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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:48 题号:22126176

Flip-flops (人字拖) are the most popular type of shoe in the world. They’re comfortable, they’re easy to wear and they’re inexpensive. Unfortunately, most of them are also terrible for the environment. In Kenya, this is a huge problem, and around 90 tons of flip-flops wash up on its shores annually.

In the late 1990s, when Julie Church was working as a marine (海洋的) conservationist in Nairobi, she found an entire beach “just covered in flip-flops”. Around that time, Church also noticed children making toys out of the thousands of flip-flops that had made their way to the country’s beaches. She began working with the kids’ mothers to encourage them to not just collect the shoes, but also turn them into artworks. The families could then sell this art at local markets, providing another means of income.

The idea took off, and in 1998, Church founded Ocean Sole as a nonprofit. This year alone, the organization has upcycled more than 750,000 flip-flops and collected more than 47,000 kilos of waste. Additionally, Ocean Sole directly impacts more than 1,000 Kenyans, many of whom work as flip-flop collectors or artists, and contributes 10% to 15% of overall income to career and educational programs for residents, as well as beach cleanup and conservation efforts.

Ocean Sole is continuously growing and looking to keep waste off Kenya’s beaches and out of its water. When it comes to growing the Ocean Sole organization, Church has three “mantras (真言)”: trust to trade, trade to awareness, and awareness to protection. Church would like to put together toolkits and other resources to bring this concept to other places around the world that have similar problems. Ocean Sole is also encouraging companies to use more eco-friendly materials when making flip-flops. “I think it’s time for us to start looking for an alternative shoe, or an alternative material, to fit that kind of fashion need,” Church has said. “Our products need to develop.”

1. What was the main reason for founding the nonprofit?
A.To help Kenyans get healthy.
B.To develop children’s hands-on skills.
C.To protect Kenya’s marine environment.
D.To provide children with artistic flip-flops.
2. What can we say about the organization according to Paragraph 3?
A.It is growing in a controlled way.
B.It has a smaller impact than expected.
C.It is running for profit since founded.
D.It has achieved many things with one move.
3. What does Church advise shoe companies to do?
A.Lead the fashion trend.B.Advance their products.
C.Practice her three “mantras”.D.Develop global cooperation.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Environmental challenges in Kenya.
B.Flip-flops are out of date in Kenya.
C.Ocean Sole turns flip-flops into art.
D.Ocean Sole develops a new national art.


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A start-up company backed by tech giants IBM and Microsoft plans to build thousands of artificial reefs across the globe to fight climate change by restoring coral reef (珊瑚礁) ecosystems.

The Reef Company plans to have its first reefs in the water by December 2022, and is encouraging more companies to fund reefs to offset (抵消) their carbon footprint. “We’ve calculated we need to build 2,500 reefs, each measuring 4 square kilometers, over the next 10 years to absorb the extra carbon we have on the planet at the moment,” says Jeroen van de Waal, founder of The Reef Company.

Coral reefs are home to 25% of all marine life. They provide a source of income for millions of people through fishing and tourism and protect coastal communities by reducing the power of waves before they reach the shore. Yet they’re under threat from global warming and 90% of all coral reefs could be lost by 2050 if nothing is done to protect them.

As well as improving biodiversity and storing carbon, The Reef Company, which is based in Portugal, hopes to give a boost to local economies and collect real-time data for researchers.

The artificial reefs are constructed from eco-friendly concrete made from recycled industrial waste and will feature consoles (控制台) filled with sensors that can measure how salty, warm and acid the ocean is. “The reefs will provide a continuously expanding set of connected sensors to gather and analyze data, generating insights in real time,” says Andrés Ortolá, managing director of Microsoft Portugal.

To act as a sink for carbon dioxide, the artificial reefs will need to support plants such as seagrass and mangroves alongside coral. While coral reefs use carbon to grow, the process also lowers the pH in the water, which results in the release of CO2. Benjamin Horton at the Earth Observatory of Singapore says artificial reefs will need to be well maintained to prove successful. “If the ecosystems are damaged, their carbon sink capacity will be affected, and the carbon stored will be released.”

1. What does the author mainly try to do in paragraph 3?
A.Warn more companies of the extinction of coral reefs.
B.Emphasize the economic benefits of artificial coral reefs.
C.Show coral reefs play a role in fighting global warming.
D.Tell why the efforts of The Reef Company are important.
2. Why are the artificial coral reefs equipped with sensors?
A.To help natural coral reefs recover.B.To monitor new industrial resources.
C.To keep track of ocean animals’ health.D.To collect real-time data of the ocean.
3. What can we learn about Benjamin Horton?
A.He shows no interest in the plan.B.He is worried about the project.
C.He finds artificial reefs useless.D.He is hopeful about ecosystems.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.An attempt to fight climate change.B.A company devoted to studying reefs.
C.A creative way to build artificial reefs.D.An international cooperation in science.
2023-06-01更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】For centuries, fishers in Narrangansett have fished in the waters of the northwestern Atlantic for herrings (鲱鱼). But as climate change warms the world’s seas, the herrings are disappearing at the southern end of their range and turning up more often at its northern edges. A study shows that concentrations of marine (海洋的) species populations have been shifting away from the equator (赤道) and toward the poles during the course of the past century. These movements could wreak havoc on food webs and endanger the livelihoods (生计) of fishers.

