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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:38 题号:21353116

We’ve seen such scenes often: Needy families lining up for a bag of daily necessities—dry foodstuff, cooking essentials, basic toiletries (化妆品). But Foo Say Thye, 56-year-old co-founder of local volunteer group Heart warmers, observed one common occurrence at these donation drives: Whenever beneficiaries (受益者) receive the bags, most would seem shy and unwilling to talk and would leave the venue almost immediately.

Mk realized that it is important not just to meet the physical needs of beneficiaries, but also consider their mental and emotional state as well. Foo Say Thye said that he wanted to take such goodie bag distribution a step further. That’s why the group came up with Project 100=50.

“When we give bags of groceries to families, these are default (默认) items donated by the organizers. Project 100=50 allows participants to choose whatever they need and what they actually want,” says Say Thye.

Project 100=50 is a community service event that supports low-to middle-income families by creating a “mini supermarket” where beneficiaries can choose to buy what they need at highly discounted prices. It partners with local supermarket group Sheng Siong, which supplies these groceries to Heartwarmers at a special rate.

Discounts are either capped (限额收取) at 50% if beneficiaries spend $100 or less or at $50 if they spend more than §100. Say Thye explains, “Providing them with a choice on what to get at reduced prices raises their self-esteem and self-confidence. It also promotes self-help when beneficiaries can start to pay for their own necessities.”

Every month, different Group Representation Constituencies (GRCs) select low-to middle-income families who don’t qualify for financial assistance from the Government or agencies to attend Project 100=50 events. Different GRCs use different criteria to choose the beneficiaries.

Volunteer Tan Jun An, 21, says that these ‘‘sandwiched” families are stuck in between categories. “Like my own family, we are stuck in between. You’re neither rich nor poor,” he says. “Because you don’t fall in any other group, you cannot receive any benefits. So, this project helps the ‘sandwiched’”.

1. What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To lead in the topic.B.To state the author’s opinion.
C.To analyze a phenomenon.D.To share the author’s routine.
2. Why was Project 100=50 started?
A.To make groceries affordable.B.To offer financial assistance.
C.To compete with supermarkets.D.To provide emotional support.
3. Which can best describe Project 100=50 probably?
4. Which would be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Challenges Faced by Needy Families
B.A New Way to Help Needy Families
C.The Importance of Self-Help for Beneficiaries
D.Government Assistance Failing Needy Families


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Thirty thousand is a big number. It represents the amount of people who have Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS, 肌萎缩侧索硬化). It’s also the number of times that Alex Sahinidis juggled(抛接) a soccer ball over an 11-hour period to raise money for the Live Like Lou Foundation, a nonprofit organization committed to finding a cure for the discase.

Alex, a junior at Carnegie Mellon University studying economics and finance, works to raise money for ALS each year through the Students’ Union. Alex began his fundraising journey, which aimed to raise $ 1,000 for the Live Like Lou Foundation, in November of 2019. His progress was lagging behind though.

“We raise money for ALS each year, and I won’t lie, sometimes it felt routine and more often, like a chore,” Alex said. “My entire perspective changed when I met Susan. It gave me a sense of purpose.”

Susan is a resident receiving treatment for ALS at a medical center. Alex met Susan in October, when the Students’ Union provided members the opportunity to volunteer for an individual impacted by the disease. For Alex, meeting her was a life-changing experience.

Although Susan could not speak and required a machine to track her eye movements to express herself verbally, Alex recalls that she was optimistic and fun. “After completing some chores for her, she thanked me gently. But then suddenly, she broke down crying and I was immediately touched by her sensitivity and gratitude.”

His short time with Susan inspired Alex to speed up his fundraising. For the last month, he spent time individually raising money for the Iron Phi Challenge, an athletic event which raises money for patients like Susan.

Alex encourages others to find ways to give back, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. “No matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, there is always an opportunity to put a smile on another’s face and leave a positive impact on the world around you,” he said.

1. What’s the significance of number 30,000 in Alex’s charity event?
A.It demonstrates his excellent soccer skills.B.It stands for the number of ALS patients.
C.It refers to the target of fundraising.D.It reflects the wide spread of ALS.
2. Why was Alex’s fundraising progress slow?
A.Lack of help.B.Lack of plan.C.Lack of guidance.D.Lack of motivation.
3. What happened to Alex during his meeting with Susan?
A.He expressed his concern to Susan through a machine.
B.He realized Susan was stronger than he imagined.
C.He changed his view of the world and life.
D.He witnessed the optimism of other patients like Susan.
4. What could be learned from the story?
A.Helping others is helping ourselves.B.Better late than never.
C.Kindness costs nothing.D.Actions speak louder than words.
2021-12-30更新 | 73次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了一个名为Beauty From Their Ashes的组织,旨在帮助受苦难的女性克服困难,获得新生。

【推荐2】Beauty From Their Ashes is a group of mothers and daughters who have dealt with the impact that trauma (挫折) brings. With this experience, their goal is to help others by coming to each person from a place of compassion and empathy (共情).

