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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:41 题号:21837573

Traditionally, it has been assumed that cultivating food leads to a loss of biodiversity and negative impacts on an ecosystem. In a recent study, researchers looked at 28 urban community gardens across California over five years and quantified biodiversity in plant and animal life, as well as ecosystem functions such as carbon sequestration (碳封存), food production, pest control, and human well-being.

“We wanted to determine if there were any biodiversity and impacts on ecosystem function in those urban gardens,” says Shalene Jha, the lead author of the study in Ecology Letters. “What we found is that these gardens, which are providing tremendous nutritional resources and increasing well-being for gardeners, are also supporting incredibly high levels of plant and animal biodiversity. It’s a win-win.”

Previous assumptions by scientists about the negative effect of food production on biodiversity have been almost entirely based on intensive rural agriculture enterprises that tend to grow only one or two types of crops, often at a massive scale. Urban community gardens, private gardens, and urban farms and orchards tend to grow more types of plants in smaller areas. The new study is the first to explore the effects of urban gardens across a wide range of biodiversity measures and ecological services.

“It’s estimated that by 2030, about 60% of the world’s population will live in cities, ” Jha says. “And urban farms and gardens currently provide about 15%-20% of our food supply, so they are essential in addressing food inequality challenges. What we’re seeing is that urban gardens present an critical opportunity to support both biodiversity and local food production.”

The study also found that the choices that gardeners make can have a large impact on their local ecosystem. For instance, planting trees outside crop beds could increase carbon sequestration without decreasing food production from too much shade. And covering only within crop beds could help improve soil carbon services, while avoiding negative effects on pest control.

1. What’s the purpose of the study conducted by Shalene Jha?
A.To analyze the cause of loss of biodiversity.
B.To increase well-being of gardeners.
C.To quantify nutritional levels in plants and animals.
D.To study the influence of urban gardens on ecosystem.
2. What may cause the loss of biodiversity according to previous assumptions?
A.Inefficient pest control.
B.Limited planting scales.
C.Intensive agricultural pattern.
D.Unsatisfactory ecological services.
3. What’s Jha’s attitude towards urban gardens?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Urban Gardens Boost Biodiversity.
B.Urban Gardens Challenge Rural Agriculture.
C.Urban Farms Address Food Inequality.
D.Urban Biodiversity Increases Well-being of Cardener.
【知识点】 说明文 人与环境


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Most of us learned what we know about eye color from a chart in grade-school biology. You know two blue-eyed parents are going to have blue-eyed kids. But the story of how eye color is passed down is more complicated(复杂的) than we’re taught.

Humans get their eye color from melanin(黑色素), which also determines skin and hair shades. Melanin is good at absorbing light, which is especially important for the iris(虹膜), the function of which is to control how much brightness can enter the eyes. Once it passes through the irises, the majority of the visible light goes to the retina(视网膜), where it’s translated into images by the brain. The little that isn’t absorbed by the iris is reflected back, producing what we see as eye color. That color depends on the kind and amount of melanin a person is born with.

Though we used to think eye color just came from a simple pattern of inheritance (遗传), in recent years scientists have found that it’s also shaped by many genes acting together. What’s more, tiny changes, or mutations(突变), in a gene can result in different shades in the iris.

The two genes currently thought to be most strongly linked with human eye color are OCA2 and HERC2. OCA2, the gene we used to think was the only player in eye color, controls the production of the P-protein and the organelles that make and transport melanin. Different mutations in the OCA2 gene increase or decrease the amount of protein that’s produced in the body, changing how much melanin is sent to the irises. The HERC2 gene, meanwhile, acts like a helicopter parent (直升机父母) for OCA2. Different mutations in this gene act as a switch that turns OCA2 on and off and determines how much P-protein it produces.

Those are just the two genes we know about in detail so far. Newer studies have linked as many as 16 genes to eye color, all of which pair with OCA2 and HERC2 to generate different iris colors and patterns. With all these genes and their structural changes, it’s hard to say for sure what a child’s eye color will be based on their parents’.

1. Which of the following shows how light reaches the brain?
A.The irises→ melanin→ the brain.
B.The retina→ melanin→ the brain.
C.The irises→ the retina→ the brain.
D.The retina- the irises -the brain.
2. What’s the connection between OCA2 and HERC2 according to the text?
A.OCA2 is controlled by HERC2.
B.OCA2 can be changed into HERC2
C.Both can make and transport melanin
D.Both are the cause of mutations in genes.
3. Which of the following can determine a person’s eye color?
A.Different colors received by the retina.
B.A lot of genes as well as their mutations
C.The amount of protein the person has in his or her body.
D.OCA2 and how much melanin it produces and transports.
4. What does the text mainly discuss?
A.Whether the melanin plays a key role in mutations.
B.Whether oCA2 and HERC2 can influence each other.
C.Whether melanin results in different shades in the iris.
D.Whether your eye color just comes from your parents.
2021-02-25更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】There are many reasons to be excited for colder temperatures as we head into autumn: sweater weather, colorful leaves, drinking coffee without breaking a sweat.

