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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:95 题号:22166960

“White Dew (白露) ”is one of the 24 solar terms in China, originating from ancient Chinese agricultural culture. The origin of “White Dew” can date back to ancient times     1    people observed natural phenomena and the growth of crops, developing a set of seasonal concepts to guide farmland management and agricultural timing.

In ancient China, agriculture    2       (be) the primary means of production, and agricultural activities were crucial for    3       (manage) farmland and determining the timing of crop planting. “White Dew”, as a solar term in the autumn, signifies gradually cooler weather and an increase in dew. It’s a key period for crops, particularly rice, as they start to be soaked (浸湿) in dew.

The term “White” refers to the clear and shiny appearance of dewdrops on    4       (leaf) in the early morning. “Dew” refers to the phenomenon where water vapor in the air condenses (凝结) into dewdrops during cool autumn weather. Therefore, “White Dew” signifies cool autumn weather with plentiful dew, which is     5       (benefit) to crop growth.

Ancient farmers used the    6       (arrive) of the “White Dew”solar term    7       (assess) the growth status of crops in    8       (they) fields and to plan agricultural activities. Today, “White Dew”remains    9    important element in traditional Chinese culture and is reflected in daily life. It still serves    10    a reference point for farmland management and agricultural timing.

【知识点】 中国文化与节日


语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

2024 marks     1     940th anniversary of the birth of Li Qingzhao(1084-1155), one of the best-known female     2    (writer) in Chinese history.     3     (honor) the famous Song Dynasty (960—1279) poetess, the first International Qingzhao Poetry and Arts Festival will be held between June 20 and 27 at the poet’s birthplace, today’s Zhangqiu district of Jinan in Shandong province.

The week-long event will take place at the Zhangqiu Mingshui Ancient City, a     4     (new) opened tourist destination     5     Li’s former residence is located. During the festival, famous poets, artists, critics and translator s from home     6     abroad will gather at the ancient city to join in a wide     7    (various) of activities. So far, a series of programs     8     (design) for young people. For example, two poetry awards for young poets and university students will be presented after careful selection.

    9     (regard) the young poet awards, we should use our judging process to discover and reward those who have true breakthroughs in concepts, aesthetics (美学), language, and even     10     terms of the relationship between poetry and society,” said the festival’s academic director Jiang Tao.

2024-07-23更新 | 97次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

The craftswoman Ji Yulan, an inheritor of the intangible heritage of paper-cutting from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,     1     (engage) herself in the art for over 40 years.

She made paper-cuts of people from all     2     (walk) of life. “The paper-cutting art comes from the folk and it should return to the people,” Ji said. One of her pieces described a nurse with long, beautiful hair,     3     (wear) a mask and a white gown (罩衣). Ji was deeply impressed by female medical workers     4     cut their long hair to better themselves for their jobs. “Women are charming in long hair and it takes a lot of courage to cut it,” Ji said. She created a paper-cutting work to show the image, in which a nurse has her long hair back.

Ji has 12 students, aged from 3     5     23. “They discovered their interest in paper-cutting and came to me to learn it, “she said. She devotes     6     (she) to her career and often encourages her students     7     (create) works based on a younger mindset. Ji said, “I am     8     (extreme) optimistic about the future of the craft. Younger generation have a real sense of     9     (culture) heritage.”

Ji keeps practicing paper-cutting every day. Her works hang in her studio     10    appear in every corner of her home. She also learned to share her works on video-sharing platforms to increase her audience.

2023-01-13更新 | 169次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

Dragon Boat Racing     1     (hold) for more than 2,000 years throughout southern China. Now it has become an international water sport.

Hundreds of people gathered at Marina del Rey in southern California     2     Saturday for a Dragon Boat Festival featuring dragon boat racing, a live music show and family gatherings. Nearly 40 teams     3     (compete) in the racing in the harbor, with participants’ age     4     (range) from 10 to 70. “The fast growing sport of dragon boat racing promotes cultural diversity and fitness. It brings people together in a fun and     5     (excite) atmosphere.” said Nathan Salazar, the organizer of the activity. Heidi Stone, a member of the Aero Dragon team, told Xinhua. “I love the sport, for I can experience Chinese culture     6     taking part in the racing. It is a team sport, and we have to work together very well     7     (win) the games.”

    8     (tradition), a dragon boat,     9     is about 20—35 meters long, is shaped and decorated in the form of a Chinese dragon. During a dragon boat race, dozens of team     10     (member) sit in pairs paddling the boat at a pace that is set by the drummer sitting in the front.

2022-07-11更新 | 77次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般