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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.85 引用次数:65 题号:21305158

A guide to gaining self-confidence and feeling your best

Do you value yourself as a human being? Do you believe that you’re able to get the things you want?     1     We’ll tell you exactly how to gain self-confidence so you can believe in yourself more. So, let’s get started.

    2     . Everyone is good at something, so focus on areas where you’re the best. Make a list of your strengths, and take pride in your talents (天赋). When you’re feeling down, read your list so you can tell yourself how amazing you are.

Exercise. When you take good care of yourself, you feel more confident and positive. For good health, exercise for 30 minutes a day most days a week. Do something fun, like playing tennis, going for a walk with a friend, or dancing to your favorite music.     3     Invite your friend or partner to exercise with you to make it more fun.

Stop comparing yourself to others. You are one-of-a-kind, so you’re not going to be like everyone else. Instead of using others as a measuring stick for success, use your past self. That way, you can focus on creating a life that makes you happy. Try to remember that what you see on social media is just the high point of someone’s life.     4    

Set and pursue (追求) realistic goals.     5     Feeling confident can give you the energy to pursue them. Choose a goal you want to work toward, and then break it up into smaller steps. Start working toward your goal today so you can create the life you want.

A.Write down everything you do well.
B.Your dreams are totally within reach.
C.Schedule time to pursue your hobbies.
D.Schedule exercise into your day so you won’t forget.
E.You usually don’t see the bad days and moments of self-doubt.
F.A good support system helps you stay focused on your best qualities.
G.If not, we’re here to help you go after your dreams and believe in yourself.
【知识点】 方法/策略 情绪


阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】People who don’t feel confident in social situations often have trouble interacting with others. However, anyone can boost their confidence by ensuring their, body language conveys a positive message.Practice these gestures and movements to project an airport confidence.

Lean Forward

When you are in a conversation, leaning forward indicates interest and attention, while maintaining distance indicates that you are disinterested. Research suggests that nonverbal signals such as leaning forward and facing straight ahead help convey feelings of interest.

Slow Your Movements

Fast movements make you appear more anxious. Everything from hand gestures to your walking pace can make a difference; slow down and notice how you feel more confident when you take your time.

The key, however, is to maintain other signals like eye contact and posture while moving more slowly. Slow movements combined with poor eye contact and slouched (耷拉的) posture may cause people to see you less confident.

Keep Your Chin Up

Do you look at the ground when you are walking or talking? Instead, keeping your head up and facing your conversation partner conveys interest and confidence. It might feel unnatural initially, but you will eventually become used to this more confident pose.

Give a Firm Handshake

A weak handshake is a sign of a lack of confidence, so offer a firm hand when meeting others. How long your handshake lasts can also influence how people perceive you.

Research has found that the length of a normal handshake is around three seconds or less. Handshakes lasting longer than three seconds are associated with less enjoyment of the interaction and more anxiety.

1. Which way of walking conveys confidence?
A.Walk fast with head straight up.
B.Move fast with a leaning posture.
C.Walk slowly with proper eye contact.
D.Move slowly with maintained distance.
2. Which body language requires considering the length of time?
A.Lean Forward.B.Slow Your Movements.
C.Keep Your Chin Up.D.Give a Firm Handshake.
3. Who is the text intended for?
A.Those who have a passion for body language.
B.Those who run projects about body language.
C.Those who lack confidence in communication.
D.Those who desire to boost their language skills.
2023-11-13更新 | 128次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】How to Have a Healthy Diet

Many people with serious illnesses would give anything they have for a single day of perfect health.     1     To be healthy and make the most of what you’ve got, you should follow these tips.

Dink more water.     2    That is in addition to things like tea and coffee. Water keeps bodies at the right temperature and removes toxins (毒素).

Eat breakfast. A light, healthy breakfast is enough to reap the benefits of eating early.     3    So, if you want to control your appetite, don’t skip the first meal of the day.

    4    A good time for a healthy, easy-to-digest evening meal is between 17:00 and 20:00. It’s best to avoid late-night snacks because they fill you with unnecessary calories and make you difficult to sleep. If you do need that midnight snacks, stick to unsalted nuts, seeds and fruits.

Consider going meatless. In case you haven’t noticed, meat hasn’t played much of a role in what we’ve talked about so far.     5    While it’s not the best idea to go fully vegetarian, most people do eat far too much meat. A good idea is to change the amount and types of meat you eat.

A.Eat at the right time.
B.Eat midnight snacks properly.
C.Water plays an important role in our health.
D.Adult humans should drink 2-3 liters of water per day.
E.Research shows that breakfast skippers actually eat more!
F.Therefore, being vegetarian is a good way to reduce your calorie intake.
G.After all, it’s only when you lose your health that you realize what you once had.
2023-10-15更新 | 39次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Becoming more optimistic can help you see people, situations and tasks with a more positive outlook.     1    However, optimism is actually an ability that individuals can choose to develop. Here are some steps to become more optimistic.

Keep a gratitude journal. Write every day in a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal is a place where you regularly write things you feel grateful for. The things you’re grateful for can be small, such as a good meal or a sunny day.    2    Consistently recognizing the things you’re grateful for can help you refocus on the positives in your life and foster a more optimistic perspective.

Do activities you enjoy, Spend time on hobbies or interests that naturally boost your mood or make you laugh. Pursuing activities you enjoy can help you reduce stress levels.     3    

Limit your consumption of the news.     4     However, most news mediums discuss negative topics or subjects from a negative angle. So consuming too much news can dampen your outlook on life. So consider setting a time limit for how much news you consume regularly. Choosing to only receive your news from a few reputable sources can also help you reduce the amount of news you read or watch daily.

    5     Make actionable plans when facing challenging situations. Some people might think that optimists only perceive the good in all situations. However, optimistic people do recognize difficulties. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of a situation, optimists make plans to alter, improve or overcome those challenges.

A.Take action against the negative.
B.Spend time with optimistic people.
C.Optimists are often interested in trying new things.
D.It’s important to stay informed about the world around you.
E.Some people might believe that people are born with optimism.
F.They can also be larger or more complex, such as a loved one or a good job.
G.When you feel more joyful, it can become easier to look at situations positively.
2023-04-08更新 | 156次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般