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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:22 题号:20629941

New research shows that the cost of raising a child in China is nearly seven times its GDP per capita (头数), far more than in the United States and Japan.

GDP, or gross domestic product, is the measure of the total value of goods and services in a country. GDP per capita is a measure resulting from GDP divided by the size of a nation’s total population.

The high cost of child-raising is one more difficulty Chinese policymakers face as they try to deal with quickly decreasing birth rates.

Experts warn China’s aging population will put pressure on its health and social security systems. A decrease in workers could also severely limit growth for the world’s second largest economy in the coming years.

New policies permit families to have as many as three children But China’s birth rate dropped to 7.52 births per 1,000 people in 2021. That is the lowest since the National Bureau of Statistics began recording the information in 1949.

The high costs of raising a child have caused officials in China to place restrictions (限制规定) on the private tutoring industry. Some areas have been giving couples money for having a second or third child.

The average cost of raising a child to the age of 18 in China in 2019 was 485,000 yuan for a first child. That is 6.9 times China’s GDP per capita that year. That information comes from a recent report from the YuWa Population Research Institute in Beijing.

China ranks second highest among the 13 countries included in the study. The country is behind only South Korea, which has the lowest birth rate in the world. The United States number, based on 2015 data, is at 4.11 times GDP per capita. Japan stands at 4.26, based on data from 2010.

Child raising costs are even higher in China’s major cities, reaching more than 1 million yuan in Shanghai and 969,000 yuan in Beijing. Birth rates in the two cities are even lower than the national average.

YuWa warned the decreasing birth rate would “profoundly (深刻地) affect” China’s economic growth potential, its ability to create and its welfare (福利) problems.

The study found that China would need to spend at least 5 percent of its yearly GDP to provide reasons for couples to have more children. That would include education funding (基金), special housing loan (贷款) rates and tax breaks. Other considerations include equal time for mothers and fathers to be away from their jobs and the building of more childcare centers.

1. Why do officials in China place restrictions on the private tutoring industry?
A.Because of the high cost of childcare.
B.Because there are too many extra-curricular tutoring classes.
C.Because the tutoring industry does not help students improve their grades.
D.Because many families want to give their children more leisure time.
2. What can we know from the passage?
A.China has the lowest birth rate in the world.
B.The cost of childcare in Beijing is higher than that in Shanghai.
C.The reduction of workers won’t limit China’s growth in the future.
D.The birth rate in 2021 has been the lowest since 1949.
3. What is the GDP per capita in 2019?
A.About 3,346,500 yuan.B.Around 70,300 yuan.
C.Less than 50,300 yuan.D.More than 80,000 yuan.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The measures that can reduce education costs.
B.The conclusion of the research by YuWa Population Research Institute.
C.The ways to increase the birth rate.
D.The impact of the decline of the birth rates.


阅读理解-六选四 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The world’s population reached five billion on the day I was born. That was in Indonesia back in 1987, and my parents was shocked that there were so many people on the planet.     1     In October 2011, the seven billionth baby was born, and experts predict that there will be ten billion of us before the end of this century.

    2     If you said “hello to a different person every second, it would take you 222 years to greet everyone on the planet. If seven billion people made a human chain with their hands, the chain would go to the moon and back nine times.

The human population has never been bigger, but in some ways the planet seems to begetting unbelievably smaller. In the past, travellers from Europe to Indonesia spent months at sea. Now you just have to sit on a plane for a few hours. When you arrived in another country a hundred years ago, you saw unfamiliar styles of clothing and buildings and discovered a completely different culture. In many places today, clothing and new buildings are very similar, and people enjoy the same things.     3    

Even the languages that we use are becoming more global. There are around seven thousand languages in use today.     4     I grew up in a small village where everyone spoke Baras, one of Indonesia’s local languages. Today, like most of the youth from my village, I live in the capital, Jakarta, and speak Indonesian there. The only regular Baras speakers at present are the older people who have stayed in the country, so the language is threatened with extinction.

A.But the number is decreasing fast.
B.Although we are on different continents, we are starting to live the same lives.
C.The planet might be a lot more peaceful if that were the case.
D.However, since then the population has continued to increase at an alarming rate.
E.A number as big as seven billion is hard to imagine.
F.With only one language left, there will be no culture difference in the world.
2024-01-16更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

There are many older people in the world and there will be many more. A little-known fact is that over 60 percent of the older people live in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, by 2020 there will be 1 billion, with over 700 million living in developing countries.

