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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:53 题号:21842462

The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain gained the World Heritage Site status,     1     (become) China’s 57th entry to the list and the first World Heritage Site related to tea. The newly named heritage site, located in Pu’er, Yunnan Province,     2     (consist) of five large scale old tea forests, three protective barrier forests and nine ancient villages     3     are mainly inhabited by Blang and Dai ethnic groups. According to the research, about 10% of the tea trees on the mountain are at     4     (little) 100 years old, with the oldest dating back more than 300 years.

The cultural landscape was     5     (joint) created by the ancestors of the Blang people, who immigrated to the Jingmai Mountain in the 10th century AD and later discovered wild tea trees and the native Dai people.     6     the basis of long standing practices, local people developed the understory growing technique, which involves allowing small and sufficiently shade tolerant trees     7     (grow) under the taller trees. They created ideal light conditions for growing tea trees, while preventing insect pests through a well-preserved forest ecosystem, thereby producing quality organic tea     8     (leaf) without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee noted the cultural landscape is     9     outstanding example of a human interaction with a challenging environment. It represents the ecological principles and wisdom which can inspire the     10     (sustain) development in the world today.

【知识点】 自然地理 人文地理


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

From ancient times to the present, Qinghai Lake is called "blue sea" because of the natural beauty reflected on it. As to the area, it is the     1     (large) inland and salt water lake in China. Shaped like an ellipse (椭圆), Qinghai Lake reaches 28.71m at the deepest point but     2    (average)19m overall. Due to the high altitude, its weather is very cool,     3     is why it is often selected as a summer resort (旅游胜地) .

Qinghai Lake presents     4     as a really good place for travelers and it offers year-round     5    (please). Many prefer when it is a green and lively world. Many birds     6    (attract) to this beautiful lake, resulting in this place     7     (be) a kingdom for birds' watchers. Every year in July, Qinghai Lake is central to the popular bicycle racing and cycling around it is     8     great way to enjoy the scenery.

When the cold winter comes, the ice     9    (cover) the surface of the lake shines brightly in the sun, adding another degree of beauty. Catching the famous "Icy Fish" is an     10    (incredible) wonderful experience at this time when they are trapped by the ice. All things considered, its an awesome journey for you to explore in full this beautiful spot on the Earth.

2022-05-21更新 | 285次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

On the central western coast of South America lies a country, Peru,     1     is made up of three parts: narrow, dry, flat land running along the coast, the Andes Mountains, and the Amazon rainforest. Peru was once     2     center of the powerful ancient Inca Empire, when the Inca emperor lived in what is now known     3     the site Machu Picchu. From the 16th century to 1821, Peru     4     (rule) by Spain so that Spanish is the main     5     (office) language of Peru.

Peru has been popular with     6     (tourist) around the world since decades ago. Here are two magical tours: Amazon Rainforest Tour and Machu Picchu Tour. Take a short flight from Cusco,     7     you will arrive in the Amazon Rainforest. From there, you will travel to your accommodation by boat. Then, you are going to spend three days       8     (explore) the unique rainforest with a local guide. Machu Picchu is the other amazing tourist     9     (attract). After taking a four-day hike, you will get to your destination. You will be amazed at the ancient city after you explore it,     10     (especial) the Incas’ dry stone method of building. Inca builders cut stones exactly that nothing was needed to hold walls together.

2022-11-24更新 | 41次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Lying in the west of Henan Province, the northwest of Dengfeng City, Mount Song is one of the Five Famous Mountains in China, and it is also called as Zhongyue, which     1    (mean) middle mountain (among the five mountains). Covering an area of 450 km², Mount Song consists     2     two mountains — Taishi Mountain and Shaoshi Mountain. The two mountains have 72 peaks in total, and the     3    (low) one is 320 m in altitude, while the highest one is 1512 m in altitude. It sits next to the ancient capital Luoyang,     4     is an important barrier for Luoyang in ancient time.

    5    (root) in deep culture background, Mount Song is also the birthplace of Zen Buddhism in China. There     6    (be) three scenic areas in Mount Song: Shaolin Temple Scenic Area, Zhongyue Scenic Area and Songyang Scenic Area. These three scenic areas cover all attractive     7    (attract) in Mount Song, including the birthplace of Zen Buddhism —Shaolin Temple,     8     largest pagoda (佛塔) groups in China, Pagoda Forest, the highest and oldest cypress, the     9     (exist) oldest astronomical observatory, Zhongyue Temple     10    (build) in Qin Dynasty, etc.

2024-02-26更新 | 52次组卷
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