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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:79 题号:22124339

Resting her phone on a stand and making the light more suitable, 49-year-old Lyu Min started her livestreaming session — her daily job during the COVID-19 outbreak. Dressed in a qipao, a traditional Chinese dress, Lyu started the livestreaming session from her workshop at 10 in the morning, sharing the art of making Chinese knots with many handicraft (手工艺) lovers. Lyu, an inheritor (继承人) of the art of making Chinese knots, which is listed as an intangible (非物质) cultural heritage, became a livestreaming host.

“Though the sales of Chinese knots have dropped a lot, I’m still confident that I can get out of the trouble brought by the outbreak. I can make full use of this period to improve my skills and develop this traditional handicraft online,” she said. Lyu is quite new to the world of livestreaming, having bought all the necessary equipment (设备) after following her friends advice. She practises livestreaming every day and records a large number of educational videos. As face-to-face interaction is still impractical for many, even as the outbreak has been largely brought under control in China, she thinks livestreaming classes can meet more Chinese knot lovers’ needs to learn the handicraft.

She has integrated the anti-epidemic spirit into her works, expressing the determination (决心) and confidence of the Chinese people to win against the COVID-19. “I love Wuhan, where I showed my works in 2019. Chinese knots are popular among many local people, and I made lots of friends there,” Lyu said. She designed a special Chinese knot to express her thanks to the medics who were sent to support Wuhan several months ago.

She has more than 200 followers right now. There are more and more Chinese knot lovers on her online platform. She is using a length of colored string and determination to keep this traditional art of Chinese knots alive online and help more people understand the culture.

1. The underlined word “livestreaming” in Paragraph 1 is close to “_______”.
A.sending out while happeningB.equipment for recording videos
C.sending out after recordingD.equipment for making handicrafts
2. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Lyu Min advised her friends to livestream traditional handicraft online.
B.Lyu Min’s friends provided the necessary equipment for her to livestream.
C.Chinese knots sell very well in Lyu Min’s workshop through the Internet.
D.More Chinese knot lovers want to learn the handicraft because of Lyu Min.
3. What does Lyu Min think of the future of Chinese knots?
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Having online classes during the outbreakB.Introducing an intangible cultural heritage
C.Livestreaming the art of making Chinese knotsD.Expressing thanks to the doctors and nurses
21-22高一上·江苏南京·阶段练习 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】With more recognition than Halloween and less than Christmas, Valentine’s Day as an imported festival faces a dangerous situation in China, where it’s caught between forces of tradition and fashion. Valentine’s Day has a natural enemy in China. And it is not the Chinese equivalent, which falls on the seventh day of the seventh month on the lunar calendar, usually around half a year away from Feb. 14. It is the Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, that will influence the Feast of Saint Valentine.
The real disagreement between East and West probably took place over a century ago, when China’s door was forced open by Western powers and Chinese scholars supported westernization as a means to strengthenour nation’s ability to compete. The introduction of the solar calendarand Western measurements was both an acknowledgment of their influence and an effort to be accepted by the world order.       
For a full century, we have had two systems running in parallel. When it comes to the eventual outcome, practicality usually beats all other concerns. Laws can help, such as the three traditional festivals of Tomb Sweeping, Dragon Boat and Mid-Autumn gaining legal status in 2008 and giving every Chinese citizen a day off, but laws cannot push what people have no feelings for. So, the celebration or boycott of imported holidaysor homegrown ones should be no cause for worry. If they are irrelevant, no social media will change the public’s mind; and if they are accepted, there must be a need which they happen to satisfy.
Since we have no global Qin Shihuang to force one system on every country, we can always rely on a dual(双重) approach by which we share with the outside world on one hand but preserve our own ways of life on the other.
1. What does the author say about Valentine’s Day in China?
A.It is better received than Christmas.
B.It brings potential danger to people.
C.It becomes increasingly popular.
D.It happens to have a natural enemy.
2. The underlined word “equivalent” in the first paragraph refers to ________.
A.theChinese Valentine’s Day
B.theSpring Festival
3. Which of the following can decide what to celebrate according to the author?
4. The author believes that ________.
A.the conflict between East and West causes more trouble
B.two different systems of festivals can co-existin China
C.westernization is a symbol of a nation’s competitive ability
D.homegrown festivals are more important than imported ones
2016-10-08更新 | 137次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Have you ever been in a situation where your name is spelled incorrectly on a Starbucks cup even after you spell out every single letter to the barista(咖啡师)? What would you feel when a room freezes into a sudden silence as soon as you start talking — living with a foreign accent is difficult?

