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Six months ago, 19-year-old Xie Lei said     1     to her family and friends and boarded a     2     for London. It was the first time     3     she had left China. “I was very excited but also quite     4    . I didn’t know what to expect,” Xie Lei     5    .

【知识点】 个人经历 生活故事


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I was selected to represent my school in the approaching contest this year.But I was so proud that I neglected the importance of practicing for the contest.On the day of the contest, I began to lose confidence in myself and suffered from stage fright. In the end I walked off the stage,     1    (眼里饱含泪水).Finally, results were announced after the contest. I did not win any prizes.I bit my bottom lip     2    (心里充满悲伤).I dragged my heavy legs     3    (心情沉重) and moved out of the lecture hall.     4    (我伤心地垂着头,巨大的悲伤笼罩着我的双眼).On entering the classroom,    5     (悲伤如潮涌,泪水从脸颊滑落).The next following days, I felt like     6    .(我感觉正漂浮在悲伤的海洋里), not wanting to do anything.

2023-01-11更新 | 551次组卷
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    1     some foreign students live in campus accomodation, Xie Lei chose to live with a host   family, who can help with her    2     to the new culture. When I miss home, I feel     3     to have a second family, Xie Lei said “When there’s   something I don’t know or understand I can ask them. They are also     4     to learn about China. Laura, the daughter of my host family, wants to study in China in the future. We take turns to cook each evening. They really love my stir fried tomatoes and eggs! Laura says she always feels hungry when she smells it, so I taught   her     5     to cook it, too.

2024-01-04更新 | 12次组卷
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    1     (随着我们靠近群山围绕的宿营地), we had difficulty containing our excitement. On reaching it, my mom opened the door immediately,     2     (冲了出去,热切地催促我们搭帐篷).     3     (周围迷人的风景堪称一场名副其实的视觉盛宴),     4     (绿树连绵起伏,各色野花点缀其中). We were bathed in the sun and     5     (呼吸着鲜花甜美的芬芳). Birds were singing happily     6     (好像在热情地迎接我们). My family chatted comfortably, sweet memories of the past crowding in on us.

7日内更新 | 2次组卷
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