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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:39 题号:21662760

The World Health Organisation has produced a report predicting that 9.8 billion of us will be living on this planet by 2050. Of that number,72 percent will be living in urban areas. Presented with this information, governments have a duty to consider how best to meet the needs of city residents.

Take New York City, a place where I frequently meet up with other researchers in my field. Luckily for me, I do not need to navigate the crowded streets. Admittedly my experience of the urban lifestyle here is limited to the hotels I stay in, and the blocks within a three-kilometre walk. But whenever I leave my room in search of a store providing fruit or anything with nutritional value, none can be found. New York has made great advances in redeveloping its museums and arts centres, but authorities must recognise that people’s basic needs must be met first.

Sometimes these basic needs are misunderstood. In some urban areas, new residential developments are provided with security features such as massive metal fences in the belief that these will make residents safer. There is little evidence that such steps make a difference, but we do know they make residents feel unwilling to go outside and walk around their neighbourhood. This adds up to a feeling of being cut off from others.

So where are planners and developers going wrong? Inviting a group of locals to attend a consultation event is the conventional method for discovering what a community might want. The issue here is that it often attracts the same few voices with the same few wishes. Successful development is taking place in many urban areas around the world. There is no better way for city planners to do this than to visit these places in person.

1. What are governments expected to do in the near future?
A.Plan cities well to benefit their citizens.
B.Lower the population in urban areas.
C.Provide their citizens with more information.
D.Predict the population on earth.
2. What does the writer complain about New York?
A.Certain venues cannot be reached on foot.
B.Museums and arts centres are pretty old.
C.There are a limited number of hotels.
D.Healthy food is not easy to obtain.
3. What is the writer’s attitude towards the use of security features?
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Process of UrbanizationB.The Increasing Population on Earth
C.The Management of CitiesD.The Work of Developers
23-24高二上·广东潮州·期末 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A shocking eruption has ended Iceland’s lengthy volcano warning as a flash of light burst across the evening sky and the lava (岩浆) flowed out quickly in a breathtaking show of the Earth’s power. But the eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula, about 50km southwest of the capital, Reykjavik, wasn’t expected to give out large amounts of ash (灰尘) into the air.

By early Tuesday afternoon, the size of the volcanic eruption continued to diminish. The lava flow, which reached as high as 30m, was also falling and was a quarter of what it was at the time of the eruption.

The November evacuation meant few people were near the site of the eruption and authorities had warned others to stay away. Nonetheless, residents of the evacuated fishing community had mixed emotions as they watched orange flames touch the dark sky. More than a month after the evacuation, many were still living in temporary (临时的) accommodations and did not expect to ever be able to return to live in their homes. “The town might end up under the lava,” said Ael Kermarec, a tourist. “It’s amazing to see, but there’s kind of a bittersweet feeling at the moment.”

University of Bristol Professor Matthew Watson said that the eruption was expected to continue getting weak, but he had no idea how long it could last. “Residents should strictly follow travel advice because new eruptions can quickly put people in harm’s way. This style of eruption is among the most impressive ever seen, and there will be a strong pull for tourists and locals,” Watson said. “It’s just something from a movie.”

Residents were evacuated and a state of emergency was announced in Iceland more than a month ago. However, the uneasy waiting game still continues.

1. Which of the following best explains “diminish” underlined in paragraph 2?
A.Keep growing.B.Be destroyed.
C.Get dangerous.D.Become smaller.
2. What did Kermarec want to say?
A.He couldn’t see the breathtaking show.B.He forgot to share the feeling online.
C.He was worried about the town.D.He wasn’t ready for a new life.
3. What can we infer about the eruption from Watson’s words?
A.It may draw people to the site.B.It will threaten wildlife.
C.It attracts many movie lovers.D.It drives tourists to leave.
4. What does the last paragraph suggest?
A.Playing games is an approach to killing time.
B.It will be a long time before the disaster ends.
C.Local residents will return home in one month.
D.Authorities should announce a warning early.
2024-06-03更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Hybrid workers take more exercise, get more sleep and eat healthier, according to a study conducted by IWG, a workspace provider.

A survey of 2,000 people who have become hybrid workers since the pandemic—meaning they spend only part of their week commuting (通勤) into a city-centre office—found that they now had more time for fitness, cooking and sleep.