“We have walked this walk,” said Synethia Bland, Marketing Director. “We have already learned how to manage the challenges that a trauma-impacted mother faces each day. Our goal is to communicate that you’re never on this journey alone.”

Everyone goes through adversity. This group hopes to communicate to mothers and daughters that they can rise from these trials to reach places of beauty. Bland says that by providing guidance, hope, and love, women can hold their faith because empathy and compassion are restored in their lives.

“Broken women help other hurting women in realizing their dream and potential,” said Liliana, a certified life coach. Liliana is praised for being a defender of the truth. “The best teachers come from life,” she said.

Liliana ran through her social media, and she saw others in pain: homeless, abused, facing chronic illness. No one gave an encouraging word. No one paid attention, like illness and poverty were a choice. Liliana was overcome with such heart-broken stories. When Liliana found her faith, she said her journey became more difficult. Turning away women in need was not something she was willing to do, so she poured all her resources into this organization.

“You know that in your secret closet, you still have ashes. Just because the world can’t see them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Some of us just choose not to sit on our hands.”

By showing women how they can rise like a phoenix, the ashes don’t need to be the end of their stories. It can be the beginning of something new.

1. What is the mission of Beauty From Their Ashes?
A.To help the suffering women.B.To train women to be independent.
C.To encourage women to face challenges.D.To provide useful suggestions for women.
2. What does the author stress in paragraph 5?
A.The help from social media.B.The situation of the sufferers.
C.The trouble Liliana met with.D.The reason why Liliana served the group.
3. What does the underlined phrase “sit on our hands” in paragraph 6 mean?
A.Sit well.B.Take action.C.Turn a blind eye.D.Lend a hand.
4. What key message does the text convey?
A.Ladies can rise from trials.B.True beauty comes from ashes.
C.Broken women deserve more concern.D.Misfortune can be a new start with help.
2022-10-15更新 | 161次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Radajere Oleita thinks she may have a partial solution for the world’s two persistent problems: garbage and poverty. It’s called the Chip Bag Project. The 26-year-old student and environmentalist from Detroit is asking a favor of local snack lovers:Rather than toss your empty chip bags into the trash, donate them so she can turn them into sleeping bags for the homeless.

Chip eaters drop off their empty bags from Doritos, Lay’s, and other favorites at two locations in Detroit: a print shop and a clothing store, where Oleita and her volunteer helpers collect them. After they clean the chip bags in soapy hot water, they slice them open, lay them flat, and iron them together. They use padding and liners(内衬)from old coats to line the insides.

It takes about four hours to sew a sleeping bag, and each takes around 150 to 300 chip bags, depending on whether they’re single-serve or family size. The result is a sleeping bag that is “waterproof lightweight, and easy to carry around,” Oleita told the Detroit News.

Since its start in 2020, the Chip Bag Project has collected more than 800, 000 chip bags and, as of last December, created 110 sleeping bags.

Sure, it would be simpler to raise the money to buy new sleeping bags. But that’s only half the goal for the volunteers and Oleita whose family moved to the United States from Nigeria a decade ago with the hope of attaining a better life. “We are dedicated to making an impact not only socially, but environmentally.” she says.

And, of course, there’s the symbolism of saving bags that would otherwise land in the trash and using them to help the homeless. It’s a powerful reminder that environmental injustice and poverty often go hand in hand, as Oleita told hourdetroit. com:“I think it’s time to show connections between all of these issues. ”

1. Whom is the Chip Bag Project intended to help?
A.People donating chip bags.B.People protecting the environment.
C.People without sleeping bags.D.People having no home.
2. What is the right order of making sleep bags?
A.Collecting—slicing —cleaning—ironing—lining.
C.Ironing一slicing一 cleaning—collecting—lining.
D.Lining—slicing ―cleaning—collecting —ironing.
3. What can we infer from what Oleita said?
A.It is time to make efforts to help the homeless to live better.
B.People can get more free sleeping bags easy to carry around.
C.Her project tries to solve both social problems and trash pollution.
D.People should connect with each other to solve all the problems.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To encourage environment protection.B.To introduce a charity project
C.To promote new sleeping bags.D.To show new uses of chip bags.
2023-02-13更新 | 55次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般