组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 时代变迁 > 畅想未来
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:86 题号:21222098

Below are several things that will have happened by the mid-point of this century both for the good and bad.

Right now, people are focused on AI potentially causing job losses but the reality could be far worse. George Stakhov said, “By 2050, AI will have profoundly(深刻地) reshaped the world. There is a dark AI future where those who control AI will gain huge power, while 99 percent of the population will be disenfranchised(剥夺权利) .The AI lords will control the world’s data and turn the rest of us into their serfs. The alternative is a bright AI scenario, where everyone benefits from AI through better healthcare, faster transport and less pollution.”

Futurist and former Google engineer Ray Kurzweil says that people will merge with machines by 2025. In an event he describes as the “Singularity”, Kurzweil predicts that by 2045, people will connect their brains to machines. “I have set a date for the Singularity in 2045, which is when we will increase our effective intelligence a billionfold by merging with the intelligence we have created.”

Alien-hunting astronomer Seth Shostak bet fellow astronomers that we should find aliens within two dozen years. That means we could be in contact with ET by 2036. Shostak has since doubled down on his prediction, saying that newer measurements suggest there could be billions of Earth-like worlds. That means if the Earth is the only place with life, it’s like a winner in a lottery where the odds are a billion to one. That may be the strongest argument for life in space.

Soaring humidity (湿度) and heat will lead to heatwaves where it is almost impossible for humans to survive outdoors in areas including South Asia, the Persian Gulf, and the Red Sea. By 2070, this will also be true in areas of Brazil and China. “Wet bulb” temperatures refer to conditions where temperature and humidity are high, making it hard to survive outdoors. Humans can survive temperatures of up to 50℃ when humidity is low, but in high humidity, humans cannot survive because there is no way to cool down by sweating. Even extremely strong and fit people die within hours. Large areas of the Earth might be uninhabitable.

1. What is the dark AI future according to George Stakhov?
A.AI will hold power over humans.
B.Humans will earn a basic low wage.
C.Humans will have to serve as AI’s masters.
D.AI will become the owner of the Earth.
2. What is Shostak’s attitude towards the existence of aliens?
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Heatwaves occur in most areas in the world.
B.High humidity causes people to sweat a lot.
C.Huge areas of the Earth might be uninhabitable.
D.People can’t live in low humidity for a long time.
23-24高三上·北京大兴·期中 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 畅想未来 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It’s Friday morning in the year 2050, and you’re running late. You got carried away watching the music video that is playing in the corner of your bathroom mirror while you were brushing your teeth. How will you get to your office at Mega Giga Industries on time?

A quick check of your Internet-connected refrigerator tells you your train is a bit behind schedule, too. So you decide to drive your environmentally hydrogen fuel(环保氢燃料)car instead-or rather, let your car drive you. It’s programmed to know the way and it will get you there without getting lost.

Settling into your office chair, which changes color to match what you’re wearing, you pick up yesterday morning’s newspaper. Printed on reusable electronic paper, it rewrites itself. Now it’s time for your big meeting. Uh-oh! You’ve left your handwritten notes at home. No problem. The smartpen you used has stored an electronic copy of what you wrote.

Your wristwatch videophone(可视电话)suddenly rings. Your best friend’s face pops up on the screen asking what you’re doing this weekend. Will you play virtual soccer with the U.S. Olympic team? No, no. Your friend says, so you have to take the new elevator (made of microscopic fibers many times stronger than steel) 60000 miles into space.

Could this scene really take place in just a couple of decades? The researchers who are now developing all these things think so. These high-tech products(高科技产品)may be as common in 20 years as cell phones today.

1. How many high-tech products are mentioned in the text?
2. According to the text, if you miss the train to work, you can ______.
A.drive your smartcar instead
B.take the spaceship instead
C.wait for the next train
D.work at home
3. What can be inferred from the text?
A.Space tourism will be a reality.
B.Transportation will be trouble-free.
C.People will have more time to enjoy themselves.
D.Videophones will replace face-to-face communications.
4. What is the best title for the next?
A.Great Changes in FutureB.Modern Times
C.Life in the FutureD.Development in Technology
2018-02-18更新 | 102次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It’s possible that interstellar space explorers could come across problems communicating with previous and subsequent arrivals, as their spoken language has changed in isolation along the way.

