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题型:翻译-单词释义 难度:0.85 引用次数:22 题号:21985214
A. credit       B. content       C. conduct       D. flashing       E. demanding       F. appreciate       G. bridge
1. To get rid of the gap between cultures, by no means should we give up learning foreign languages well.
2. From foreigners’ point of view, Chinese is regarded as a time-taking and laboring tongue.
3. They made sure that they would investigate relevant clues and organize and carry out necessary research, attempting to solve the problem.
4. The night is brightened with fireworks or firecrackers bursting and shining quickly into the sky during the Spring Festival.
5. What do you think of the subject or idea of the book referred to by the professor?
6. The gods were admired, but it was ancient chemists who deserved the praise.
7. They don’t have any confidence that houses will increase in value.


翻译-单词释义 | 较易 (0.85)
A.carefully and completely
B.to fill a space or container tightly with sth.
C.keeping or showing a balance; in good proportions
D.to make sth. look more attractive by putting things on it
E.win a victory over your opponents in a battle, game, or contest
F.to make food, drinks, etc. go down your throat into your stomach.
G.a marriage ceremony, and the meal or party that usually follows it
1. Keep a more balanced diet, and you will enjoy life.
2. Mike defeated his opponents in this competition.
3. They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.
4. Carol suddenly had a sore throat and found it difficult to swallow
5. He grabbed my basket, opened it and stuffed it full, then gave it back to me.
2023-12-15更新 | 18次组卷
翻译-词汇汉译英 | 较易 (0.85)
1. ________ v. 操作;控制;使运行→ ________ n. 手术;企业;经营
2. ________ vt.帮助;援助→ ________ n. 助理,助手 adj.助理的
3. ________ n. 记忆力;回忆→ ________ vt. 记住
4. ________ n. & vt.伤害;损害→________ adj. 有害的
5. ________ adj.灵活的;可变通的→________ adv.灵活地;易曲地;柔软地;有弹性地
6. ________ n. 紧张关系;紧张;焦虑→ ________ adj.神经紧张的;担心的;不能松弛的
2024-02-24更新 | 3次组卷
翻译-词汇英译汉 | 较易 (0.85)
1. I’m sorry, but your name escapes me.
2. Uncle Paul, my dad’s friend, picked us up from the airport and drove us up to his farm in Pecos.
3. I’d like to tell you something about how we observe the Spring Festival.
4. As the weather was too cold in the street, he turned up the collar of his coat.
2022-10-22更新 | 59次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般