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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:48 题号:20631416

What is the ideal physique(体形)? The answer is ever-changing. But it is to a large extent work of a single company that dominated the past 60 years of body image standards.

Since its creation in 1959, Barbie has been in the leading position of promoting hardly attainable body image standards, for which it was often heavily criticized. Scientific research shows that the probability of achieving a Barbie-like body shape is less than 1 in 100,000!

Mattel, the company behind the Barbie doll, has recognized that the 60s’ idea of good body image is long gone. In an effort to keep up with social change, Mattel is adjusting the dolls' body type and skin color, introducing special editions.

There is now a Barbie in a wheelchair. There is a Barbie Astronaut, Rescuer, or Engineer. In their latest Barbie special edition, Mattel honors the women fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, including Dame Sarah Gilbert. In the hope that Mattel is adapting to modern corporate standards just as well as it is to social change, we’re attracted by what the company's sustainability data may tell us.

What does the data tell us? To answer this question, we’ve launched a sustainability-focused beauty contest-with Mattel as one of the contestants. The company scores relatively well on environmental and social metrics(衡量标准).However, in terms of diversity, Mattel is well below its competitor, Hasbro. This being said, the judges advise that beauty should be equally defined by the inside and the outside.

What does this mean? Be body-positive! As we’re approaching the second quarter of the 21st century, the importance of a healthy relationship between mind and body is being recognized. And with this, body image standards are changing, allowing for more freedom of expression and identity.

Mattel’s efforts in product diversity are a welcome step in the right direction, as the doll has its very own influence. We believe that Barbie’s future lies in the empowerment(赋予力量)of today’s youth, contributing toward a generation of confident individuals.

1. How does scientific research evaluate a Barbie-like body shape?
A.It needs much luck to achieve it.
B.It's almost impossible to achieve it.
C.There is increasing probability of achieving it.
D.It's a breakthrough in attainable body image standards.
2. Why does Mattel develop new editions of Barbie dolls?
A.To score well on social metrics.
B.To launch a beauty contest.
C.To keep pace with the times.
D.To define what is real beauty.
3. What is the author’s attitude toward the future of Barbie?
4. What is the best title for this text?
A.The Future of Barb
B.New Metrics for Body Image
C.A Deep Dive into Barbie’s World
D.A Great Change in Body Image Standards


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【推荐1】Social media has become a prevalent aspect of modern life, providing people with new ways to communicate and connect with others. However, as social media usage rises, so do the concerns surrounding its impact on mental health. Recent studies have shown that frequent social media use can increase feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.

One way that social media negatively affects mental health is through the unrealistic portrayal of people’s lives. Many individuals on social media present polished and curated versions of their lives, showcasing only the most desirable aspects. These filtered images and messages can leave people feeling inadequate and depressed as they compare their own lives to what they see online.

Furthermore, the constant barrage of notifications, messaging, and updates can leave individuals feeling overwhelmed, leading to heightened feelings of anxiety and stress. Social media can also foster a toxic environment where cyberbullying, harassment, and discrimination thrive.

Despite these negative impacts, social media can also have positive effects on mental health. People who use social media to connect with others can develop strong friendships and a support system. Social media can also provide a space for individuals to learn about mental health resources and connect with communities of people facing similar challenges.

It is therefore crucial for individuals to manage their social media usage and recognize the potential risks. Limiting screen time, following positive accounts, and practicing self-care can help minimize the negative impacts of social media on mental health. Moreover, society as a whole must address these issues and work towards creating a culture of positiveness, inclusiveness, and mental wellness online.

1. How do social media passively affect mental health?
A.By generating a toxic environment where cyberbullying thrives.
B.By providing a space for individuals to connect with others.
C.By improving self-esteem and preventing loneliness.
D.By encouraging healthy behaviors.
2. What can people do to manage the potential risks of social media usage?
A.Screen time mounts.
B.Follow passive accounts.
C.Overlook self-care practices.
D.Contain screen time and follow positive accounts.
3. What potential positive impact can social media have on mental health?
A.Creating a toxic environment.
B.Encouraging healthy behaviors.
C.Providing people with a support system.
D.All of the above.
4. How can the unrealistic portrayal of people’s lives on social media affect mental health?
A.Increase feelings of happiness and contentment.
B.Incubate feelings of inadequacy and depression.
C.Assist people to lift up their lives.
D.None of the above.
2023-08-08更新 | 128次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Travel is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re going to get, especially when using a mystery box plane ticket. Earlier this year, mystery box travel purchases increased and became trendy among China’s young people. In normal trips, people often plan their vacations well in advance. After buying a mystery box at a low price — usually 100 or 200 yuan — however, the travelers using this method will select their departure airport and receive several destination options to choose from. After the destination is decided, their trip begins.