Regarding the issue, two American scholars, Andrew McKenzie and Jeffrey Punske, co-authored the article “Language Development During Interstellar Travel”. What has been discussed in the article is the concept of language change over time. They wrote that given more time, new grammatical forms can completely replace current ones.

In a recent interview, McKenzie gamed it out.

“If you’re on a spaceship for 10 generations, new concepts will emerge, new social issues will come up, and people will create ways of talking about them,” McKenzie said, “and these will become the vocabulary particular to the spaceship. People on Earth might never know about these words, unless there’s a reason to tell them. And the further away you get, the less you’re going to talk to people back home.”

So if we have Earth English and spaceship English, and they become different over the years, you will have to learn a little Earth English to send messages back, or to read the instruction manuals and information that come with the spaceship.

Also, keep in mind that the language back on Earth is going to change, too, during that time. So they may well be communicating like we’d be using Latin—communicating with this version of the language nobody uses.

The authors concluded that if a study of the linguistic changes aboard a spaceship could be performed, it would “add to its scientific value”.

1. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.Two American scholars.B.Interstellar space exploration.
C.Language evolution on Earth.D.The article by McKenzie and Punske.
2. What does the underlined phrase “gamed it out” mean?
A.Offered a new concept.B.Made a further study.
C.Gave a detailed explanation.D.Lost the game completely.
3. What might happen to people aboard a spaceship as a result of language change?
A.They tend to communicate in Latin.
B.They keep themselves updated on Earth English.
C.They don’t-feel much like talking to people on Earth.
D.They switch from spaceship English to Earth English.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Why space travelers change their language.B.How language is changed in the future time.
C.The language issue during interstellar travel.D.New concepts of language created in a spaceship.
2021-09-10更新 | 204次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】New Scientist magazine’s chief reporter Adam recently published “Net-zero living: how your day will look in a carbon-neutral (碳中和) world”. Here, he imagines what a typical day would be like in the future — through the eyes of Isla, a child in 2050.

Isla lives in the south of the United Kingdom and her life looks pretty much like life does today: she has a house, a car, a job, and a cup of tea in the morning. There are great forests, and giant machines sucking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. It all sounds like a green and pleasant land, but it didn’t sound like the future to me.

It’s an interesting exercise, imagining what it will be like in about 30 years. I thought I would give it a try: here is some speculative fiction about Edie, living in Toronto, Canada in 2050.

Edie lives in the garage in an old house that is her apartment and workshop. She considers herself to be very lucky to have this garage in what was her grandparents’ house. The only people who live in houses these days either get the houses from their parents or are multi-millionaires from all over the world, desperate to move to Canada with its cooler climate and plentiful water and are able to afford the million-dollar immigrant visa fee.

Edie is lucky to be working. There are no office or industrial jobs anymore: Artificial Intelligence and robots took care of that. The few jobs left are in service, culture, craft, health care, or real estate (房地产). In fact, selling real estate has become the nation’s biggest industry.

There may be lots of electricity from wind and solar farms, but even running tiny heat pumps for cooling is really expensive at peak times. The streets are unpleasantly hot, so many people sleep through the midday.

Now Edie is checking the balance in her Personal Carbon Allowance (PCA) account to see if she has enough to buy another imported battery for her e-bike. If she doesn’t have enough then, she will have to buy carbon credits, and they are expensive. She sets her alarm for 6:00 p.m. when the streets of Toronto will come alive again on this hot November day.

1. What does the author think of Isla’s life?
2. What will Toronto be like in 2050?
A.Many people will immigrate abroad.B.Its climate will get colder and colder.
C.Electricity will be very cheap to use.D.The house prices will be extremely high.
3. What might be Edie’s large concern?
A.The house problem.B.Being out of work.
C.The balance of her bank account.D.The energy consumption.
4. What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To point out Adam’s unreasonable thinking.
B.To compare the present life and the future life.
C.To imagine the life after reducing carbon emissions.
D.To raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.
2024-03-23更新 | 72次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般