组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 饮食 > 烹饪
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:118 题号:22182464

It was May 1945 when what would become one of America’s most common home-cooking techniques first entered the English vocabulary. In her cookbook, How to Cook and Eat in Chinese, 55-year-old Chinese immigrant Chao Yang Buwei described a process common in China, wherein cooks would cut meat and vegetables into small pieces and then tumble (翻) them rapidly together over heat. “The Chinese term for the technique, ch’ao, cannot be accurately translated into English,” Chao decided, “We shall call it ‘stir-fry’ for short.” The term has since taken on a life of its own. Nowadays, stir-frying isn’t just a method — “stir-fry” has become its own category of recipe.

Chao came to cooking unexpectedly. She moved to America with her husband in 1921 after her husband, the famed linguist Chao Yuenren, was offered a job at Harvard. Bored at home and only able to speak a little English, she turned to cooking dishes that reminded her of China. She eventually agreed when a friend earnestly persuaded her to write a cookbook, which was then translated by Chao’s daughter and polished up by her linguist husband.

Her cookbook succeeded, going into multiple printings by 1945. English-language Chinese cookbooks had been published as far back as 1911 in America, but Chao’s was the first that refused to Westernize Chinese cooking. “I’ll show you how to cook crab dishes with real crabs,” Chao told readers in a passage where she forbade them from-using sea crabs in place of the freshwater variety. Using the former, she reasoned, would result in “a caricature (夸张的描述) of the Chinese dish.” During Chao’s era, it might have been easier for foreign cooks in America to please the American taste with substitutions. She wore her Chinese heritage with pride. She didn’t follow suit.

Chao pioneered a new cooking method in America. Unwilling to compromise, she was a true visionary. Sadly, her death in 1981 didn’t make headlines despite her contributions to American food culture. Shortly thereafter even her name ended up falling through pop culture’s cracks.

1. What can be learned about “chao”?
A.It is a recognized cooking method now.
B.It was accurately translated into “stir-fry” by Chao.
C.It means tumbling many big pieces of ingredients overheat.
D.It was a common term already used in American cooking before 1945.
2. Why did Chao turn to traditional Chinese cooking when moving to America?
A.She happened to take an interest in cooking.
B.She didn’t know any American way of cooking.
C.She was bored to stay at home only to learn English.
D.She missed her homeland and her country’s cuisine.
3. What is special about Chao’s cookbook?
A.It was the first to be faithful to real Chinese cooking and recipes.
B.It was the most successful cookbook published on Chinese cooking.
C.It was the first to emphasize the use of freshwater crabs over sea crabs.
D.It tried to please the American tastes as other similar cookbooks.
4. Which of the following best describes Chao?
A.Academic and unfailingly helpful.B.Pioneering and culturally proud.
C.Recognized and linguistically talented.D.Adaptable and technically achieved.


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We are what we eat. From high-calorie meals to low-fat lunches, much of our health depends on what we eat. We know about the benefits of eating properly for our physical well-being, but cooking food is turning out to be good for our mental well-being as well.

Some people are now thinking highly of the treatment value of cooking food. It’s not just about the end result but the experience someone goes through. Dr. Mark Salter, a famous doctor, said, “Baking and cooking are good therapies (疗法) that help patients develop planning skills, short-term memory and social skills-all of which suffer in mental illness.”

TV chef and author Nadiya Hussain agrees that cooking is great for helping our mind. She loves to bake and became the champion of the TV show, The Great British Bake Off. She says that “Baking’s always been about therapy. It produces something tangible. Unlike something abstract (抽象的), you can touch and enjoy it! Besides, your creations taste delicious and make you feel good. It is a process that really increase your level of life satisfaction.

Certainly, creating some delicious food has helped some of us get through the recent lockdown (禁闭); it’s helped take our mind off things and given us something to do. People have said that kneading dough (面团) to make bread, for example, has given them a sense of calm and control. Research has shown that doing creative tasks, like cooking, makes us feel happier.

Nicole Farmer, who studies how food influences our biology, behavior and mental health, said that baking is an important tool for our socialization and mental health. She thinks that cooking gives you the opportunity to cook for others-in turn, providing the opportunity to improve and build relationships. It is a rewarding experience.

Hopefully, as we start to mix with friends and family again, we can enjoy the benefits once more and put us all in the right state of mind.

