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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:217 题号:22004075
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Long Chenchen, the mascot for China’s upcoming Dragon Spring Festival Gala,     1     (release) recently, with a lot of design details showing the aesthetics of Chinese cultural elements.

    2     (celebrate) the year 2024, “Long Chenchen” has been designed as a cute yet lively dragon, colored orange and red and with a pair of doll eyes. The     3     (seem) cute-looking dragon takes inspiration from Chinese archaeological discoveries. The design of its nose was inspired by a dragon-shaped jade item that was discovered in the Erlitou Ruins,     4     major site in Luoyang, Central China’s Henan province that witnessed the rise and fall of the Xia and Shang dynasties. The fire shape pattern on its shoulder was inspired by a bronze piece with cloud patterns dating back to the Spring and Autumn Period,     5     multiple materials appeared and social changes were underway.

    6     receiving many likes, the mascot has also sparked criticism. Some netizen doubt the dragon character might have been synthesized (合成) by artificial intelligence.     7     (admit) that it has some “imperfections”, CMG, a design studio said it was created by designers “one stroke after another” and that “all the details about the dragon, including its patterns, colors and face, have been revised by designers through a lot of versions.”

Along with such verbal     8     (explain), a short video showing the design team working on the mascot has been posted on Sina Weibo by CMG. The media group’s response to the character’s design has become a     9     (trend) topic on Sina Weibo and has been viewed by more than 200 million netizen. “    10     it was created by AI or human beings, I think the mascot has successfully delivered the spirit of the dragon.” one netizen posted on Sina Weibo.

2024·湖北武汉·二模 查看更多[6]
【知识点】 中国文化与节日


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Maze Fist, also known as Mi Zhong Quan, is a traditional martial art from China. It     1     (know) for its clever footwork and advanced techniques.

Maze Fist masters use complex footwork     2     involves constantly changing directions and angles,     3     (make) it hard for opponents to predict and attack. They are also skilled at tricking opponents with tricky movements and mis-directions. Besides its     4     (effective) in fighting, Maze Fist also focuses on developing the mind and body. In fact, apart     5     improving physical strength, endurance and coordination, Maze Fist trainers also build discipline and concentration when practising.

Deeply     6     (root) in Chinese culture and history, Maze Fist represents Chinese martial arts’ wisdom and philosophy, emphasizing the balance between body and mind. Practicing Maze Fist leads to personal growth and self-improvement.     7     (master) Maze Fist, one needs dedication and continuous practice. It not only provides just a means to defend oneself but also     8     (promote) one’s self-discipline, respect, and humility. And it offers both     9     (practice) self-defense skills and a path to personal growth. All in all,     10     you are interested in martial arts or want an all-round approach to well-being, Maze Fist ensures you a rewarding experience.

2024-04-17更新 | 141次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Everybody likes watching acrobats (杂技演员). The acts sometimes seem scary and dangerous, and there is thrill and wonder.     1     Chinese acrobatics troupes (表演团) travel internationally, they are not commonly seen by audiences outside the country. While in China you might want to see the     2     (amaze) feats of balance and skill.

The acrobats developed their styles     3     (base) on traditional ancient arts such as dance, theater, martial arts, and magic shows and they are distinctive and incorporate traditional skills and physical exercises. Chinese acrobats tend to emphasize balance and extreme     4     (flexible) more than the troupes do in Russia or the West. This might be due to the influence of martial arts styles. Chinese acrobats     5     (intensive) practice timing and coordination. The individual performers practice to cooperate precisely. They use martial arts skills in     6     thrilling and sometimes comedic fashion. The Beijing Red Theater’s “Legend of Kungfu” show is an example. Many of the shows will have traditional Chinese music that is recorded or performed live by musicians     7     (play) traditional instruments. The costumes or the themes may     8     (draw) from a familiar opera. The acrobats may perform scenes from popular legends, stories,     9     novels of the ancient past such as The Monkey King. You might not recognize the story or the music, but you’ll still enjoy the sound, color, and     10     (usual) costumes.

2024-04-20更新 | 87次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Chinese opera,     1    (date) back to the Tang Dynasty, is one of the three oldest dramatic art forms in the world. During the Qing Dynasty, it became     2    (fashion) among ordinary people.     3    (perform) were watched in tearooms, restaurants and even around makeshift stages.

    4    (accompany) by traditional musical instruments like the Erhu, the Huqin and the flute, actors present unique melodies as well as dialogues which are     5    (beautiful) written. What appeals     6     foreigners most may be the different styles of facial make-up which requires special techniques of painting. This technique may have originated from ancient religions and dance. Besides, people     7    (impress) with another technique, the acrobatics (杂技). Actors can make fire out of their mouths when they act as ghosts. This reflects     8     famous saying among actors: “One minute on stage takes ten years of practice.” Over the past 800 years, Chinese opera     9    (grow) into many different regional varieties based on local accents. Today, there are over 100 impressive regional opera styles, among     10     is Beijing opera, the best-known Chinese opera style formed from the mixture of different styles.

2023-05-24更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般