. It took a while, but I could see and feel the difference.

Are things not working out in your life, despite you doing all the “right” things? Is it possible that you are holding “unforgiveness” in your heart? It is worth thinking about. By Leonard J. Roost

1. Why is it hard for people to forgive?
A.Forgiveness means not giving in.
B.Forgiveness depends on good behavior.
C.Forgiveness needs good will from both sides.
D.Forgiveness requires courage and generosity.
2. What can we conclude from the text?
A.Hate may actually cause illness.
B.Revenge helps to reduce the hate in your heart.
C.When you feel sick, it makes it difficult to hate.
D.Hate goes away when you say you will forgive.
3. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?
2018-11-30更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Dear Ben:

I really love reading your column.Your words are always so witty.

Here’s my problem:My boyfriend and I have been together for four years and we have many dreams about the future.Recently my parents and all relatives are urging me to get married and have given me a lot of pressure.

I got totally tired and lost patience and I made a mistake.I wrote a letter to break up with my boyfriend.He just kept silent.After a month,I calmed down and realized I still love him deeply.I’m really regretting what happened.What should I do?Just let it be or do something like apologize?Is it too late?


Dear Elaine

I sometimes think that we stare so long at a door that’s closing that it’s too late when we see the one that’s open.After four years together,you might think that a Dear John letter would be met with a little more than indifference,but alas this guy just walked away and gives up without a fight.

I think maybe you need to ask yourself if this guy was really worth the four years you spent with him and if you’re willing to wait another four years for him to make up his mind.A lot of what you’re been feeling now is natural because you’re been together for so long.

Once you know how much time it will take,I think you should use it to see the world of possibilities right there in front of your eyes.You should take these moments to go on some dates with some other people to see whether your ex-boyfriend is truly the man you want to spend the rest of your life with.

The main thing,though,is to use your time apart to get a clear perspective on your relationship and see whether he is or isn’t Mr.Right,or whether the traditional form of marriage is something you ultimately need to be happy together.


1. The passage is most probably from______.
A.the InternetB.a newspaperC.a talk showD.an expert’s lecture
2. The underlined part“Dear John letter”means______.
A.an apology letter
B.a letter which make suggestions
C.an invitation letter
D.a letter to end a relationship with somebody
3. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Maybe he is silently hurtingB.Love him?Apologize to him!
C.Is he worth the four years?D.Secrets of getting along with him
2020-09-19更新 | 31次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般