组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 地理 > 自然地理
题型:听力填空 难度:0.85 引用次数:3 题号:22066400
1. Where is Zhangjiajie National Forest Park located?
A.Sichuan province
B.Hunan province
C.Gobi Desert
2. What inspired the “Hallelujah Mountains” in Zhangjiajie?
A.Ancient legends
B.A famous novel
C.The movie Avatar
3. How are the rock formations in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park described?
A.Short and broad
B.Tall and slender
C.Smooth and rounded
4. What is the suggested feeling when exploring Zhangjiajie?
A.Like entering a concrete jungle
B.Like stepping into a real-life Avatar world
C.Like wandering through a historical museum
5. What kind of world is associated with Zhangjiajie according to the speaker?
A.Underwater world
B.Magical realm
C.Desert landscape
6. What kind of travelers might be interested in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park?
A.History buffs
B.Nature enthusiasts
C.Shopping lovers
7. Explain the significance of the “Hallelujah Mountains” in Zhangjiajie.
8. How does the speaker characterize the atmosphere of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park?
9. Why is Zhangjiajie referred to as a hidden gem?
10. Describe the visual contrast mentioned in the speech regarding Zhangjiajie.
【知识点】 自然地理


听力填空 | 较易 (0.85)
1. What is the unique feature of Jiuzhaigou Valley mentioned in the speech?
A.Ancient temples
B.Colorful lakes
C.Snow-capped mountains
2. Where is Jiuzhaigou Valley located?
A.Hunan province
B.Sichuan province
C.Gobi Desert
3. Which lake is specifically highlighted in the speech?
A.Five-Color Pond
B.Mirror Lake
C.Hallelujah Mountains
4. What is the suggested reason for adding Jiuzhaigou Valley to your travel list?
A.Unique rock formations
B.Vibrant wildlife
C.Wonders of nature
5. How is the underwater world in Jiuzhaigou described?
6. What type of visitors is Jiuzhaigou Valley recommended for?
A.Nature lovers
B.History enthusiasts
C.Adventure seekers
7. Describe the characteristics of the lakes in Jiuzhaigou Valley.
8. What feelings does the speaker suggest Jiuzhaigou Valley will evoke in visitors?
9. What role does Jiuzhaigou Valley play in the speech’s narrative of hidden treasures?
10. Explain why Jiuzhaigou Valley is compared to a fairyland.
2024-03-13更新 | 3次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般