组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:33 题号:20977612

A long time ago, people lived happily under the rule of a king. The people of the kingdom were very happy as they led a very happy life with wealth and no misfortunes.

Once, the king decided to go visiting historical places and pilgrim (朝圣者) centres at distant places. He decided to travel on foot to interact with his people.

People of distant places were very happy to have a conversation with their king. They were proud that their king had a kind heart.

After several weeks of travel, the king returned to the palace. He was quite happy that he had visited many pilgrim centres and seen his people leading a happy life.

However, he had one regret. He had great pain in his feet as it was his first trip on foot covering a long distance. He complained to his ministers that the roads weren’t comfortable and that they were very stony. He could not stand the pain. He said that he was very worried about the people who had to walk along those roads as it would be painful for them, too!

Considering all this, he ordered his servants to cover the roads in the whole country with leather (皮革) so that the people of his kingdom could walk comfortably.

The king’s ministers were surprised to hear his order as it would mean that thousands of cows would have to be killed in order to get a large quantity of leather. And it would also cost a huge amount of money.




Finally, a wise man from the ministry came to the king and said that he had another idea.


Many of us dislike the world for many things.  

【知识点】 哲理感悟 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Wrinkles of confusion rippled across Holly’s forehead as she opened the gift from her best friend, Susan.

“I...I thought you could use it for something.” Susan’s stammered explanation did nothing to help us understand why a twelve-by-eighteen-inch dark blue carpet remnant(残余物) was being presented as a birthday gift.

Holly, my daughter, tried bravely not to allow her disappointment to show. She laid the carpet on the kitchen counter, and the two girls headed outside to play.

The next morning, I carried a kitchen bag outside. My heart ached as I saw Susan’s carpet lying in the trash can. Hesitating only a moment, I reached in and picked it up. After giving it a light brushing, I brought it into the house and placed it in the hall closet. Occupied with the business of daily living, the carpet was soon forgotten.

Prior to Holly’s birthday, Susan had been a regular visitor in our home. On several occasions, she rode the bus home with Holly and was one of the few friends ever permitted to stay over on a school night. But now I realized it had been nearly three weeks since we’d even heard mention of Susan’s name. I missed her warm smile and eager-to-please ways.

One day, Holly had arrived home from school. “Susan invited me to come over to her house after school tomorrow,” she announced as she took her books down on the kitchen table. Although her voice carried a so-what attitude, I sensed she was pleased by the invitation.

Arrangements were made, and the girls rode home together on the school bus the following day. As I negotiated the winding country road that led to her house, Susan chatted nervously about her foster mom and the seventeen cats she had taken in and cared for. Soon we arrived at Susan’s house.

Paragraph 1:

A woman wearing a shapeless sweater stood in the doorway to greet us as we approached the small shabby farmhouse.

Paragraph 2:

Hearing my words about everything of Susan, Holly sat silently in the car, with her head stretching forward(前伸) as if willing the car to move faster.

2021-07-10更新 | 236次组卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 较难 (0.4)

Finding happiness in life

Every year, more books on happiness are published, and every year, more people feel depressed because they do not see themselves as happy. They don't remember or know what it feels like, and instead, they feel guilty that they aren't as happy as everyone says they should be. This is really a sad state of emotional affairs.

The books, blogs, YouTube videos and advice columns will tell you that if you visualize(想象), exercise, write journals, stay busy, help others, eat healthy, read and increase your intimacy(亲密) every day, then you too can be happy.

The simple truth is that no one can be happy all the time. That doesn't mean you have to be sad, angry or depressed the rest of the time but that you can find a middle ground called contentment. This middle ground is a good place mentally and emotionally, and spending time there is a healthy choice.

Contentment is someplace between satisfied and peaceful. When you are in that place, the stuff of life can be going on around you, but you don't need to allow it to bother you. And that, my friends, is a very nice way to go through life.

I find contentment in walks and in writing, in talking with my partner and reminding each other that our life is good, despite temporary setbacks or scary moments. I can overreact to just normal life stuff, and because I know this about myself, I can soften my reactions and respond differently. Doing this takes away stress and will keep you from losing your state of contentment.

If there is even one thing that puts you in a state of contentment and you do it regularly and early enough each day it will help you through any challenges you may have to face later.

Right at this moment, things around me are still a little out of my control-such is life, but I am feeling pretty good because I am actively living my purpose. I alll now content, and that feeling will last the whole day through. You can do the same.

2021-11-24更新 | 64次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

My ex-husband had made some very bad choices in his life, and I did not want my children to pay for them all their lives, so the boys and I talked and we decided to move. We moved 2,700 miles from home. We had a small car that pulled a small U-haul over the Rocky Mountains. I could barely read a map (my 8-year-old reads them great, I learned).

We arrived in our new town three days later, and found an apartment. I started the boys in their new school and went to our new home to unload the U-haul. I had brought all the clothes, dishes, blankets and toys that I could fit in the U-haul. As I began unloading, a lady whom I had briefly met the day before was driving down the road and she stopped to help me unload and carry everything up the three flights of stairs. After getting moved in, I was blessed two days later when I found a job.

Things were going great. The boys went to the Boys & Girls Club after school, and I would pick them up after work. In December, two months after moving, the manager of the Boys & Girls Club called me and said that there was a group of people who wanted to choose a family for Christmas and would I mind if they chose our family. My first thought was no, because we had all the love we needed for the holidays, but then he said that my children had told him that there was no furniture in the house, and this group had a lot of used furniture, and that the boys and I would be making them very happy. So I agreed.

They called me and asked what the boys wanted for Christmas and I told them that anything would be appreciated, and I told them what their favorite toys were.

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They showed up on December 23.


My children and I have supported a child every year since then.

2022-05-27更新 | 239次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般