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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:346 题号:21984805

Every day people joined archaeologists and artists in finding some of the year’s most dramatic discoveries. Below are some examples of 2023.

Naughty pupils-ancient punishment method resurfaces

Archaeologists discovered 18,000 ink-carved pieces of pottery-known as “ostraca”—at the site of Athribis early this year, and among them were hundreds of fragments(碎片)with a single symbol repeated front and back.

Those scribbles(潦草的文字)are evidence of ‘naughty “pupils” being made to write lines, according to researchers a Germany’s University of Tuebingen. The fragments also included receipts, school texts, trade information and lists of names.

Van Gogh peers out in hidden portrait

There is one more known van Gogh’s self-portrait in the world, and it was hidden behind a painting of a peasant woman. People made the discovery when they took an X-ray of one of his portraits from 1885 and discovered the artist’s own image behind layers of cardboard and glue. While X-rays often reveal how artists-changed their compositions, the full self-portrait of van Gogh came as a huge surprise, who was known to reuse canvase(画布)to save money.

Another treasure collection from Sanxingdui

The Sanxingdui archaeological site has produced thousands of relics. The latest discovery, reported by Chinese state media in June includes 3,155 objects, a turtle shell-shaped box and a sacrificial altar among them. A team has been digging six places of the site, turning up more than 13,000 objects so far. Last year, the relics they uncovered included a golden mask, ivory artifacts(手工艺品)and a jade knife. The Sanxingdui culture still remains mysterious, as it left behind no written records or human remains, though many believe it to be part of the ancient kingdom of Shu, which ruled along the upper stream of the Yangtze River until it was conquered in 316 BC.

1. What led to the researchers’ conclusion about the fragments?
A.The repeated symbol.B.Trade information.
C.Lists of pupils’ names.D.The mark of ink.
2. Why did van Gogh hide his self-portrait in a painting?
A.To keep away from X-rays.
B.To save money.
C.To make his works more mysterious.
D.To help people find his composition.
3. Which is the newly-unearthed relic of 2023 in Sanxingdui site?
A.A jade knife.B.A golden mask.
C.A written record.D.A turtle shell-shaped box.
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阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Some Questions About Coronavirus

How long does coronavirus last?

Every case of coronavirus is different, but experts have a general idea of how long the typical course of the illness lasts. Most people can expect to recover within two weeks after the onset of symptoms, but more severe cases could last up to six weeks — and for some, dubbed “Covid long haulers,” symptoms can linger for months.

What are the symptoms of the coronavirus?

Symptoms of the coronavirus can seem a lot like the flu. Initially, a fever, cough, and shortness of breath emerged as the three most common symptoms of COVID-19. Now, other signs such as muscle pain, fatigue, and loss of taste and smell are on the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) symptoms checklist.

How long does coronavirus live on surfaces?

Though the conronavirus is typically transmitted through the air via respiratory droplets (from an infected person sneezing or coughing) rather than by touching objects and materials, the virus can still remain viable on variety of surfaces, according to the CDC, though it’s not exactly clear for how long.

How is coronavirus spread?

According to the CDC, COVID-19 is spread mainly from person to person, usually through close contact (within six feet). Being near an infected person who coughs, sneezes, or talks can expose you to their respiratory droplet carrying the virus — and they can spread the virus even if they don’t have any symptoms yet. If those virus-containing particles are inhaled (吸入) or land in your eyes, nose or mouth, you could become infected.

1. How long does coronavirus stay on surfaces?
A.Two weeks.B.Six weeks.C.Months.D.Unclear.
2. People can’t be infected with coronavirus by________.
A.contacting close (within six feet)
B.being near an infected person
C.talking with a healthy person
D.inhaling some virus-containing particles
3. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
2021-05-18更新 | 136次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】About Lexington, Kentucky

Getting Here

Lexington is accessible by air with approximately 100 direct and nonstop flights. Blue Grass Airport welcomes travelers with one of the most beautiful air approaches in the nation.

Getting Around

Major car rental companies have desks and branches around the town. Public bus service is provided by LexTran. Visitors also have access to taxi companies, Uber and Lyft.

Visitor Center

It’s open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Open Sunday from noon till 5 p.m.in the summer)

A Brief History

When European settlers arrived on the scene, the Bluegrass Region was in use as a hunting ground by many Native American tribes. Lexington was founded in 1775, seventeen years before Kentucky became a state. William McConnell and a group of frontier explorers were camped at a natural spring when word came that the first battle of the American Revolution had been fought in Massachusetts. In honor of the battle, the group named their state “Lexington”. By 1820, Lexington was one of the largest and wealthiest towns west of the Allegheny Mountains.

Alcohol Laws

The minimum drinking age is 21. Alcoholic drinks may be sold in licensed bars and restaurants from 6 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday and from 11 a.m. Sunday to 2:30 a.m. Monday. Package stores may open from 7 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday and from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday. Smoking is not allowed inside public buildings, including restaurants.

Climate / Seasonal Planning

The average temperature in Lexington is 54.9 degrees Fahrenheit. Annual rainfall is 45.68 inches. Lexington and the Bluegrass Region have four distinct seasons without long periods of heat, cold, rain, wind and snow.

1. What can travelers do at Lexington?
A.Have access to the Visitor Center daily.
B.Fly to over 100 tourist destinations.
C.Experience its long snow season.
D.Rent a car very easily.
2. What made Lexington get its name?
A.An European settlers.B.A natural spring.
C.A battle.D.A tribe.
3. Which of the following is forbidden in Lexington ?
A.Teenage alcohol use.B.Selling alcohol in bars.
C.Smoking inside any building.D.Drinking alcohol after midnight.
2023-06-06更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Edinburgh Festivals

The Edinburgh Festivals in 2024 are set to bring a wave of colour and huge excitement to the city.

Edinburgh Festivals 2024 Dates

Edinburgh Science Festival—30 March—14 April 2024

Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival—12—21 July 2024

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo—2—24 August 2024

Edinburgh International Festival—August 2024

Edinburgh Art Festival—August 2024

Edinburgh International Book Festival—August 2024

What are the Edinburgh Festivals like?

Listen to top class live music when incredible musicians from all over the world roll into town for the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival. There’ll hardly be time to catch your breath before Edinburgh Art Festival launches, an unmissable opportunity to see wonderful visual works created by talented Scottish and international artists.

Let’s not forget about the Edinburgh International Book Festival, where you can join author readings, Q&As and talks covering all types of literature.

Edinburgh Festivals Tips

To help you make the most of visiting the festivals, we’ve prepared some handy tips:

Charge your phone (and bring a portable charger if you have one) so that you can check out the online programmes.

Wear comfy shoes—a day at the festivals can mean lots of walking.

Check the weather forecast—Edinburgh often experiences four seasons in one day! Make sure to pack a light rain jacket in case of a sudden downpour.

Start your day early so you can secure the best festival tickets and see the most popular visitor attractions before they get too busy.

Head to the Edinburgh VisitScotland iCentre on the Royal Mile and pick up a map to get your bearings.

1. When is the best time to experience Edinburgh Festivals?
A.During summer.B.In winter.
C.Over Christmas.D.On Thanksgiving day.
2. Which festival provides a chance to enjoy literature?
A.Edinburgh Science Festival.B.Edinburgh International Festival.
C.Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival.D.Edinburgh International Book Festival.
3. What are visitors advised to do?
A.Bring an extra phone.B.Prepare thick coats.
C.Buy a map online.D.Wear comfortable shoes.
2024-01-01更新 | 54次组卷
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