The tropical (热带的) water at the equator is well-known for having the richest diversity of marine life on Earth. The number of marine species naturally decreases gradually as you head towards the poles. Ecologists have assumed this global pattern has remained stable over recent centuries until now. Our recent study found the ocean around the equator has already become too hot for many species to survive, and that global warming is responsible. And as species flee to cooler water towards the poles, it’s likely to have deep impacts on marine ecosystems.

Losing species in tropical ecosystems means ecological adaptation to environmental changes is reduced, potentially damage ecosystem persistence. In subtropical ecosystems, species richness is increasing. This means there’ll be species invaders, and new competitive relationships. This could result in ecosystem collapse in which species go extinct and ecosystem services (such as food supplies) are permanently changed.

One way is to reduce our emissions aggressively. Other opportunities could also help safeguard biodiversity and hopefully minimize the worst impacts of it shifting away from the equator. Designing climate-smart reserves could further protect biodiversity from future changes. For example, reserves for marine life could be placed where the climate will be stable over the foreseeable future. We should take action without delay.

1. What does the underlined phrase “wreak havoc on” probably mean in Paragraph 1?
2. What can be learnt from the second paragraph?
A.Some species move to water in lower temperature.
B.More marine species exist at the poles than the equator.
C.The subtropical water has the most diverse marine species.
D.The global pattern of the ecosystem remains unchanged now.
3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.The increase of species in subtropical ecosystem.
B.The decline of ecological changes in the ocean.
C.The temporary changes in ecosystem services.
D.The effects of species’ immigration on marine ecosystem.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this article?
A.To inform readers of the reduction of marine species.
B.To appeal to readers to protect marine biodiversity.
C.To predict the future of the marine ecosystem.
D.To explain the reasons for global warming.
2022-01-29更新 | 311次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】People asked to imagine how flooding or droughts would affect particular people or places were more likely to engage in environmentally friendly actions.

Many people view climate change as a distant threat. But having them imagine the tangible (有形的) consequences of resulting droughts or floods may help change this idea and encourage proenvironmental behavior, a new study suggests.

Researchers asked 93 college students to read a report on temperature anomalies (异常),floods and other climate change-related events that have affected the island. The scientists then asked 62 of the participants to write down three ways in which such phenomena might impact their future lives. Half the people in that group were instructed to imagine such situations in detail. The remaining 31 students did not complete either the writing or imagining steps, acting as a control group.

All the participants then rated their ideas of climate change risks by responding to questions such as "How likely do you think it is that climate change is having serious impacts on the world?" They used a scale from 1 ("very unlikely") to 7 ("very likely"). The average score was higher among subjects who had been asked to envision detailed situations than among those who had not. The results were later confirmed in a second experiment involving 102 participants.

Participants in the first experiment who had imagined the effects of climate change were more likely to say they would use air conditioning in an energy-saving manner. In the second experiment, nearly two thirds of people in the visualizing (想象) group signed up to help clean a beach, compared with 43 percent in the nonvisualizing one. And when offered a choice of a vegetarian (素食主义的)or nonvegetarian lunch box, nearly half the visualizers selected the environmentally friendlier meatless choice-compared with about 28 percent of the nonvisualizers.

The researchers did not track people to see if they behaved differently in their day-to-day lives-something further studies should examine, says study co-author Wen-Bin Chiou. Moreover, the research ''should be done again in other places with other populations," says Robert Gifford, a professor of psychology at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, who was not involved in the work.

The findings could be applied to raise public concern about climate change, Chiou says. For example, he suggests that news reports about the phenomenon could include vivid descriptions of its effects on people,s lives and ask readers to imagine experiencing such impacts. Having virtual-reality demonstrations (展示)in local science museums of the consequences of climate change would be another way of putting the research into practice, Chiou adds.

1. Which of the following statements about the study is true? ______
A.Only one experiment was carried out for the study.
B.Professor Robert Gifford played a key role in the study.
C.The control group only completed the writing step in the experiment.
D.Participants asked to imagine detailed effects scored higher than those who weren't.
2. Future studies will probably be about whether ______ .
A.it is true of other populations in other places
B.more money will be donated to the people affected by climate change-related events
C.people choose vegetarian lunch boxes in their daily lives
D.climate change will cause people to think about joining in a control group
3. To put the research into practice, Wen-Bin Chiou suggests that ______ .
A.the government call on people to live a low-carbon life
B.people use air conditioning in an energy-saving manner
C.people experience possible effects of climate change through virtual reality facilities
D.news reports provide vivid descriptions of the effects of climate change on peoples5lives
4. The passage mainly tells us that ______ .
A.different people may have different reactions to climate change
B.different forms of climate change may affect people's ideas in different ways
C.people may change their behavior after thinking about the vivid impacts of climate change
D.college students show great concern for the people affected by climate change
2019-05-21更新 | 99次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般