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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:57 题号:22214619

In recent years, China has witnessed the growth of luxury (奢侈品) brands. In this market, Chinese consumers are now the largest spenders. It’s clear that a new generation of young, materialistic people is increasingly relying on luxury brands to improve its self-image. I am a fashionist too, at least in spirit—I love to look at clothes and shoes. But I don’t understand why people spend lots of money on designer labels. When a young woman buys a handbag that costs two months of her salary, that’s a scary thing.

What’s interesting is that scientists have found that having luxury things doesn’t lead to happiness. Study after study has shown that although we want material things, when we get them we don’t suddenly become “happy” people. In fact, a series of studies by Leaf Van Boven at the University of Colorado, US, has shown that individuals who spend money on travel and similar experiences get more pleasure than those who invest it in material things. That’s because experiences are more easily combined with a person’s identity. If I travel to Yunnan, that adventure affects how I think in the future. My memories become a part of me.

Moreover, as Van Boven has observed, young people who pursue happiness through “things” are liked less by their peers. People prefer those who pursue happiness through experiences.

It’s natural to want to express yourself through your appearance. So my advice is: create a look that isn’t tied to a designer label. Convey your own message. Take some lessons from the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. He was always in Levis jeans and a black turtleneck. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, routinely appears in hoodies and sneakers. These people, successful people, have style. You don’t have to break the bank to send a message about who you are. Take a trip. Go out into the world. Then come back and confidently create your own signature look.

1. What can we infer from the first three paragraphs?
A.The author enjoys buying luxury brands herself.
B.The author agrees to spend money on material things.
C.The author is critical of youths tying their looks to designer labels.
D.The author finds it natural for fashionists to follow fashion trends.
2. Leaf Van Boven’s studies showed that       .
A.traveling changes a person’s identity greatly
B.people dislike those who love luxuries
C.experiences can bring people more happiness than luxuries
D.luxuries have a negative effect on people’s happiness
3. What is the author’s advice on expressing oneself?
A.Be selective about designer labels.B.Create your own personal unique style.
C.Choose styles that are simple and comfortable.D.Try styles like Mark Zuckerberg’s.
4. The main purpose of the article is to        .
A.persuade readers to invest in experiences instead of luxuries
B.prove how luxury leads to an unpleasant life
C.tell how to express yourself through appearances
D.report on a series of studies about luxuries and happiness


阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Making and keeping deep, meaningful friendships as an adult is hard, especially for men. Less than half of men report being satisfied with their friendships, and only about 1 in 5 said they had received emotional support from a friend in the last week, compared with 4 in 10 women, according to a 2021 survey from the Survey Center on American Life.

Why is it so hard? When Dr. Frank Sileo, a psychologist based in Ridgewood, New Jersey, first began conducting research on male friendships in 1995, many participants assumed his survey was about homosexuality (同性恋). Such opinions are inaccurate, but showed some of what maybe holding some men back from deep friendships, Sileo said.

Besides, boys receive messages that growing up and “manning up” mean hiding their soft side - a mindset that neuroscience, social science and developmental psychology all show is harmful to them. The drive to toughen up and never show vulnerability (脆弱) that restricts men from friendships can lead them to loneliness, violence and anger. “We consider relationships as feminine.” Sileo said. “If that’s a feminine (女性特有的) thing, it becomes a weakness or inability if men admit to needing friendships. ”

Thus, men seeking closeness might turn to those they see as better at building relationships and feel comfortable exploring their vulnerability with: the women in their lives and their romantic partners, according to Sileo’s research. It may seem like a good solution, but putting everything on a romantic partner can hurt a relationship, whether it is going to a female partner exclusively for emotional support or depending on her to cultivate friendships and get-together for holidays and weekends. It is necessary to have various people to go to for support for different perspectives. “Men need to know it’s not just a woman thing.” she said. “They need to know that men can do it, too. ”

We live in a culture that conflicts with our nature. If we raise children to go against their nature, we shouldn’t be surprised if some of those children grow up to struggle. Research has shown expression of negative emotions improved men’s emotional well-being, increased feelings of being understood and resulted in less reported loneliness. So just as many men make a great effort to eat right, exercise, succeed in their careers and raise children, men should prioritize developing friendships as well.