 It is a surprising fact that the population aging is particularly rapid in developing countries. For example, it took France 115 years for the rate of older people to double from 7 percent to 14 percent. It is estimated to take China a mere 27 years to achieve this same increase.

    What are the implications of these increased numbers of older folk? One of the biggest worries for governments is that the longer people live, the more likelihood there is for diseases and for disability. Attention is being paid to the need to keep people as healthy as possible, including during old age, to lessen the financial burden on the state.
    Another significant problem is the need for the younger generations to understand and value the older people in their society. In some African countries, certainly in Asia, older people are respected and regarded as the ones with special knowledge. Yet traditions are fading away daily, which does not make sure the continued high regard of older people. As society changes, attitudes will change.
    Much needs to be done to get rid of age discrimination in employment. Life-long learning programs need to be provided to enable older people to be active members in a country’s development.
    Social security policies need to be established to provide adequate income protection for older people. Both public and private schemes are vital in order to build a suitable safety net. The achieve equality in such matters will take considerable time and effort. One thing is sure: there is no time to be lost.
1. The rate of older people________.
A.is bigger in developed countries than in developing countries
B.is one-seventh of the population in developing countries
C.will increase much faster in China than in France
D.will be sixty percent in developing countries by 2020
2. According to passage, which of the following are governments most worried about______.
A.The diseases and disability of older people.B.The longer life and good health of people.
C.The loss of taxes on older people.D.The increasing respect for older people.
3. It is stated directly in the passage that older people should ________.
A.be treated differently in different culturesB.enjoy a similar lifestyle
C.be ignored as society changesD.be valued by the younger generations
4. Which of the following measure is NOT mentioned to solve the population aging problem?
A.Getting rid of age discrimination in employment.
B.Supplying life-long learning programs to older people.
C.Making sure adequate income protection for older people.
D.Providing free health care for sick older people.
5. The author concludes in the last paragraph that ________.
A.governments have spent lots of time in solving the aging problem
B.population aging is a hard problem, but it needs to be solved urgently
C.people are too busy to solve the population aging problem
D.much time and effort will be lost in solving the aging problem
2016-12-11更新 | 866次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Many economists argue that Canada could have developed economically with little facilitation of the settlers. But in my opinion the settlers were vital in the country’s development of economy.

Settlers in Canadian history provided labour force that was apparently lacking in the country. Due to the thriving timber (木材) industry that led to the arrival of foreigners, the local population could barely satisfy the international demand for the demand. Emery and Kenneth claimed that the settlers who came to Canada as mere loggers had an impact in the development of the economy. Indeed, the settlers helped the production of more volumes of timber leading to increase in incomes for the government.

Settlers created considerable storage facilities for fishing. It is through these preservation technologies that the country was able to exploit its rich fish industry and increase its exports. Fishing technology improved greatly with many technologies of deep sea fishing. The technologies that came with the settlers increased the trading potential of the country, which in turn increase the incomes for government.

The success of settlers who ventured in agriculture ended into increased urge by locals and the government to invest in agriculture. In Ontario, settlers began planting such plants as corn, vegetables and reared dairy cattle. In the Prairies, the settlers also invested in grain growing with wheat being the most profitable crop.

Canadian settlers also led to changes in social and economic policies of the land. Due to increased immigration, land became a debatable issue where many people did not access land in a fair manner. The Canadian authorities came up with a wise land policy. Settlers could buy large amount of land cheaply and later resell the lands at a proper profit. This increased the ability of the country to increase its agricultural profits by having a superior land system.

1. Which contribution of the settlers in Canada is not covered in the passage?
A.Timber industryB.Fishing industry.
2. Why is Emery and Kenneth’s claim mentioned in the text?
A.To give evidence of the lack of local population in history.
B.To tell readers that the settlers were only common loggers.
C.To prove what an important role settlers played in Canadian economy.
D.To state that the thriving timber industry led to the arrival of foreigners.
3. What can we know from the underlined sentence?
A.Canadian government urged settlers’ more invest in agriculture.
B.Settlers’ success made the people and the government angry.
C.Canadian government got inspiration from settler’s success in agriculture.
D.To succeed in agricultural venture, settler had to cooperate with government.
4. The last paragraph centers on settlers’ contribution to ________.
A.the reform of land policies
B.the increase of immigration
C.increasing amount of land
D.their creation of a superior land system
2023-04-19更新 | 25次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般