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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:41 题号:22153128

We are all aware of the damaging pollution that’s created by driving petrol and diesel (柴油) vehicles. Many of the world’s cities are blocked with traffic, creating fumes containing gases such as nitrogen oxides. The solution for a cleaner, greener future could be electric vehicles. But how optimistic should we be? There was much excitement last year when the UK government announced it will ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030. But is that easier said than done?

The road to global traffic being totally electric is still a long way off. Currently, battery life is an issue — a fully charged battery won’t take you as far as a full tank of petrol. There are also limited numbers of charging points to plug an EV into. Of course, technology is always improving. Some of the biggest tech companies, like Google and Tesla, are spending huge amounts of money developing electric cars. And most of the big car manufacturers are now making them too.

Colin Herron, a consultant on low-carbon vehicle technology, told the BBC: “The big leap forward will come with solid state batteries, which will appear first in mobile phones and laptops before they progress to cars.” These will charge more quickly and give cars a bigger range. Cost is another issue that may discourage people from switching to electric power. But some countries offer incentive, such as cutting prices by reducing import taxes, and not charging for road tax and parking. Some also provide exclusive lanes for electric cars to be driven on, overtaking traditional cars which might be stuck in jams.

These kinds of measures have made Norway the country with the most electric cars per capita (人均) at more than thirty electric cars per 1000 inhabitants. But Colin Herron warns that “electric motoring” doesn’t mean a zero-carbon future. “It’s emission-free motoring, but the car has to be built, the battery has to be built, and the electricity does come from somewhere.” Maybe it’s time to think about making fewer journeys or using public transport.

1. Which statement can we infer from the question at the end of Paragraph 1?
A.Electric vehicles may not solve the traffic problems.
B.Probably it is hard to procure a greener future by means of electric vehicles.
C.We should not be too optimistic about the future.
D.It’s not a good idea to replace petrol vehicles with electric ones.
2. What does the underlined word “incentive” mean in Paragraph 3?
3. According to the passage, which opinion the author might agree to?
A.Putting solid-state batteries in electric cars first will be a “great leap forward”.
B.There are four obstacles on the road to global traffic being totally electric.
C.Electric cars might not get stuck in traffic jams in the future.
D.Electric motoring will create a zero-carbon future.
4. What is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Total Electric Traffic: a Long Way to Go.
B.Electric Power or Petrol: a Tough Decision to Make.
C.Petrol and Diesel Vehicles: a Main Source of Gases.
D.Electric Vehicles: a Road to a Modern Society.


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Insurance companies are starting to use smartbox technology, so good drivers can benefit from cheap insurance rates.

The smartbox, similar to a black box for airplanes, records details about how your car is driven, which can contribute to cheap car insurance for responsible drivers. The device is connected to the electronics in your car and collects information such as time, speed, braking, cornering, acceleration and location. It’s like having an insurance agent sitting beside you while driving.

The smartbox data is wirelessly transferred in real time to the insurance company and provides a profile of when, where and how you drive. This profile is then used to compare insurance rates and to reward low-risk driving behavior with cheap insurance rates.

Drivers are high-risk when they drive irresponsibly such as speeding, frequent lane changing, driving in high-risk locations or at high-risk times such as in heavy traffic or late at night.

These new electronic inventions are intended to practice a new standard in lieu of the previous way to sort drivers into group behavior to determine insurance coverage and premium (保费) payments. For example, young drivers are more likely to drive fast, drive at night and use a cell phone while driving. Statistically, young drivers are more likely to cause an accident, so insurance companies charge them higher rates to cover the costs of accident claims. So even if you’re a young, responsible driver, you will pay high insurance rates because of group behavior. This technology allows you to provide proof that your driving behavior doesn’t fit the pattern of your demographic (统计) group.

All the information collected about your driving can be viewed online — including what you’re doing well and what could be improved. Your insurance premium is then calculated according to your driving profile.

1. What do we know about the smartbox according to paragraph 2?
A.It is a black box.B.It helps reduce car insurance.
C.It benefits responsible drivers.D.It records how the car is produced.
2. How does the insurance company monitor the driving?
A.By monitoring the device in the car.B.By collecting the smartbox data.
C.By watching the traffic on the roads.D.By arranging an agent beside the driver.
3. Which of the following can best explain the underlined phrase “in lieu of” in paragraph 5?
A.Instead of.B.Full of.C.In defense of.D.In favor of.
4. What will the use of smartboxes bring about?
A.Better service for cars.B.Much lower prices of gas.
C.More convenient transport.D.More reasonable insurance charge.
2023-11-18更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The noise produced by busy roads is a growing problem.

