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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:235 题号:21080347

Mr. Mosop’s Chickens

Mr. Mosop had a lot of chickens. But Pili Pili was rare and precious. I remember the day he brought her back to the village. “Her name shall be Pepper — Pili Pili,” he said, gently stroking (抚摸) her black-and-white feathers. He promised me, “Next time I get a chicken, you may choose a greater name.” Pili Pili was the pride of our village. But now she was missing. Everyone in the village joined in the search for her.

After school the next day, I ran all the way home. “Did they find Pili Pili?” I was out of breath. Mama sighed. “Yes, on the other side of the fence.” She nodded at the low fence of bushes that surrounded our village. Grace, my little sister, opened her eyes wide.“Ahyena (鼠狗) ATE Pili Pili! Only her FEATHERS are left!”

I ducked into our house. I took my notebook out of my bag as well as my most treasured possession: a box of markers. On a piece of paper I made a rough picture of our village and the smooth, blue hills all around it. Then I drew Pili Pili, the famous black-and-white chicken, standing strong and elegant. I was so busy drawing that I didn’t notice Grace had joined me on the floor. She was drawing something, pressing the tip of my purple marker flat.

“No, Grace!” I yelled, grabbing my marker. “What is that?”

“A hyena,” Grace said, and then ran outside to show Mr. Mosop her drawing. I followed.

The old man was weeding. He looked sad. Grace ran over and threw her arms around his neck. “Did you cry?” Grace burst out. I rolled my eyes but Mr. Mosop laughed. “Me? An old man, cry over a chicken?” He smiled softly as we handed him our pictures. “Thank you, girls.”

The following day when I came home from school, Grace met me at the door of our house. “Mr. Mosop has gone to market to buy a new chicken!” She pulled at the sleeve (袖子) of my school uniform. “What do you think he will call it?”

1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
I suddenly remembered the promise Mr. Mosop had made.
Mr. Mosop looked at me and asked, “Have you thought of a name?”


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

I always hope for some student who possesses that unusual capability to convey feeling, insight, and passion through art. It doesn’t happen often, but it did one summer holiday - and from a wonderfully unexpected source.

That summer, I volunteered to teach a summer school art class for high school freshmen. When I arrived on the first day, the students were grouping in the center of the classroom, except for a red-haired girl named Emma who took a desk in the back row. I looked over what would be my workspace for the following days. There were large windows with plenty of light and I spotted several kinds of trees outside that would serve as models.

Emma was always the earliest to get to our classes,and I could feel her effort. However, she kept her seat in the back row as though being ignored was something to hope for. I asked one popular girl, who said, “She is an orphan. We try to be friendly, but she acts like she’s in another world.” I said, “All right. Let’s try to make this summer the good part of Emma’s life, OK?” There was no answer in words but she nodded, telling me she understood and empathized - good kid, at heart.

During the following days, I could feel other students’ kindness to Emma. Sometimes, Emma even talked and drew with them, but she still kept a certain distance from me. When I asked to see her work, she leaned forward covering it with her forearms. Treating her in any special way only seemed to emphasize her painful dissimilarity, so I limited my communication with her to a good morning smile.

The summer went by quickly and everyone got much better at drawing. So did Emma’s behavior. We had a lot of fun in the process, but the last day came at the right time. The kids filed in and watched me write the assignment on the whiteboard: Draw a picture titled: “A Place I Love”.


I walked around, watching the drawings develop.


It was Emma’s turn to show her drawing.

2024-03-09更新 | 74次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Gifts from their hearts

It was Christmas Eve,I was 15 and feeling sad because there was not enough money to buy the dress I wanted.

It was a cold night and there was ice in Pa’s beard when he came in. ''Come on, Elizabeth,''he said,''Dress warm. It's cold out.''

I was upset. Not only wasn’t I getting the dress; now Pa was dragging me out in the cold.I put on my coat and boots, and Ma gave me a mysterious smile as I opened the door. Something was up.

Outside, I was even more upset. There, in front of the house, was the work team, already fixed to the big sled(运输雪橇). Whatever we were going to do wasn't going to be a quick job.

I reluctantly climbed up beside Pa, he cold already biting at me.We pulled in front of the woodshed and started loading wood-the wood we'd spent all summer pulling down from the mountain an all fall sawing(锯)into blocks and spitting.

Finally I asked,"Pa, what are you doing?"

"Have you been by Mrs.Clark's lately?"he asked.

Mrs.Clark lived about two miles down the road from us.Her husband had passed away the year before, leaving her with a son to raise on her own.

“Yeah,” I said. “Why?”

“I rode by just today,” Pa said. “Little Jake was out digging around in the woodpile, trying to find chips(碎屑). They’re out of wood, Elizabeth.”

That was all he said.

“What’s in the little bag?” I asked.

“Shoes. They’re out of shoes.Little Jake had sacks wrapped around his feet when he was out in the woodpile.”

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
We rode the two miles to the Clarks’ place in silence.
Paragraph 2:
It opened and out came Mrs.Clark.
2021-11-22更新 | 112次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

In 1967, when I was 6 years old, my family moved to the small town of Oanaca, Nevada. My parents worked hard to feed us five girls. Though the community was small, everyone welcomed us and we soon made many friends. One family we grew to admire was the Wadsworths.

The first two years were filled with friendship and joy. But then disaster struck: Mrs. Wadsworth died, leaving her husband with eight children that hadn't grown up. One year later, Mr. Wadsworth also passed away.

The entire town was heartbroken. Preparations were made to send the kids to their relatives, but the Wadsworth children had different plans. The oldest son, Brent, gathered all his brothers and sisters and held a family meeting. “Our parents taught us to be responsible for each other. They wouldn't want us to be separated and unable to see each other frequently from now on,” he said seriously and firmly. The children all agreed and decided to make it on their own.

With their own efforts and the community's care and help, the Wadsworth children grew healthily and happily. Grateful for the love from the community during their hardships, they were always ready to serve others and return the favor they had received. One such time was the Christmas of 1972.

Typically, on Christmas Eve all the children from the community would gather in the church building to attend the Christmas party, the highlight(高潮) of which was a visit from Santa Claus. Santa Claus would burst into the hall, shouting “Ho, ho, ho!” Then he would sit in front of the stage, take each child on his lap to listen to their Christmas wishes, and give each a paper bag filled with peanuts, an orange and a large candy cane(糖果棒). It was an event we eagerly looked forward to all year long.

Paragraph 1 :

But this Christmas would be different with the flu(流感) spreading through the town.

Paragraph 2 :

Unexpectedly, on Christmas Eve, a knock came at our front door.

2021-08-09更新 | 73次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般