And while we’ve got a personal preference for cold, there are also many scientific reasons that cold is better than hot. And it’s not just about whether you prefer the winter or summer Olympics—it’s about what effects cold temps have on your body. Dive below for the details.

Professor Patrick Baylis recently completed a heat study where he found that a high of 90degrees Fahrenheit(华氏温度计的)makes an average person’s happiness drop in the same way it does between a Sunday and Monday. For many of those who work Monday to Friday, you don’t need research to tell you the Sunday Scaries are real.

Sleep is extremely important for our physical and mental health, and the most suitable temperature is part of getting a good night’s sleep. Dr. Christopher Winter, a neurologist and sleep specialist, states that between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature when you’re catching zzz’s. In addition, Dr. Winter recounts that studies have also found that cooler body temperatures lead to more deep sleep. Those who sleep in cooler temperatures also sleep longer and feel more awake the next morning.

When your body shivers, it has to work harder to maintain your body temperature. According to Nancy Clark, shivering can burn 400 calories per hour. When it’s that cold, you expend more energy than in warm weather, though how much depends on factors like the exact temperature and your clothing. Some studies have also found that physical performance drops in hotter temperatures. For example in one study, marathon runners slowed as temperatures increased.

Many of us have a very definite preference between cold and hot, but some research has found that cold has more benefits. Autumn is on its way. Take action for cold temperature.

1. For what scientific reason is cold better than hot?
A.People can wear sweaters.
B.People can drink hot coffee.
C.Cold presents colorful views.
D.Cold has good effects on body.
2. According to Dr. Christopher Winter, what contributes to more deep sleep?
A.Too much work.
B.Hotter body temperature.
C.Less exercise.
D.Cooler body temperature.
3. How many effects do cold temperatures have on your body?
4. What is this passage mainly about?
A.Personal preferences for cold.
B.Differences between hot and cold.
C.Changes of physical performance.
D.Benefits of cold temperatures.
2023-02-10更新 | 88次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】The message is drummed into us from childhood: forgive people who’ve wronged you, because it’s the right thing to do. Forgiveness is a virtue, we’re told, the only way for us to truly move on and heal. But forgiving someone is not always what’s best for us. In fact, if someone has hurt you deeply and the relationship isn’t healthy, trying to “fix” things can do more harm than good.

Most of us would probably agree that forgiving a wrongdoer means letting go of negative feelings like anger towards them. Actually it pressures us to minimize our feelings and revise our boundaries — to say “it’s OK” when for us, it isn’t. And when someone doesn’t make us feel seen or safe, forgiving them can actually weaken our self-respect. A 2010 research paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology called this “the doormat effect”. It found that people who forgave partners that didn’t make them feel valued had less respect for themselves, along with a weakened sense of self.

If you keep on forgiving someone who’s done wrong, it can encourage that person to keep hurting you. That’s what 2011 research by psychology professor James K McNulty argues. He looked at how 72 newlywed couples expressed forgiveness towards acts of aggression (攻击性), and whether this caused any changes in the wrongdoer’s behaviour. He found that when a partner was more likely to forgive those acts, the aggressor was more likely to keep committing them. This is because facing the consequences of their actions is what motivates people to change their ways, and being offered a clean sheet can allow them to avoid making changes. Forgiving frequent and major offenses (冒犯), like verbal or physical abuse, can do more harm than good.

What if, instead of looking to forgiveness like a magic medicine, we put our energies towards accepting a situation for what it is? This way, we can focus on recognizing what happened and coming to terms with it, however that looks for us and without any sense of obligation towards our offender. It’ll still be a process, sure, but it’s one centred around you and your needs.

1. What will happen if we forgive a wrongdoer according to “the doormat effect”?
A.We’ll be free from negative thoughts.
B.The relationship will be strengthened.
C.The wrongdoer will change his behavior.
D.We’ll have less self-respect and self-awareness.
2. How does the writer mainly illustrate his argument?
A.By making comparisons.B.By listing examples.
C.By citing research results.D.By giving definitions.
3. What can be concluded from James K McNulty’s research?
A.Forgiving a wrongdoer’s behavior stops him from hurting others.
B.Facing the consequences of aggression does more harm than good.
C.Ignoring major offenses encourages a wrongdoer’s acts of aggression.
D.Forgiving frequent aggression prevents a wrongdoer from making changes.
4. What does the writer suggest readers do?
A.Forgive and forget.B.Learn to take the situation as it is.
C.Center on yourself.D.Keep on good terms with offenders.
2024-05-06更新 | 33次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般