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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:48 题号:20866062

Since 1979, Grandparents’ Day has been observed in the US on the first Sunday after Labor Day. Here are some ways to show your grandparents how much you appreciate them.

Surprise them. Though Grandparents’ Day has been marked for 40 years, many families don’t know about it. If you haven’t observed it before, give them a surprise this year.     1    

Spend time together. Many grandparents say they wish they had more individual time with their grandchildren. So one of the best things you can do for Grandparents’ Day is to simply spend time together.     2     Another way to connect is to ask your grandparents to teach you about one of their hobbies and then do it together. While you do this, tell them about what’s going on in your life.

Record a message. If you can’t physically be with your grandparents, consider sending them a special message. Ask your parents for help recording you on video.     3     Then share some of your favorite memories of times you’ve spent with them. It’s like a digital card, and your grandparents can watch it when they’re missing you.

    4     A survey showed that 90% of grandparents think it’s important that their grandkids know about the heritage they share. Many grandparents are like the historians of their family.     5     They know the most about where your relatives came from. To learn about the past of your family, you can go through old photos with them. Another option is to interview a grandparent on video and share the result with the rest of your family.

A.Share your life with them.
B.Preserve your family history.
C.Teach them the tips for making videos.
D.You can start by wishing them a happy Grandparents’ Day.
E.They remember stories about when your parents were young.
F.You could plan to share a meal, go for a walk, or read together.
G.This could be as simple as sending a card or making them a special treat.


阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We are all social emotional beings and throughout our lives, we all continue to shape our behaviours and relationships. However, for lifelong well-being, the development of social emotional skills should be shaped wisely as a child opens its eyes to this world. Here are some strategic actions that will help you guide your child in improving their social emotional learning skills.

    1     If they are crying, tell them ‌“You look sad” or ‌“It looks like you are mad right now.” This way you can reflect their emotions to them with words and help them understand and express their emotions too.

Approve your children’s feelings. Instead of saying ‌“Stop shouting and calm down, it’s not a big deal” try to say ‌“I know you are really angry right now but we can talk about it.”     2    

Give your kid some space and let them experience uncomfortable feelings. Everyone feels alone or bored sometimes.     3     This will help them tolerate disturbing feelings and situations going forward.

Accept emotions & correct behaviors. It’s okay to feel angry sometimes. Eventually, we need to feel that anger in some specific situations.     4     Teach your children that the feeling is normal, but they shouldn’t be screaming loudly in a public area just because they are feeling an emotion as this may make other people uncomfortable.

Support other cognitive skills.     5     Scientific educational brain games apps developed by academicians like those at MentaIUP are reliable and beneficial sources to improve cognitive(认知的)skills.

Every parent should keep in mind that all kids can shape and develop their social and emotional skills differently. Trying to find ways that suit your kids’ needs, interests and according to learning styles is always a better solution than blaming yourself or the kids.

A.Cognitive skills can only be acquired from classroom learning.
B.Define and put into words your children’s emotions.
C.However, it is never acceptable to show aggressive behaviors.
D.Teach them how to handle those feelings instead of avoiding them.
E.This way you can show them that it’s sometimes okay to have big feelings.
F.Social emotional learning also improves students’ attitudes towards school.
G.Improving mathematical and problem-solving skills will also support children’s social emotional development.
2022-08-30更新 | 207次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】As teenage students, you may feel stressed in the holidays for many reasons. Whatever the season is, it’s important for you to take care of your mental health. Here are a few suggestions to consider.

    1     Staying physically healthy is your best defense against holiday stress. You should keep your good habits as usual. Do play a variety of sports, but make sure to drink enough water after exercise. Try eating a balanced diet every day. Don’t overeat or fill up on sweets at party dinners.

Calm your mind. Buying something simple and inexpensive with your family will help you have peace of mind through the holidays when you’re shopping for goods.     2    You can also color or draw with him or her to deal with stress and improve mental health during the holidays.

Practise gratitude. Having gratitude means expressing thanks for what is good in your life. Remember to often show your thanks. Before meals, give thanks to the one who cooks them. Give thanks even if that person is you.     3     When you practise gratitude, you may also spread it. That way, your mind will be at peace.

Make time for joy. What kind of things can bring you joy? Washing clothes for your parents, looking after your relatives, or volunteering in your community is an effective way. Even delivering a plate of cookies to a neighbor is a choice.     4    

Make time for yourself. Maybe you need time for yourself after being with family for a long time.     5     Even a little break can make a big difference when it comes to reducing stress.

A.Keep up your healthy habits.
B.Try holding parties and enjoying yourself.
C.You may try listening to your favorite music alone to relax.
D.Reading a book with your best friend can make you calm down.
E.You just do something right to help others to make yourself happy.
F.Before you say goodbye, invite everyone to share their favorite holidays.
G.Write a note to let them know you appreciate it after your friends help you.
2023-03-15更新 | 176次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】According to some researchers at the Harvard business school, body language should be read through a scientific and unemotional eye. Whether in business or romance, some people use body language to convey (传达) false message and to take in others.     1     It can be very useful to learn a few tips about how to read body language lies.

Keep a close watch on the eyes.     2     At the same time, pathological (不理智的) liars and those practiced in the art of lying may hold your eyes for longer than a few seconds to make you feel uncomfortable and unable to rely on your instincts (本能).

Watch the hands of the person who speaks. While keeping the hands held behind the back may be thought of as a power pose, it is more likely to mean the person is hiding something.     3     By contrast, liars usually will keep their palms hidden in the pockets or turned over.

Consider how the person touches his face. Taekwando instructors at TKD tutor report that people will often cover their mouths in an effort to “cover up” their lies.     4    

Be on guard around people who touch their faces in any form. Rubbing the nose often indicates the person is a skilled liar and is merely moving his hand from his mouth on purpose. A person who rubs his eyes often is trying to avoid eye contact while lying.

    5     Standing absently, shrugging (耸肩) and other gestures that are abnormal for the person can also be signs of a liar.

A.Truthful people use open palms.
B.Don’t interrupt them when they are speaking.
C.They may start a fake cough to cover the signal.
D.Pay attention to nervous gestures that could give away a liar.
E.It is very difficult for a liar to look at you straight in the eye.
F.A person’s body language will very often suggest that a person is lying.
G.They may feel uncomfortable with their clothing by straightening their pants’ leg.
2022-12-09更新 | 193次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般