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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:73 题号:21270430

Bringing the past to life by restoring (修复) old buildings from yesterday can show     1     (confident) in tomorrow. Jinan, the capital city of Shandong province, understands this.

Named a State-level historical and cultural city in 1986 by the State Council, Jinan     2     (have) a large number of cultural relics (遗迹) and historic buildings.

One main example is in the ancient downtown area of Jinan. The Baroque-style building is     3     former site of the city’s first cinema—Xiaoguanghan,     4     was built in 1904 when Jinan opened up to the outside world. By the late 1990s, the building was     5     danger of collapse (倒塌). The days of a good crowd of film lovers were long     6    (go).

Li, 45, a film lover who works in the catering industry (餐饮业), decided to help restore the historic building with the local government’s support in 2008. Restoration work started in 2009, During the process, Li began to learn about the history of the cinema and     7     the old building really means to Jinan’s history and China’s wider film culture.

After nearly 26 months, Xiaoguanghan     8     (give) new life as a film museum and restaurant. The museum now has more than 4,000 historic items,     9     (include) cameras, projectors, posters and classic props (道具), making it a perfect place for visitors     10     (learn) about the history and culture of Chinese cinema.

【知识点】 文化保护


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

The Palace Museum,     1     is also known as the Forbidden City, is a much-visited and much-photographed tourist attraction. This Chinese palace     2     a history of about 600 years receives millions of visits every year and lots of TV programs     3     (show) the place in recent years.

However, it still has secrets, and a new program     4     (design) to explore those unknown areas and the stories within is set to show the palace in a new light. The variety show, Shang Xin Le Gu Gong, broadcast its first episode (一集) on Beijing TV and online streaming media site, iQyi.com, on November 9, which won wide acceptance from audiences and     5     (think) highly of on Douban.com. “It brings many elements together, and everything in the show is     6     (perfect) matched and turns out amazing,” said     7     online user. “It brings me the thrill I felt when I stepped into the Palace Museum for the first time.”

In each one-hour-long episode, the actors and actresses switch between playing guides and historical figures     8     (include) emperors and royal family members of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). They explore areas that are still not     9     (access) to the public and the stories surrounding them. In the show, the actors and actresses are also joined by designers who will create     10     (product) based on what they see. The most popular ones, based on an online vote, are to be turned into souvenirs for sale.

2020-12-29更新 | 308次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Since 1972, more than 800 cultural sites that are thought to be of special importance to human history and culture     1    (add) to the World Heritage Site List. The Taj Mahal in India and the Imperial Tombs(皇陵) of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China are two of the best known     2    (example).

The Taj Mahal,     3    was built between 1631 and 1648, is     4     (obvious) a masterpiece of architecture. It took more than 20, 000 workers and 1,000 elephants     5    (complete) the project. Building a Taj Mahal was a labor of love. It was built in memory of the emperor’s beloved wife. If the Taj Mahal is a     6    (celebrate) of the heart, then the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are     7     monument(纪念碑) to the mind and spirit.     8    (build) by several emperors between 1368 and 1915, the Imperial Tombs represent Chinese cultural and historical values.

Human life lasts only a short time     9    art and culture last forever. The UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites programme attempts to preserve the best of human history. Masterpieces such     10    the Taj Mahal and the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties remind us of what we can achieve at our finest, and inspire us to live up to our great past in the future.

2022-08-23更新 | 141次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

No structure is as symbolically significant or     1     (cultural) important to China as the Great Wall. Architectural     2     (engineer)are part of a huge project to repair this centuries-old structure.

Jiankou     3     (believe) to be one of the most rugged stretches of the relic. Some of the most dangerous work includes laborers hanging from towering heights. With ropes tied around     4     (they) waists, repair workers spread cement on the wall’s steep sides, while others hold the ropes for support.     5     (survive) a fall from the steep sides would be unlikely. A laborer explains     6     he risks his life to make repairs to the ancient structure, saying that it is an honor to be part of such a great cause, and it is very     7     (meaning) to do so.

Getting supplies to this part of the wall is also a demanding effort. Because the path is so steep, donkeys and mules must be used to transport bricks,     8     can weigh as much as 150 kg each. The repair team goes to great lengths     9     (keep) the principle of minimal intervention. “We have to stick     10     the original format, the original material and the original craftsmanship, so that we can better preserve the historical and cultural values, ” said Cheng Yongmao, the engineer leading Jiankou’s restoration work.

2024-04-17更新 | 170次组卷
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