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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:36 题号:21790110

“The first time I came to Zhadong village, I was struck by its natural beauty. The adobe homes fit perfectly with the green environment,” recalls Hansen Nico Rene, a 63-year-old retired policeman. “But when we entered the houses, we found people were poor. There was a fireplace, a table, and some chairs.”

The village Hansen visited is in a remote mountainous area in Guangxi’s Hechi city. Before coming to Zhadong, Hansen had settled in downtown Hechi for six years. What brought the retiree to Zhadong was a notice for volunteers to aid the poverty campaign in March 2018. At the time of Hansen’s first visit, there were still some parts of the village that were not accessible by road. It was a rainy day, but dozens of people were busy in the fields working with cables, bamboo, and iron posts, so Hansen went to see what was going on and found out that they were preparing to grow passion fruit to help people out of poverty.

After the visits, Hansen suggested that the village use the land behind it to build a farm, and he also participated in the construction work himself. “It was a jungle. We brought electricity and water, and then we built a small farm. Now there are nearly 2,000 pigs and 200 cows. It is still growing,” Hansen says. Today, this farm brings over 100,000 yuan in income to the villagers each year. With Hansen’s assistance, the village’s officials and other volunteer workers, developed featured industries, including cattle and sheep breeding and fruit planting. Hansen is quite satisfied with his work in the village. “Now everything has changed. The adobe homes have gone.

Today everyone lives in new houses with a separate kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedrooms. There is also electricity and internet connection.”

Hansen returned to the city in May 2021. However, he maintains a deep attachment to Zhadong, and often goes back to the village to see his old friends and promote tourism by sharing pictures of local landscapes and cultural events on social media with his friends in Europe and beyond.

1. What impressed Hansen first when he visited Zhadong village?
A.The adobe homes.B.The natural beauty.C.The friendly people.D.The green lifestyle.
2. Why did Hansen go to Zhadong village?
A.To settle there.B.To grow passion fruit.C.To mend a road.D.To be a volunteer.
3. What does the underlined phrase “participated in” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Took part in.B.Checked out.C.Searched for.D.Went off.
4. Which of the following can best describe Hansen?
A.Creative and ambitious.B.Talented and productive.
C.Devoted and selfless.D.Careful and cooperative.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】While most people were stuck at home last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, feeling isolated, some young people were thinking outside the box and reached for the sky as they created an impressive work.

When Bilibili uploader Lin Xiao, had too many bags to carry, instead of asking someone for help, the then 18-year-old spent about nine months addressing the problem. He built a robot, which can follow him wherever he goes, and upon which he can ride. The robot’s name? Devil! The name comes from the background music Devil’s Swing (Remix) for the video game Bendy and the Ink Machine. It resembles a suitcase, which can follow Lin wherever he goes, day or night, and detect obstacles in its path. It can also be used for transport and even charges Lin’s electronic devices.

Lin did everything himself, from designing the robot with 3D modeling, manufacturing the physical parts and programming it, to assembling all the components and electronics. The robot has a steel structure, a 3D-printed plastic shell and two 2D laser and radar scanners. The brain of the robot is powered by Arduino, an open-source electronics platform, and computing and coding solutions from computer manufacturer Raspberry Pi.

Lin admits that Devil is not perfect, but he hopes that it can inspire his peers to believe “what you do matters” and that they can make a difference in people’s lives. He sees Devil as “a toddler who is learning to walk”.

Lin’s passion for robotics began in his first year at his high school, when a teacher, discovered his talent for working with computers. He provided full support to advance Lin’s skills and took him to various computer science competitions.

1. How did the robot get its name Devil?
A.From a video.B.From an online game.
C.From a scientific fiction.D.From a piece of music.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about Lin Xiao’s robot?
A.It looks like a suitcase.B.It is entirely made of steel.
C.It can charge cellphones.D.It can serve as a transportation tool.
3. What is the attitude of Lin Xiao to the robot Devil?
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.A young man thinking uniquely.B.An impressive robot.
C.A young tech influential.D.Lin’s passion for robotics.
2023-11-04更新 | 42次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami that crashed into coastlines across Asia yesterday, killing more than 6,500 people in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and at least four other countries. Fishermen, tourists, hotels, homes, and cars were swept away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0. The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a.m., Sunday off the west coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island.

In Sri Lanka. some 1,600 kilometres west of the quake centre, the number of deaths stood at 2,498, and one million more were affected by the tsunami, government officials said. Indian officials said as many as 1,900 had been killed along the southern coast. Another 254 were found dead in Thailand and 54 in three other countries. In southern Thailand, 1,900 people were hurt and many more were missing, local officials said. Foreign aid is being organised for the tsunami-hit countries. However, dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies.

1. Where the tsunami killed more than 6,500 people?
A.Philippines, Indonesia, India, Malaysia.
B.Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and at least four other countries.
C.Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia.
D.Indonesia, India, Thailand, and at least four other countries.
2. What is the magnitude of the earthquake?
3. How many people died in Thailand as a result of the disaster?
4. Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies?
A.Damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies.
B.Not enough people will make it difficult to deliver food and supplie.
C.Dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies.
D.Foreign aid will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies.
2023-11-22更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Shenzhen in Guangdong province has become the first city in China to allow specialist nurses to prescribe (开药方) selected drugs and order tests, in a move that is expected to increase efficiencies in the healthcare system and reduce the patient-load burden on physicians.

Under a new rule in October that took effect in January, eligible nurses will be permitted to order examinations, treatments considering their expert skills and knowledge of specialist nursing or community healthcare. Their prescriptions must be based on existing diagnoses (诊断) made by physicians.

To become a nursing specialist, applicants should have a bachelor’s degree in nursing, five years of working experience, obtained an advanced nursing qualification and have attended a months-long specialist training program and passed a final test.

“Medical institutions must review inappropriate prescriptions given by nurses,” said the regulation. “Nursing specialists who are found to have given three or more improper prescriptions will have their prescribing power stopped for three to six months and will have to undergo retraining before regaining the authorization,” it added.

“Considering the difference in professional positioning, medical education background and work experience between physicians and nurses, it is necessary to fully analyze the necessity and practicability of the nurses’ prescriptive authority,” the commission said.

Zhou Wensi has a bachelor’s degree in nursing and is now a specialist nurse in periodontitis (牙周炎) , or gum disease, at Shenzhen Stomatology Hospital in the city’s Pingshan district.

“Our hospital has not begun allowing us to prescribe. If the rule goes into effect in the future, we’ll likely be able to directly prescribe mouthwash, anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers to patients,” she said.

   However, she also noted that most patients visiting the hospital are in need of treatment delivered by doctors with assistance from nurses like her, so the new regulation is not expected to have a major impact.

1. Why does Shenzhen give permission for specialist nurses’ special rights?
A.To improve the overall ability of the specialist nurses.
B.To speed up the development of the healthcare system.
C.To enhance the work efficiency and lighten doctors’ load.
D.To respond to the demands of doctors, nurses and patients.
2. What does the word “eligible” underlined in the second paragraph refer to?
3. What do we learn about the new regulation?
A.A specialist nurse should follow the rules strictly.
B.No institutions take charge of the prescriptions .
C.Not all specialist nurses can prescribe drugs freely .
D.A specialist nurse always has the prescribing power.
4. What is Zhou Wensi’s attitude toward the prospect of nurses’ prescribing drugs?
2024-03-06更新 | 219次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般