Liao Liangyu, 16, has turned his eagerness to go on a mystery box trip into reality. He took a mystery box trip to Changsha with a couple of friends months ago. Right before their departure, a friend told Liao that Changsha was a super hyped-up (被炒作的) Internet sensation (网红). But he still decided to go and see it for himself.

“My biggest discovery is that Changsha is a city full of contrasts,” Liao explained to China Daily. “You can see skyscraper (摩天大楼) and old houses in the same view.”

Since the destination options include many less popular cities, travel mystery boxes also bring energy and economic benefits to these destinations. For example, Dehong city is a beautiful city in Yunnan province, yet has few visitors due to a lack of promotion. Following its inclusion as a mystery box travel destination, however, it has gained a lot of attention and is now thought of as a solid location for tourism.

But even so, a large number of people feel disappointed with travel mystery boxes because they can encounter many problems after purchasing one, such as inappropriate travel time, sudden flight cancellations, or even challenges with refunds. Su Weili from Ctrip suggested in an interview with Haibao News that visitors should choose reliable platforms and sign contracts to guarantee their interests.

1. What is the appeal of mystery box travel?
A.Traveling with like-minded strangers.
B.Unplanned traveling at a low cost.
C.Fixed routes to choose from.
D.Popular destinations to visit.
2. How did Liao Liangyu feel about his mystery box trip?
A.He regretted traveling with his friends.
B.He felt Changsha didn’t deserve its fame.
C.He disliked the unpredictability.
D.He discovered something unexpected.
3. How do travel mystery boxes affect places like Dehong city?
A.They help these places better known.
B.They often cause overcrowding.
C.They lead to environmental problems.
D.They enrich local people’s lives.
4. What is the main topic of the last paragraph?
A.Reliable platforms to buy travel mystery boxes.
B.Various mystery box travel options available.
C.Potential issues related to travel mystery boxes.
D.Mystery box travel regulations and policies.
2024-02-16更新 | 34次组卷
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文,本文介绍了一年一度的圣诞毛衣日(Christmas Jumper Day),19世纪晚期就流行起圣诞节前穿圣诞毛衣的传统。但现在这个传统被延伸为一年一度的慈善活动,人们穿上充满圣诞气息的毛衣,为孩童们募款。

【推荐3】Whether you admit it or not, people’s love for Christmas jumpers (毛衣) around Christmas has increased over recent years. And while you may be less willing to get involved in the Christmas jumper trend, Christmas Jumper Day now enables you to do more with your jumper than build up sweat in an incredibly warm office.

The origin of the Christmas jumper can date back to the late 19th century in the USA. Americans in the 1930s knitted (编织) for Christmas to create an item of clothing to keep them “warm” during the tough period- the Great Depression. They copied the jumpers they saw their favorite stars wearing on the big screen. From the 1950s, it was common to see American families wearing festive jumpers as they sat down to eat their Christmas dinner.

Now, alongside wearing a festive jumper for the fun of it, there are other positive outcomes. Christmas Jumper Day has been set up to encourage people to make the world better and raise funds tor Save the Children by wearing a Christmas jumper and making a minimum donation of £1. Ladbrokes, a company, in the UK, is running a competition in which all you have to do is take a selfie (自拍) outside of one of their shops while wearing a jumper- the winner will win a good prize and for every submission Ladbrokes will donate f5 to St. Luke’s Hospital charity. For you, it’s a win-win situation.

If you’re still unconvinced that it’s about time you bought yourself a Christmas jumper, then maybe the fact that Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Snoop Dogg have all been spotted wearing Christmas jumpers will raise your enthusiasm. Retailers (零售商) such as Topshop, Burberry and H&M have also become committed to Christmas Jumper Day and have their very own types of Christmas jumpers.

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
A.Christmas jumpers serve many functions.
B.Wearing Christmas jumpers in the office has been a trend.
C.Christmas jumpers have gained huge popularity.
D.Everyone should have a Christmas jumper.
2. For what reason did Americans in the 1930s make Christmas jumpers?
A.To protect them from cold weather.B.To lift their spirits.
C.To follow the stars they like.D.To establish a tradition.
3. What does the author mean by saying “it’s a win-win situation” in Paragraph 3?
A.You may help others and win some money.
B.You may raise awareness and save resources.
C.You may make a donation and achieve fame.
D.You may get some aid and promote Ladbrokes.
4. Why does the author mention Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Snoop Dogg?
A.To encourage people to donate Christmas jumpers.
B.To show the significance of Christmas Jumper Day.
C.To persuade readers to purchase a Christmas jumper.
D.To prove Christmas jumpers are popular among stars.
2023-10-13更新 | 78次组卷
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