组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 艺术 > 美术与摄影
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:30 题号:21522756

To anyone else, it was just a simple white cotton bag, but to me, it was a canvas (油画布) for my latest masterpiece. I laid it flat on the six-foot-long wooden table in my kitchen. With one hand I held down a corner of the bag and with the other clipped my brush in the paint and touched it to the canvas, and slowly an image took shape. Painting was hard, but I enjoyed it. And my friends and family loved the bags. “I get tons of praise for mine,” my mother told me.

Only getting those paintings appreciated was quite not the honor I’d dreamed of when I first picked up a paintbrush as a kid. I used to aim higher. I wanted my work to appear in the Louvre Museum in Paris, right next to the Mona Lisa. But even then, I knew what a wild dream it was.

My parents encouraged my interest, and paid for art lessons. In high school, I joined an art club, and showed my work along with other local artists in an exhibition. I started college and majored in fine art, took classes in drawing and design. But the farthest I ever traveled to was New York City. The Louvre might as well have been on another planet. Then things changed. I met and fell in love with Charlie. After we got married, I took a break from art.

When I finally picked up a brush, I was rusty and lost my inspiration. I tried a landscape but it was flat. Things in the foreground were the same size as in the background. I’d lost the ability. I was frustrated and threw down my brush. Maybe I’d never really had any talent at all. Charlie turned me around. “You have a talent,” he told me. “Keep painting.”

Paragraph 1 :
One day, walking through town, I found some white cotton bags in a store window.
Paragraph 2 :
The next month, Charlie and I visited the Louvre Museum in Paris.
【知识点】 美术与摄影 个人经历


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Rafael is my parents’ friend who owns a bakery with the yummiest (最美味的) treats imaginable. He happened to stop by when my friends Mareya and Daniel, my little sister Indi and I were drawing with chalk in front of my house. He said our drawings were cool, while trying not to step on them as he walked toward the door to find my dad. We expressed our thanks and continued to draw.

A little while later, when he came back out with my dad, Rafael said he had been thinking about our wonderful drawings, and that he’d really love our help. He was going to sell cookies, and the profits would go to an organization that worked to save the rainforests. When asked if he wanted us to help taste the cookies, Rafael laughed and said “Of course”. But he said he also needed some artwork for the bags. He wondered if we would be up for making some sketches (草图) on paper that he could consider for the label.

We said yes right away. I mean, who wouldn’t want to help the rainforests — and sample some of Rafael’s delicious cookies? Rafael had to leave for a meeting but promised to be back by four o’clock. “Don’t worry about making the pictures perfect,” he said as he left. “Just have fun drawing.”

After we read a little bit about the rainforests, my mom helped get us set up with art supplies and background music. And away we drew! Finally, about five minutes before four o’clock, we decided to stop and look at one another’s work. To our great surprise, Daniel made an incredible drawing. When asked why he never told us he could draw like that, Daniel just smiled. He said he was glad we liked it and that he thought all of ours were really awesome too.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

I liked my drawing, but after comparing it with Daniel’s masterpiece, I felt like the worst artist ever.


When I looked closely at everyone’s art, I could see what Rafael meant.

2023-05-04更新 | 206次组卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐2】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.

When Is the Mona Lisa Not the Mona Lisa?

How many Mona Lisa paintings do you think there are in the world today? Just the one? I don't think so. The truth is that there are probably many, many Mona Lisa's hanging on walls or in studios. Of course only one was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci but the art of copying is very common in the art world.

In fact it is true to say that artists have been copying from other artists for hundreds if not thousands of years. Traditionally, it was normal for artists to copy other artists' paintings. This was a way of making sure historical, religious and artistic traditions were available for future generations. It was considered normal for an artist in training to practise by copying the work of other great artists.

Historically, the purpose of art was for historical or religious reference. Most of the time no one cared who painted the paintings. This is why we find it difficult to identify the artists behind some of the greatest older paintings. Paintings were usually commissioned by the church or state, not b\ individuals so the name of the artist was really unimportant.

However, from around the 16th century the church and state became poorer and money found its way into the hands of rich individuals. These individuals, as a means of showing their place in society or a knowledge of art, drastically increased the demand for art. Suddenly more and more artists were needed and people competed to buy the paintings of certain individual artists. These created people whose job it was to buy and sell paintings. It also created galleries and auction houses. Suddenly art was a business and at its centre was money.


2019-10-22更新 | 173次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Risha loved school. However, there was one class Risha worried about more than any other — art. She didn’t know why she just wasn’t any good at drawing, painting, or cutting.

Ms. Clay, the art teacher, stood at the front of the room. “Class, next Friday our school is going to have an art competition.” she announced. Ms. Clay was a great teacher, and Risha liked her a lot. But this announcement made Risha nervous. “Everyone in the school will create a piece of artwork to show in the library. You can use the different types of artwork we have been studying.” Ms. Clay was quite excited when she spoke while Risha found herself sinking lower in her chair.

Risha had the whole weekend to work on her project, but she could not think of anything to do. On Monday, Risha felt frightened, so after school Risha asked Ms. Clay if she could write an art paper instead of doing an art project.

“I understand this project scared you, Risha,” Ms. Clay said. “Just remember, you can create any kind of art you want.” Ms. Clay smiled at her. “Art is a person’s way of expressing his or her feelings — it isn’t always painting, drawing, or cutting. I know you will think of something very creative, and I can’t wait to see it.”

When Risha arrived home, she took out a piece of paper and a pencil. She remembered Ms. Clay’s words. “Art is a person’s way of expressing his or her feelings.” Risha wrote the word “terrified” on her paper. She crumpled (弄皱) the paper and threw it to the side of her desk.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Then Risha stared at the crumpled ball.
On Friday, Risha carefully carried her project into the library.
2022-02-14更新 | 250次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般