1. Why does the author mention Salter’s words in the second paragraph?
A.To support his idea.B.To explain a medical term.
C.To warn us about mental illness.D.To show his admiration for Salter.
2. What may the underlined word “tangible” in the third paragraph mean?
3. What is Farmer’s opinion of cooking?
A.It is a useful survival skill.B.It is a vital tool for a balanced diet.
C.It strengthens connections with others.D.It provides equal chances for all cooks.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.We Are What We EatB.Health Lies in Cooking Foods
C.Cooking Helps Physical HealthD.Cooking Promotes Mental Health
2024-02-26更新 | 40次组卷
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【推荐2】Cheesy Pizza Stuffing

Yield: 4 to 6 servings
Time: 45 minutes, plus drying bread
• 1 (12-to 14-ounce) loaf brioche (黄油面包), torn into bite-size pieces (about 4 cups)
• 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more softened butter
• 1 large yellow onion
• Salt and black pepper and 2 tablespoons tomato sauce
• 1 large egg and 1 cup whole milk
• 2 cups shredded low-moisture mozzarella (马苏里拉奶酪)

The night before serving, spread the bread pieces on a sheet pan and let sit on the counter to dry out. Alternatively, you can bake them at 250 degrees until completely dried out and no longer soft, 20 to 30 minutes.

When ready to make the stuffing, transfer the bread to a large bowl. Heat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9-by-13-inch or 8-by-11-inch baking dish with softened butter. Melt the 4 tablespoons butter in a large skillet over medium-high and add the thinly sliced onion. Season with salt and pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally, until slightly browned at the edges, 5 to 7 minutes. Stir in the tomato sauce and cook until fragrant, about I minute.

In a medium bowl, beat the egg with a fork, then beat in the milk. Pour the milk mixture over the bread and toss with two spoons until evenly coated. Add 1 cup mozzarella and toss again until well combined. Let sit until the bread fully absorbs the liquid, about 5 minutes.

Transfer the stuffing and any accumulated liquid to the greased baking dish, spread out evenly and top with the remaining 1 cup mozzarella. (To make ahead, you can stop at this stage, cover the dish and refrigerate for up to 24 hours.)

Bake, uncovered, until heated through and the cheese is melted, 15 to 25 minutes. (You may need to add a few minutes to the bake time if the stuffing has been refrigerated.)

1. Which ingredient is unnecessary for the dish?
2. Which procedure correctly follows the Directions?
A.The onion used should be thickly cut.
B.The bread pieces should be softened before serving.
C.Two cups of mozzarella should be added respectively.
D.The stuffing which has been refrigerated should be baked for 24 hours.
3. How is the Directions organized?
A.By giving examples.B.By offering analyses.
C.By presenting findings.D.By following time order.
2022-03-01更新 | 319次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Do you enjoy eating a nice piece of a cow? Or pig back meat? Chances are that you do, though you’re more likely to call these dishes beef and bacon. But why do the words for these animals change after they’re killed and served? And why does this change only happen with certain meats?

To answer these questions, we have to step back almost 1,000 years into the past, as the current saying is that this linguistic phenomenon (语言现象) results from the Norman invasion (侵略) of England.

In 1066, the Old French-speaking Normans took control of the Anglo-Saxons, who spoke Old English. The Norman rulers used different measures of oppression (压迫的措施), but they also introduced their language. They used French words for the meat that appeared on their tables. Meanwhile, the Old English words were still used by the Anglo-Saxons who farmed and raised the animals. Such was the Norman influence on England that their terms for meat have always been there as part of the modern English language for cuisine (烹饪).

It’s not just adult cows that got a new name after they were killed and prepared for Norman dinners. A young cow is called a “calf”, and this word comes from Old English. However, the animal is changed into “veal” after it is cooked.

Besides the word pig, which, like cow, has Old English origins (来源), the Anglo-Saxons used to use the word “swine” for these animals. Both became pork when the Normans ate their meat, though.

Chicken is one of several exceptions. While the Normans used the French word poulet for chicken meat, this became “pullet” in English. This word is only really used by chicken farmers. No one is quite sure why this happened! Here’s another exception, as fish is fish regardless of whether it’s swimming in a river or appearing on a dinner table. One possibility for why the French word poisson has never entered the English language is that it’s too close to “poison” — something no one wants to eat!

1. What purpose do questions in the first paragraph serve?
A.To attract readers’ attention.B.To encourage studies on food.
C.To offer some background information.D.To provide some advice for readers.
2. Why are French terms for meat used in modern English cuisine?
A.The English who worked in farming came from France.
B.French words for meat were much easier to remember.
C.Normans brought their French language to England.
D.French terms became popular among cooks worldwide.
3. Which word from Old English is used to refer to a young cow?
4. Why is the French word for fish avoided in English?
A.There were already Old English words for fish in common use.
B.English speakers found the word too similar to the word “poison”.
C.The Normans did not eat fish as often as other meats.
D.The French word was not introduced during the Norman invasion.
2023-11-30更新 | 59次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般