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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:144 题号:20497316

A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? If you answered 10 cents, you’re not alone most people give the same answer (the correct answer is 5 cents.)

It’s an example of how we often rely on intuitive answers we feel are true. People give answers that pop into their mind, says cognitive (认知的) scientist Steven Sloman. We don’t spend much time reflecting and checking whether the answer is right or wrong.

The bat and ball question helps explain why we often believe in fake news. It is part of human nature to believe, says Sloman. But “the trick with fake news is to know to verify” — in other words, to stop and question what you know.

In one experiment, Sloman and a colleague invented a discovery called helium rain. They told a group of volunteers about it, but admitted they could not fully explain what it was. They then asked the volunteers to rate their own understanding of helium rain. Most volunteers rated themselves 1 out of 7, meaning they did not understand the concept. The researchers then told another group of volunteers about the discovery. This time, they said that scientists could fully explain how it works. When asked to rate their understanding, the volunteers gave an average answer of 2. The scientists’ confidence gave the volunteers an increased sense of their own understanding. According to Sloman, studies show that knowledge spreads like a contagion.

Another explanation for the spread of fake news is “motivated reasoning”, writes Adam Waytz, a management professor at the Kellogg School. We are naturally more likely to believe things that confirm our existing opinions.

So, in a world where misleading information is common, is there a way to protect ourselves? “Though it’s impossible to verify everything that people encounter, training people to care about fact-checking is important, especially in online communities.” says Sloman, “Develop an atmosphere where we should check things and not just take them at face value. Verify it before you believe.”

1. The author uses the example of the bat and ball question to show that         .
A.people often forget skills that they learned at school
B.there is often more than one possible answer to a question
C.many people give quick responses without thinking carefully
D.it is easy to make mistakes when doing math questions
2. In paragraph 3, what does the underlined word mean?
A.To make sure something is true.B.To think about something for long.
C.To express an opinion about something.D.To change something into a different one.
3. Volunteers thought they could understand helium rain better when          .
A.some of the volunteers explained it to them
B.Sloman and his colleagues showed them how it works
C.they feel more confident about their own ability
D.they believed that scientists fully understood it
4. What would be the best title for the reading?
A.Helium Rain: A Great DiscoveryB.Stop, Question, and Check
C.Social Media and How to Use ItD.Fake news and How to Spread It


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Packaging can play a greater role in keeping produce and other foods fresh, therefore minimizing food waste — especially if consumers can better understand those packaging technologies. That’s among the takeaways of research led by Michigan State University (MSU)’s School of Packaging, detailed in a recently released white paper.

In the United States, food waste in landfills doubled from 1990 to 2020, according to data shared by the US Environmental Protection Agency this year. Researchers cited data showing 40% of the food supply is wasted each year, with 43% of that happening at the consumer or household level.

Ameripen, the only organization exclusively focused on US public policy for the entire packaging industry, and the Environmental Research & Education Foundation funded research that included a survey of more than 1,000 people in the United States. Ameripen said it wanted to know what role packaging could play in reducing household food waste as well as understand consumer awareness of food packaging’s value and functions.

The survey asked consumers about their understanding of packaging forms and willingness to pay more for packaging designed to reduce food waste, among other areas.

The study found that whole fruits and vegetables, particularly bananas and lettuce, are the foods most wasted by households, with dairy products, prepared packaged foods and leftovers also common culprits (罪魁祸首). “Half-eaten packaged food products and food without packaging that went bad before it was eaten are the two primary reasons for food waste in American households, indicating there is opportunity for improved packaging design to help consumers with extending shelf life, reuse and size,” the white paper states.

Researchers reported that while consumers’ current understanding of packaging technologies was “limited”, they indicated “they would pay more for food contained in packaging that extends freshness and shelf life.”

“There’s a need to design packaging for produce that is currently not packaged; that most of the produce in this study was wasted is because there is no packaging at all,” MSU’s Korey Fennel said during the webinar (网络研讨会), also noting the importance of “intelligent packaging” that could indicate the shelf life of food products.

1. What does the underlined word “minimizing” in the first paragraph mean?
2. What does the author intend to do in the second paragraph?
A.Summarize the previous paragraph.B.Provide some advice for the readers.
C.Add some background information.D.Introduce a new topic for discussion.
3. How did the researchers conduct their study?
A.By making observations.B.By asking questions.
C.By carrying out experiments.D.By referring to former studies.
4. What is the consumers’ attitude to purchasing packaged food according to the study?
2024-06-17更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The red phone box in Britain is a perfect example of the British traditional culture. However, with the fast development of mobile phones, it has lost its place in people’s everyday life. In order to save their loved red phone boxes, people have come up with many ideas, for example, to turn them into toilets or art houses.

In a village in Somerset, a place in South West England, villagers have found a new way to save their red phone box.     1    . The idea was given by a local villager, Janet Fisher, who lives opposite the phone box. Villagers rallied together to set up the book box after their mobile library service was cancelled. Over 100 books and a variety of movies and music CDs are available at this tiny library.     2    .

People can put the books that they have read inside the phone box, and take away the books that they’d like to read.     3    . There is a regular check on the books to keep the phone box collection fresh.

    4    . The phone box library is open every day around the clock and is lit at night. “ It’s very pleasing that the red phone box has been saved. More importantly, it can continue providing a service for us,” said the villagers.

A.It was used as an inventory to store books.
B.The books are of different kinds, ranging from cooking books to the classics.
C.They turned it into a mini library to cope with the shortage of libraries in their area.
D.However, not everyone can get access to the library.
E.The books in the library are always changing.
F.Anyone is free to come to read books there.
2019-11-25更新 | 88次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Recently I spoke to some of my students about what they wanted to do after they graduated, and what kind of job prospects they thought they had.

Given that I teach students who are trained to be doctors, I was astonished to find that most students thought that they would not be able to get the jobs they wanted without "outside help". "What kind of help is that?" I asked, expecting them to tell me that they would need a relative or family friend to help them out.

“Surgery(整形手术)”,one replied. I was pretty alarmed by that response. It seems that the graduates of today are increasingly willing to go under the knife to get ahead of others when it comes to getting a job. One girl told me that she was considering surgery to increase her height. “They break your legs, put in special extending screws, and slowly expand the gap between the two ends of the bone as it regrows. You can get at least 5 cm taller!”

At that point, I was shocked. I am short. I can't deny that, but I don't think I would put myself through months of pain just to be a few centimeters taller. I don't even bother to wear shoes with thick soles, as I'm not trying to hide the fact that I am just not tall!

It seems to me that there is a trend toward wanting “perfection”, and that is an ideal that just does not exist in reality.

No one is born perfect, yet magazines, TV shows and movies present images of thin, tall beautiful people as being the norm(标准). Advertisements for slimming aids, beauty treatments and cosmetic surgery clinics fill the pages of newspapers, further creating an idea that “perfection” is a requirement, and that it must be purchased, no matter what the cost. In my opinion, skills, rather than appearance, should determine how successful a person is in his chosen career.

1. Many graduates today turn to cosmetic surgery to________.
A.marry a better man/womanB.become a model
C.get an advantage over others in job-huntingD.attract more admirers
2. What was the author's reaction towards the girl's decision?
3. According to the passage,the author believes that ________.
A.everyone should pursue perfection,whatever the cost
B.it's right for graduates to ask for others to help them out in hunting for jobs
C.media are to blame for misleading young people in their seeking for surgery
D.it is one's appearance instead of skills that really matters in one's career
2021-11-14更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般