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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:37 题号:21369800

Beijing and large areas of northern China woke to     1     (choke) sand and dust, as a winter sandstorm sent many of the air pollution     2     (level) off the charts.

The sandstorm originated in Mongolia and     3     (gradual) moved south, covering much of northern China, from the eastern city of Tianjin to Xinjiang region in the far west. The sandstorm is expected     4     (last) for two days.

In the spring of 2021, Beijing was hit by the biggest sandstorm in nearly a decade,     5     turned the skies a shade of orange. In previous decades, each May     6     (see) at least two rounds of sandstorms. The     7     (frequent) and severity of sandstorms was partly due to drought, growing population pressure and poor progress in revegetation (再种植), which caused rapid desertification of land in the north and northwest. But sandstorms     8     (decrease) sharply ever since. The annual number of sandstorm-affected days in Beijing fell     9     a peak of 26 days in the 1950s to just three days after 2010.

Since 2000, the Chinese government has spent billions of dollars on sandstorm prevention, started     10     (vary) reforestation and ecological projects and sent up satellites to monitor sandstorms and alert weather agencies ahead of time.


语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

The Sponge(海绵)City

Between 1950 and 2018, flooding in China damaged     1     (near) 15 billion acres of land. The nation isn’t alone. According to climate change predictions, extreme rainfall and flooding     2     (be) going to increase worldwide, and cities are especially weak. That’s     3     plants, soils, and trees, which naturally absorb and store groundwater, are much     4     (few) compared to highways and buildings.

Located     5     the banks of the Yangtze River in eastern China, Zhenjiang is just one of the country’s zones at high risk for floods. In response to this     6     (grow) risk, it was one of 16 pilot locations for the “sponge city" project in 2015. The goal is to transform at least 20 percent of the land into permeable(可渗透的)surfaces,     7     include parks, rain gardens, green roofs, and sidewalks. so that neighborhoods can absorb heavy rains. Since the effort took off, Zhenjiang     8     (expand) green space. built rain gardens. and set up storage systems to clean and reuse rainwater and floods. Some 658 Chinese cities have also carried out     9     own sponge city designs to adapt to the local geographical needs.

Meanwhile, other areas at risk of urban flooding across the globe are making their own greening projects     10     (help) absorb heavy rainfall, from Philadelphia’s Green Acres program to Cairo’s rooftop garden initiative(倡议).

2022-05-12更新 | 71次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

Storm Arwen hit much of Britain at the end of last week, causing disastrous    1     (consequence) including loss of life and property. The world-famous Bodnant Garden was among the worst-hit areas. Over 50 trees were uprooted including a 51-metre “Champion” coast redwood —the     2     (large) of its kind in Wales.

The Wallington Estate in Northumberland reported the most horrible storm in the past 40 years,     3     (destroy) as large as an area of 13 acres green space. Among     4       (variety) trees lost to the winds were 250-years-old oak and beech trees planted by Sir Walter Calverley Blackett.

“There have been tears. We     5     (see) storms and floods here before but this damage is never seen in living memory. The area worst     6     (affect) is Furnace Wood where we’ve done major repair work over the last decade,” said Adam Salvin, head gardener at Bodnant,     7     the clear-up is expected to take months.

“Our gardens and landscapes will take months to clear up and years, even decades, to     8     (full) restore. Some won’t be the same again but I have no doubt that our amazing teams will recreate these much-loved places and reopen them for everyone     9     (enjoy).

Damage is still being assessed but the National Trust expects the damage to cost it at least E3m. The charity is appealing     10    donations to help.

2024-03-19更新 | 35次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Chickens are excellent natural enemies of locusts (蝗虫). On average, one chicken can catch over 600 locusts a day and can cover 0.6 acre of grassland.

    1     (official) in China’s Xinjiang have handed out over 2,200 chickens to local farmers,     2     (hope) to control locusts. There has been a decline in the locust population in several counties     3     the measure has been adopted.

A report predicted     4     (high) than normal incidents of locusts for the northern part of China,     5     (main) owing to warmer winter temperatures. Nearly 10,000 acres in Wushi County have already been destroyed by locusts.

Previous efforts to kill locusts in Xinjiang included pesticides that, while effective, also     6     (end) up killing off beneficial insects and harming the ecosystem. Alternatively, only 100 chickens last year in Wushi County were able to effectively limit damage     7     more than 1,300 acres.

This isn’t the first time China     8     (use) birds against locusts. A Telegraph story described how the government trained 700,000 chickens and ducks     9     (run) after and consume locusts at the sound of a whistle. The campaign, which included nearly 280,000 people, was a response to the country’s worst locust outbreak in    10    quarter century.

2020-08-15更新 | 38次组卷
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