Already, researchers in the Netherlands are working to develop techniques for silencing the roads. In the next five years the Dutch government aims to reduce noise levels from the country’s road surfaces by six decibels overall. Dutch mechanical engineer Ard Kuijpers has come up with one of the most promising and novel ideas. He set out to address the three most important factors: surface texture (质地), hardness and the ability to absorb sound.

The rougher the surface, the more likely it is that a tyre will vibrate (颤动) and create noise. Road builders usually get rid of bumps on freshly laid asphalt (柏油) with heavy rollers, but Kuijpers has developed a method of road building that he thinks can create the ultimate quiet road. His secret is a special mould (模具) 3 metres wide and 50 metres long. Hot asphalt, mixed with small stones, is spread into the mould by a rail-mounted machine which flattens the asphalt mix with a roller. When it sets, the 10-millimetre-thick sheet has a surface smoother than anything that can be achieved by conventional methods.

To better the performance of his road surface—to make it hard wearing yet soft enough to remove vibrations—he then adds another layer below the asphalt. This consists of a 30-millimetre-thick layer of rubber, mixed with stones which are larger than those in the layer above. “It’s like a giant mouse mat, making the road softer,” says Kuijpers.

The foundation itself uses an even more sophisticated technique to reduce noise further. It consists of a sound-absorbing concrete base containing flask-shaped slots (瓶型狭槽) up to 10 millimetres wide and 30 millimetres deep that are open at the top and sealed at the lower end. When sound waves of specific frequencies enter the top of a flask, they set up resonances (共鸣) inside and the energy of the sound dissipates (消散) into the concrete as heat.

Kuijpers believes he can cut noise by five decibels compared to the quietest of today’s roads. The success of Kuijpers’ design will depend on how much it eventually costs. But for those affected by traffic noise there is hope of quieter times ahead.

1. Kuijpers’ design is meant to ________.
A.reduce air pollutionB.deal with traffic problems
C.build roads of better qualityD.provide a quieter environment
2. What effect will the special mould achieve in paragraph 3?
A.The road will be smoother.B.The road will be straighter.
C.The road will be harder.D.The road will be wider.
3. Which is the right order of the objects from the bottom to the top of the road?
A.asphalt mixed with small stones→flask-shaped slots→the layer of rubber
B.flask-shaped slots→the layer of rubber→asphalt mixed with small stones
C.the layer of rubber→asphalt mixed with small stones→flask-shaped slots
D.asphalt mixed with small stones→the layer of rubber→flask-shaped slots
4. Kuijpers’ design will be adopted if ________.
A.it passes the testB.it costs reasonably
C.it is easy to operateD.it meets the deadline
2023-06-14更新 | 87次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】National Disability Insurance Scheme (方案)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will transform the way Queenslanders with disability are supported and change the way disability services are funded and delivered.

Under the scheme, Queenslanders with disability will have choice and control over how they access support and who delivers them. They will also have certainty that they will be supported throughout their lifetime to achieve their personal goals.

The NDIS will have an effect on the following programs.

School Transport Assistance Program for Students with Disability

The NDIS will not disrupt existing services for qualified students. The Queensland Government will also continue to provide school transport assistance for students with disability who are not qualified to receive funding via the NDIS.

For more information about the School Transport Assistance Program, and to check your qualification, visit the Education and Training website.

Taxi Subsidy (补助金) Scheme

The Queensland Government has lengthened the Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS) membership for NDIS qualified members to 31 October, 2022. This will allow more time to solve transport support arrangements under the Commonwealth’s NDIS.

You can find more information about the TSS and your qualification on the TransLink website.

Disability Parking Permit Scheme

No changes will be made to the Disability parking permit scheme when the NDIS is introduced in Queensland. Current arrangements for this scheme will be maintained.

You can find more information on this scheme, and check your qualification, on the Queensland Government website.

Public Transport Concessions for People with Disability

There will be no change to concessions on public transport for people with disability when the NDIS is introduced in Queensland. TransLink will continue to ensure concessions are provided for disabled persons travelling on public transport in Queensland when the NDIS is introduced.

You can find more information about public transport discounts for people with disability, and check your qualification, on the TransLink website,

1. Which program helps drive the disabled to and from school?
A.Taxi Subsidy Scheme.
B.Disability Parking Permit Scheme.
C.Public Transport Concessions for People with Disability.
D.School Transport Assistance Program for Students with Disability.
2. What can we learn about Taxi Subsidy Scheme?
A.The scheme is for parking permit.
B.The existing membership can be effective for longer time.
C.There is no change to current arrangements for the scheme.
D.The NDIS will not break off existing services for qualified students.
3. What do the four programs have in common?
A.They are all related to transport.
B.They are all largely affected by NDIS.
C.They all can be checked on the same website.
D.They all provide discounts for disabled persons.
2021-10-24更新 | 74次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般