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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:613 题号:22137459
Chinese Loong is the fifth animal of the 12-year Chinese zodiac cycle,     1    (consider) to be mythical and symbolic of fortune. Recently, sales of things with dragon elements have witnessed explosive growth on e-commerce platforms.

Data from an e-commerce platform show that searches     2     dragon-related goods via its online marketplace have reached 23 million.    3     is said that since January, goods with dragon-themed elements, such as daily necessities, alcohol and gold jewelry,     4    (prefer) by consumers.The purchasing excitement is expected to     5    (huge) boost consumer confidence and improve the recovery of consumption.

Purchases by the post-1990s and post-2000s generations accounted for nearly 55%, while consumers in Guangdong province, Beijing, Jiangsu province in that order,     6    (be) the top three spenders on dragon-featured items.Because the dragon is an important symbol of Chinese traditional culture     7     good luck, Chinese consumers are expressing their hopes for     8     better life in the new year.

“Brands should capitalize on traditional Chinese culture to launch more innovative     9    (product),” a research fellow said,     10    (stress) that Spring Festival is the traditional festival Chinese people attach the most importance to, and it’s also a peak season for consumption.

【知识点】 中国文化与节日


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Confucius, China’s most famous teacher and philosopher, was born Kongqiu in 551 BCE near Qufu, in eastern China. Confucius showed a great interest in academics early on. “At 15, I was     1    (commit) to learning,” he later told his followers. He studied music, mathematics, the classics, history, and more.

Confucius believed that education and reflection led to virtue. He once worked for the government, but     2     (find) far greater success as a teacher instead. Confucius broke with     3    (convention) belief and was     4    (convince) that all human beings could benefit from education. He gave his support for lifelong learning and appealed     5     a wide circle of followers, who knew him as Kongfuzi (Master Kong). Those pupils recorded his words in The Analects, a collection of sayings and ideas.

    6     stated in The Analects, Confucius believed that social harmony would naturally generate from the proper ordering of individuals in relation to one another, with the family unit as the basic building block of society.

Confucius was ignored     7     (entire) in his own day. When he passed away in 479 BCE, he left behind perhaps 3,000 students, who devoted ( 献身) themselves to     8    (preserve) and spreading their master’s ideas.     9    was recorded in The Analects has guided governments and individuals for thousands of years. Digesting The Analects will boost your understanding about       10     influence on Chinese history and civilization in the process.

2023-11-14更新 | 36次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

As an epic (史诗)     1     brings back to life some of the most famous poets from the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the highly     2     (expect) animated movie Chang’an held its premiere (首映) in     3     was once its namesake city, now known as Xi’an,     4     provincial capital of Shaanxi province on July 2.

Produced by Light Chaser Animation, a Beijing-based animated studio known for its focus on tales inspired by traditional culture and mythology, the film    5     (release) nationwide this past summer.

    6     a runtime of 168 minutes, the longest of any Chinese animated movie to date, Chang’an describes the decades-long friendship of Li Bai, arguably the country’s most beloved poet, and Gao Shi, his close friend and a noted poet as well, and also     7     (reveal) the dynasty’s transition from peak prosperity to decline due to the unrest caused by An Lushan, who was once one of Emperor Xuanzong’s most favored     8     (general).

Xie Junwei, who co-directs the movie with Zou Jing, says that he made multiple trips to Xi’an in search of inspiration during the production,     9     (add) that the small statues and ancient paintings exhibited at the Shaanxi History Museum provided them with     10     (value) ideas for the film.

2023-11-08更新 | 227次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Dunhuang, located in Northwest China’s Gansu Province, is an important stop on the ancient Silk Road. What does Dunhuang look like today?

From Dec. 5th to 8th, the micro-variety show,     1     (title) “The Dunhuang You Don’t Know”, was released on social media platforms. Since the show released, the video series     2     (receive) millions of views online.

The show,     3     was produced by the art program center of the China Media Group, focused     4     the modern way of lives in Dunhuang, showcasing the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese culture. Dunhuang is renowned for     5     (it) numerous natural and cultural heritages. From the renowned Mogao Grottoes to the Crescent Spring, Chinese people are familiar with Dunhuang’s magnificent beauty. Yet, the micro series takes the audience on a journey     6     (discover) the uncovered, vivid and energetic modern lives of Dunhuang. The show guided viewers through the Mogao Grottoes and related exhibitions,     7     (provide) insights into the historical and cultural significance behind     8     fine pictures on the walls.

In recent years, with the rise in the     9     (popular) of the guochao trends, contemporary artists have transformed Dunhuang’s age-old art into creative cultural products. In this video series, the distinctive beauty of Dunhuang has     10     (real) captured people’s attention.

2024-03-02更新 | 55次组卷
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