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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:21555634

As the Mid-Autumn Festival was originally started from the worship of the moon god, many interesting     1     (story) and legends are told and spread     2    (explain) the purpose of the worship. The most famous one is the “Chang’e (嫦娥) Flying to the Moon”. The legend (传说) goes like this:

Chang’e’s husband Hou Yi     3    (reward) the elixir of immortality (长生不老药)     4    shooting down the extra nine suns,     5     tortured (使受煎熬) people a lot. But he would not like become immortal alone and left his wife to live in the heaven,     6     he gave the elixir to Chang’e to keep it well.     7     (lucky), one of Hou Yi’s followers got to know it. On a 15th day of the 8th lunar month when Hou Yi went out hunting, that follower sneaked into Hou Yi and Cheng E’s home and forced Chang’e to hand over the elixir. Unhelpfully, Chang’e     8    (eat) the elixir, became an immortal and uncontrollably left the earth for the heaven. As she didn’t want to leave her husband, she flew to the moon, the     9     (close) place to the earth in the heaven. Hou Yi, in hope of reunion, presented the mooncakes     10     every 15th day of the 8th lunar month since then.

23-24高二上·宁夏银川·期末 查看更多[3]
【知识点】 中国文化与节日


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

When Peng Jingxuan began playing the guzbeng on the streets of France in 2018, she did not expect that the traditional instrument would change her life.

Peng began to study the guzheng when she was 7 years old. In 2017, she went to France to study     1    a master’s degree in musicology. There, Peng     2     (draw) to the various performances by artists playing musical instruments on the streets.     3     she seldom saw Chinese instruments     4     (play) on the streets. So, in the summer of 2018, she took her guzheng and began to perform on the street. She was     5     (surprise) to find that very few people in France knew about the Chinese instrument.

“I wanted to make this instrument known to more people,” Peng said. She began to do street performances to     6     (sharp) her skills.     7     more Peng played on the streets, the greater sense of     8     (responsible) she felt to spread Chinese music and culture.

To make this traditional Chinese instrument better known to people in France, Peng carefully selected and arranged each song. She     9     (choose) to focus on traditional guzheng pieces and a number of pop songs with strong Chinese influences.

    10     (see) the guzheng go global and get more people to know about it, understand it, and love it, I think, is the biggest wish of Chinese artists playing the traditional musical instrument,” she said.

2024-04-18更新 | 48次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)


Among China’s various forms of silk products, yunjin,    1     unique variety, has been attractive for thousands of years. The origin of yunjin can be traced to the late Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420), when general Liu Yu defeated the Later Qin kingdom and     2     (bring) the kingdom’s craftsmen from Chang’an to the then capital Nanjing.

The influence of the craft on Nanjing is evident. In China’s literary classic Dream of the Red Chamber,     3     (write) by Nanjing-born novelist Cao Xueqin, yunjin garments are     4     (frequent) mentioned. Besides, many places in the city are named     5     silk manufacturing processes, such as Rongzhuang Street and Jinxiu Workshop.

After the     6    (establish) of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the country continued to place special emphasis on     7    (preserve) and passing down the weaving technique, founding the Nanjing Yunjin Research Institute in 1957.

Earlier this century,    8    (display) the brocade (织锦), the institute set up the Nanjing Yunjin Museum,    9     is the only professional museum in China, including its history, weaving technique, culture, and contemporary artworks.

And now, with the support of technology and research conducted by the institute, yunjin craftsmanship and teaching are increasingly efficient and     10    (effect). In 2009, the craftsmanship of Nanjing yunjin was included on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

2024-03-21更新 | 95次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Listed as a national level intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产)     1     2006, Qinqiang Opera has     2     (gradual) seen a return to popularity in recent years. The revival (复兴) of Qinqiang Opera has attracted more young audience since then.

“Ten years ago, our audience     3     (be) mostly old people. We were afraid we would lose them one day. Now we have lots of young audience members     4     our performances are warmly welcomed,” said Hou Yan to China Daily.

The number of young     5     (performer) increased as well. The average age of Hou’s opera team is 30. “As we become more confident about our culture, more young people will like    6     (tradition) culture as a fashionable trend and become promoters (推广者) of     7     (they) own culture,” Hou said to China Daily.

The revival of Qinqiang Opera in the past decades has reflected the country’s cultural development,     8     surprises the public. Hou’s attitude to her career has also changed. “As    9     opera actor, I’m very confident in our culture. I couldn’t imagine it decades ago. So I consider it our duty     10     (make) it well received ”

2024-03-02更新 | 99次组卷
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