Dr Sara Kayat, a General Practitioner (普通科医生) of National Health Service, said: “There is no doubt that hybrid working has facilitated some major health benefits. A balanced diet, physical activity and good quality sleep are the bedrocks of a healthy lifestyle.”

The study included people using local working centers and working from home. It found that the average hybrid worker was now getting 4.7 hours of exercise a week, compared with 3.4 hours before the pandemic, with the most common forms of exercise being walking, running and strength training.

They are also sleeping longer, with the additional time in bed each morning adding up to 71 extra hours a year.

Eating habits also reportedly improved, with 54 per cent saying they had more time to spend cooking nutritious meals during the week, and 46 per cent and 44 per cent eating more fruit and vegetables respectively.

Some 27 per cent said they had lost weight, and 66 per cent said their mental health was good because of the shift to hybrid working.

IWG said that demand for its workspaces outside city centres had grown by 36 per cent in 2022. Mark Dixon the company’s chief executive, said: “This study confirms what we have been seeing for a while now—how hybrid working is building and maintaining a healthier and happier workforce by reducing the need for long daily commutes.”

1. What does the underlined word “bedrock” in paragraph 3 refer to?
2. What benefits does hybrid working bring according to the study?
A.Twice as much exercise as before.B.71 hours of extra sleeping time monthly.
C.2/3 workers’ mental health getting improved.D.Half workers’ weight loss with a balanced diet.
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Hybrid working no longer requires a commute.
B.Hybrid working has become increasingly popular.
C.IWG will relocate its workspaces outside the city centre.
D.IWG doesn’t welcome the changes caused by hybrid working.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Hybrid working, flexible working hoursB.Hybrid workers, fitter and much happier
C.Hybrid working, higher working efficiencyD.Hybrid workers, lazier but more productive
2023-05-20更新 | 155次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Twenty years ago, the idea of sharing our lives so openly with the world was unheard of. However, for young people today it is considered completely normal to share pictures of their lives and interact online every day. Fans of social media point out that the world has never been so connected as it has allowed people to make friends, learn about the world and celebrate life.

However, many people have concerns about the effects of this new way of living particularly around the amount and type of information that is shared so openly. Now researchers have found that too much time on social media may indeed have some negative effects. They measured people’s attitudes and feelings before and after browsing(浏览) social media sites. They found that the more time people spent on social media, the more unhappy they became.

There are a number of reasons for this. When browsing social media, people often see photographs and stories showing beautiful holidays, fun parties and fashionable clothes. People rarely post negative stories or bad pictures, so it can be misleading. For those looking at these pictures and comparing them to their own lives, they can end up feeling sad and depressed. They might think their lives are worse in comparison. Even for those people who post positive stories and pictures, they too can feel stressed and worried. The number of “likes” and comments on their posts can make them anxious about their popularity. Of course, there is also the problem of “cyber bullying(网络欺凌)” where people become victims of bullying online when others make negative or cruel comments about them.

The reality is that social media is a part of modern life and it is not going to go away. This research shows us that it is important to find a balance between our online and offline lives. We don’t have to disconnect from the Internet to live a happy life, but we should realise that the pictures we see and stories we read are only part of a bigger picture. If we can do that, we can protect ourselves and enjoy our lives.

1. According to Paragraph 1, social media help people to ______.
A.interact off line easilyB.kill time
C.share highlights of lifeD.discover that the continents are connected
2. What idea does the writer convey in Paragraph 2?
A.People spend too much time on social media.
B.Browsing social media certainly has negative consequences.
C.Spending too much time on social media can have negative effects.
D.Browsing social media is definitely not fun.
3. Why does browsing social media sometimes make people depressed?
A.Because people get upset after comparing the good lives in other people’s posts.
B.Because they always worry about the number of “likes”.
C.Because of the existence of “cyber bullying”.
D.Because other people always post negative stories.
4. What does the underlined part in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.The pictures we see are only part of the picture.
B.None of the stories we read on the Internet are true.
C.In order to live a happy life, we should browse more pictures.
D.What we see or read on the Internet is not entirely representative of the real world.
5. What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To offer some tips on using social media.
B.To show the highs and lows of social media.
C.To remind us about the “cyber bullying”.
D.To share his experience with social media.
2023-11-13更新 | 120次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般