1. Why does the author mention some numbers in the first paragraph?
A.To inform a fact.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To make a comparison.D.To support an opinion.
2. What do we know about Dr. Frank Sileo’s research in 1995?
A.It studies men’s friendships.
B.It studies men’s health.
C.It studies male homosexuality.
D.It studies reasons why men lack deep friendships.
3. Which one may be the result if a man lacks friendship?
A.A man may turn to a woman.B.A man may get used to it.
C.A man may become feminine.D.A man may focus more on his career.
4. Which column does this passage most probably belong to?
2023-06-04更新 | 38次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Scientists believe that one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around us is the sense of sound. We are warned of danger by sounds. Sounds serve to please us in music. Sound has a waste product, too, in the form of noise. Noise has been called unwanted sound. Noise is growing and it may get much worse before it gets any better.

In order to know how noise affects people and animals, scientists have been studying for several years. They are surprised by what they have learned. Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find. Noise pollution is a threat that should be looked at carefully.

Sounds is measured in units called decibels (分贝). At a level of 140 decibels people feel pain in their ears.

Trucks , buses , motorcycles, airplanes, boats, factories---all these things make noise. They trouble not only our ears, but minds and bodies as well.

There is a saying that it is so noisy that you can’t hear yourself think. Doctors who study noise believe that we must sometimes hear ourselves think. If we don’t, we may have headaches, other aches and pains, or even worse mental problems.

Noise adds more tension (紧张) to a society that has already faced enough stress.

1. The sense of sound _________.
A.makes us feel excited
B.helps us hear more clearly
C.is something harmful to us
D.helps to know what is happening around us
2. When sound is turned into noise, ______________.
A.people grow worse and worse
B.it makes us forget all the past
C.people don’t know what to do with everyday life
D.it will be a kind of pollution to people
3. Why does the passage say peace and quiet are becoming harder to find?
A.Because the world is making more and more noise.
B.Because wars and battles happen here and there in the world.
C.Because all the sounds are becoming over 140 decibels.
D.Because some machines can make noise.
4. Doctors say we can hear ourselves think __________.
A.if we don’t like to hear noise
B.if we have no aches or pains in our bodies
C.if there isn’t too much noise
D.if we can’t be careful of noise
2016-12-12更新 | 102次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A video of a three-year-old girl being kicked by her own mother during a photo shot went viral (疯狂传播) on Thursday, indicating China’s under per forma nee in regulating the emerging child modeling industry.

The girl, known as Niu Niu, was physically abused by her mother in several videos. The videos have annoyed Chinese media and Internet users alike. Many netizens and scholars call for local authorities to carry out further investigations into possible child abuse.

In response to the public outcry (强烈抗议), Niu Niu’s mother issued an apology via Sina Wei bo on Thursday, condemning accusations of abuse. She noted that she was merely guiding her daughter for better shots and the girl is well looked after.

Despite her apology, many E-shops which used Niu Niu’s images for brand promotion have canceled their cooperation with the mother, while over 110 well-known child garment shops on Taobao have signed up for a campaign to provide better protection for child models.

“It is necessary to adopt comprehensive laws and regulations to further protect the kids, preventing their parents and companies from exploiting (利用) them,” Fang Zhiqing, a lawyer and child protection expert, said.

Niu Niu is not alone. In Zhili, a small town in Zhejiang province, thousands of children from across China are taken here by their parents to seize the chance of fame. With a population of 450,000. Zhili has over 13,000 manufacturers of child clothing. In 2017, the town earned over 7 billion yuan by selling do thing for children online, thus providing opportunities for child models.

“China’s current advertisement law isn’t workable when it comes to the industry of child modeling, as it lacks clear supervision measures and clear legal punishment.” Fang added. “It is important to issue new laws which regulate child modeling.”

1. What caused the public outcry?
A.Videos showing how child models work.
B.Problems in Chinese advertising industry.
C.Several cases of child abuse in recent China.
D.A girl being physically abused by her mother.
2. What happened after the public outcry?
A.Taobao canceled the account of Niu Niu.
B.The local police charged Niu Niu’s mother.
C.Niu Niu’s mother admitted abusing her daughter.
D.Shops stopped their cooperation with the mother.
3. What provided chances for Chinese child models?
A.The appearance of online shopping.
B.The huge online sales of child clothing.
C.The fast development of manufacturing.
D.The change of parents’ ideas about success.
4. Which opinion may Fang Zhiqing agree with?
A.China should regulate child modeling.
B.There are too many child models in China.
C.New economic laws should be issued in Chinch
D.China s current advertisement law isn’t workable.
2019-11-19更新 | 273次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般