组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 个人情况 > 个人经历
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:156 题号:22123674

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, but that doesn’t mean they can’t still be wonderful in their own way. My parents and I had spent forever researching summer camps online. Finally, we picked out one where I could design games, animate (制作动画) characters, and learn other cool coding (编程) stuff.

My mom said, “I like the idea of you exercising that clever brain of yours. But I also want you to get plenty of fresh air.” “Campers can choose to hike or swim every afternoon!” I said, as I clicked on the registration form.

My dad filled out the form, and weeks later, my parents dropped me off for what I thought would be a week of nonstop computer-coding fun.

I arrived at the check-in table at the same time as a camper of my age named Halley, who was wearing an adorable sunhat. Halley greeted, “We are in the same group - number 7.” Led by an advisor, we followed the green arrows to the campsite.

I surprisedly found that it was so cool and woodsy along the path. I exchanged ideas with Halley about what might come out of the camp. Halley excitedly mentioned the little animals he loved to observe and something about night sky watching.

“You gave me the best idea,” I said. “I’ll base my characters on the animals you mentioned!” Halley laughed. “I might be missing something here. Who are these mysterious characters?”

“You know, the characters we’ll be designing and animating on computers this week!” I said. “Uh, sorry. Still lost,” said Halley. “Why would we be doing computer stuff at Nature Camp?”

It was then that I realised some errors must have been made. I must have accidentally clicked on the wrong online form! We immediately raced back to the welcome table to see if I could switch over to Tech Camp, but of course it was completely full.

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I forced a smile as we headed for our campsite.


“OK, I’ll have a try,” I looked at Halley thankfully.

【知识点】 个人经历 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I believe that all humans are similar but we are all blind to this idea due to cultures, religions, and appearances that all form wrong ideas separating us as humans.

I recently had to privilege to travel to Africa. This trip allowed me to see a lot more of the world than most students my age. Two years ago, a week after completing my second year in high school I flew to Nairobi, Africa. This day on June 11, 2011 I did not know what to expect.

As a culturally blinded prep school student I stepped off a plane after an exhausting twenty-three hours of sitting. I was immediately exposed to an unknown world. The language as well as skin colors, facial expressions, clothing styles, and the atmosphere changed as a whole.

I was expecting this trip to create huge distinctions between the people of Africa and myself. I learned the total opposite. On the first day I bonded with the school children; I played a soccer game filled with laughter, raced between schoolhouses until our legs gave out and wouldn’t let us run anymore, and hopped in a jump rope contest with a group of enthusiastic girls. When I managed to escape from the lively children and their exciting games, I attempted to make sense of what I had just experienced. My brain was filled with various thoughts, until a little girl with smooth skin, shaved head, and a torn blue and green sweater walked over and hesitantly grasped my wrist. She inspected my hands and rubbed my fingernails. She let my hands drop and she looked at her own with the same attentiveness. Her eyes rose as she began to evaluate my face. I sat down on the earth so that we were eye level and likely for interaction. She then ran her hands through my curly hair and placed her hands on her own head. Then she looked into my eyes; I looked back into hers. Charmed in the moment, I tickled(挠) her stomach, although we were both a stranger to each other. Immediately the school bell rang, she released a smile and ran towards her classroom.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
Paragraph 1:

I watched this adolescent girl as she ran carefree towards her teachers and classmates just as I did when I was in elementary school. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

This was an eye-opening experience that changed the way I see people nowadays.

2020-10-22更新 | 180次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The first day back in the school gym after summer break had always felt so right. But as the sixth graders appeared, walking lazily, I felt uneasy. None of the old greetings with high-fives or pats on the shoulder for jobs well done. Long summer break wasn't going to help me feel connected to the kids in the way I was used to. My confidence as a teacher had taken a hit, and I was trying to get back on my game. I hoped the kids couldn't tell.

“Let's take our places!” I called out, making sure to speak clearly. “Six feet apart, everybody. Keep six feet apart.” Awkwardness couldn't begin to describe how I'd felt when all this first started.

“Okay, guys,” I called out, “let's do our warm-up.” These sixth graders knew my routine, at least. I felt a little more comfortable knowing we had a history. Many of them had been my students since first grade. And then I noticed a kid I'd taught since second grade.

“Wow, buddy,” I said, walking his way. “Looks like you lost some weight?”

Owen looked down at himself and shrugged. “I played some baseball over the summer,” he said. Owen was an athletic kid, but I wondered how much baseball he had played in the heat to turn him into skin and bones. Otherwise he seemed like the boy I knew, and he said everything was fine.

We spent the first week of lessons on outdoor soccer. We traveled through circuit training stations doing push-ups and sit-ups.

Monday morning, I stood in front of three wide rows of sixth graders sitting cross-legged on the hardwood floor. We'd played a rousing game of soccer, but they were still bursting with energy. All except Owen, whose eyes were closed. His chin touched his chest. He'd nodded off, right here in gym class. Something wasn't right.

I called Owen's mother, asking cautiously, “Have you noticed Owen being thirstier than usual? They're signs of diabetes (糖尿病) . He should see a doctor today.”

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Owen's mother took my advice.


Obviously, Owen needed to stay in hospital for treatments. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2023-11-30更新 | 28次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

“Swimmers, take your marks!”

A beep signaled the start of the race, Tara dove into the pool, beginning her first IM (个人混合泳).Despite being a strong swimmer, the thought of the IM had made her nervous all morning. Butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke (蛙泳), and freestyle. She’d been repeating the order in her head all morning, but had messed it up several times in practice.

Tara burst through the water, starting with the butterfly stroke. Soon, she touched the wall and made a swift turn, pushing off hard. She did one frog kick and drew her arms under the water for the breaststroke, then quickly turned over to her back. Butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle. She knew the order, but she’d messed up again. Had the officials seen her mistake?

Tara smoothly completed her backstroke lap, then the breaststroke. She moved ahead, and kept the lead through the freestyle lap, scoring a comfortable win. She looked up at the scoreboard. The results listed her as the winner. Would that hold up after her mistake?

A few minutes later, the announce r read the results. Tara had been disqualified, meaning she’d scored none for her team. “Butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle, I knew the order” Tara muttered as she prepared for the final relay.

Each of the four relay members would complete one lap of the 25-meter pool, and all would swim freestyle. As the final swimmer, Tara had an opportunity to make up for the disqualification.

The first swimmers for each team were lined up at the end of the pool, shaking out their arms and legs as they loosened up. Tara reached her arms to the sides and gently swung them. All set, she thought.

Tara’s teammates swam well. After two lengths of the pool, they had a small lead. But the third swimmer fell back a bit. As the leader approached the wall, Tara’s teammate Hannah was slightly behind. “Come on, come on!” Tara whispered. She leaned forward, ready to spring as soon as Hannah touched the wall.

Paragraph 1:

Soon after the leader dived into the pool, Tara did too.

Paragraph 2:

Tara looked at her teammates, who were celebrating their second-place finish.

2024-05-06更新 | 52次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般