Recently a gentleman in his 40s noticed my accent, and asked me where I was from. Then he inquired about what I majored in and how long I’d been in the US to learn English. After a polite exchange, he said sympathetically that he couldn’t imagine how hard it was for me to deal with reading long English texts. Furthermore, he seemed genuinely puzzled to the fact that I learned to speak English “so well” in an African country. Usually I would have shown my defensive self, pointing out his ignorance and telling him how sad I felt that his education had failed him. But I didn’t.

Sometimes these everyday experiences can drive me crazy. I even think of trying to actively “sound American” as a way to escape the stereotypes(模式化观念) that people have. But if I practiced an American accent enough, would people actually focus on what I say rather than how I say it?

Actually, to speak in our accent itself is to tell a story of identity. My housemates and I come from seven different countries: Jamaica, USA, Gambia, Yemen, China, Ecuador and SA. None of us speak native-like English, but we understand each other perfectly and get along harmoniously. If we all sounded the same, I think that would be boring. Together, we make up a cocktail of beautifully crafted accents with seasoned experiences. None of us owes anyone an explanation about why we don’t sound like how you expect us to.

Accepting that people sound different and embracing them for that reason is important. We are a generation of different languages, dialects, and accents. The world is more and more diverse with various cultures, and if that means making extra efforts to understand someone’s accent and learning how to spell their name, that’s just how it’s going to be.

Deal with it.

1. What purpose do the two questions serve in the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the topic of the passage.B.To share some unpleasant experiences.
C.To show it’s hard to live with an accent.D.To express disappointment at the service.
2. What does the author probably do?
A.An English teacher.B.An international student.
C.A Starbuck waiter.D.A university professor.
3. How did the author probably feel after talking with the gentleman?
4. Which of the following might the author most likely agree with?
A.Efforts should be made to get rid of accents.
B.We should speak the way we are expected to.
C.Acceptance of accents is needed in the society.
D.Education contributes to native-like English.
2019-03-23更新 | 162次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistry class at an American university. Yaser was an international student from Jordan. He was excited to get to know an American. He wanted to learn more about American culture. Yaser hoped that he and Steve would become good friends. At first, Steve seemed very friendly. He always greeted Yaser warmly before class. Sometimes he offered to study with Yaser. He even invited Yaser to have lunch with him.

But after the term was over, Steve seemed more distant. The two former(以前的) classmates didn’t see each other very much at school. One day Yaser decided to call Steve. Steve didn’t seem very interested in talking to him.. Yaser was hurt by Steve’s change of attitude. “Steve said we were friends,” Yaser complained. “And I thought friends were friends forever.” Yaser is a little confused.

He is an outsider(局外人) to American culture. He doesn’t understand the way Americans view friendship. Americans use the word “friend” in a very general way. They may call both casual acquaintances(熟人) and close companions(伙伴) “friends”. Americans have school friends, work friends, sports friends and neighborhood friends. These friendships are based on common interests.

American society changes rapidly. Studies show that one out of five American families moves every year. American friendships develop quickly, and they may change just as quickly. People from the United States may at first seem friendly. Americans often chat easily with strangers. They exchange information about their families, hobbies and work. They may smile warmly and say, “Have a nice day.” or “see you later.” schoolmates may say, “Let’s get together sometime.” But American friendliness is not always an offer of true friendship.

1. According to the text , what made Yaser a little confused ?
A.Steve’s inviting him to dinnerB.Steve’s studying with him
C.Steve’s cold attitudeD.Steve’s misunderstanding him
2. In Paragraph 4, what does the underlined word “ they ” refer to ?
A.American familiesB.American friendships
C.People from the United StatesD.Misunderstandings
3. Why do American friendships develop and change so quickly ?
A.Americans may not only call casual acquaintances but close companion “friends”.
B.American society changes rapidly, and the families move frequently.
C.Americans often seem friendly, and chat easily with strangers at first.
D.Americans think friendship means a strong lifelong relationship between two persons.
4. This text mainly tells us __________.
A.that people should not make friends with Americans.
B.that everyone needs friends.
C.the importance of keeping friendship.
D.how Americans view friendship.
2017-06-21更新 | 143次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般