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Domestic brands attract young consumers

Shu Qiuhong runs a store selling hanfu — the traditional clothing of the Han ethnic group — in Jinan, Shandong province.

Shu, a native of Southwest China’s Guizhou province, has a deep affection for traditional Chinese clothes     1     (date) back to her childhood. “I have become friends with many customers as we have       2     same hobbies. We often exchange views on style and     3     (produce) skills,” said Shu, adding that young consumers make up a big part of her clients.

Over the past few years, China       4     (see) a rapid increase in young consumers     5     (interest) in domestic brands and products that include traditional Chinese style and culture, a trend known as guochao (国潮).

In China, there around 260 million people born between 1995 and 2009,     6     are often called “Generation Z”.     7     (bring) up in a different environment from their elders, they have witnessed China’s rise as a     8     (globe) economic powerhouse and formed a brand-new     9     (consume) concept.

Beijing’s Palace Museum has been at the forefront of the nationwide guochao trend, with lipsticks and blushes (胭脂) engraved with traditional Chinese patterns being the bestsellers all the year around. These products have proven very popular     10     Generation Z consumers.


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

More and more children are suffering from eco-anxiety, which is     1    problem that causes people to worry a lot about the future of Earth and the life on it. They worry about climate change,    2    (pollute) and the loss of biodiversity. This has urged education experts     3    (call) for more teaching in schools about climate change, wildlife and the environment. So necessary is knowledge of them nowadays     4    experts believe it should be taught to all year groups.

The Teach the Future campaign finds that only one in four schoolchildren    5    (feel) they know enough about the climate crisis. It says this is leading to move children    6     (struggle) with eco-anxiety and worrying about the planet. A conservation organization, Earth Rangers,    7    (take) action to address the problem of eco-anxiety since it noticed that.

It says, Eco-anxiety does have a big effect    8    children in many ways. This includes feelings of fear and hopelessness. It is    9    (importance) to research and understand the ways in which we can help children deal with these feelings     10    (effective). In the meanwhile, schools should create conservation activities and help children teach their parents how to protect nature.

2023-05-21更新 | 91次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that 80% of the world’s teens don’t get enough exercise to live healthy lives. The report, which     1     (publish) in The Lancet in 2019, was based on research done with students     2     (age) 11 to 17 in 146 different countries.

Doctors say 60 minutes of exercise is needed     3     teens to build up their bone and muscle strength. It’s also hugely     4     (importance) for the health of the heart and lungs. More and more research is showing that exercise doesn’t just help the body, but it can help the brain, too,     5     (improve) thinking, test scores, and school grades. Trevor Shilton,     6     works for the Heart 99 Foundation in Australia, says, “If this were a medicine, we’d all be taking it.”

One of the big     7     (reason) for the lack of activity in today’s teens is technology, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and TVs. Many teens find     8     very hard to pull themselves away from their devices, whether they are texting, playing games, or watching videos or movies.

    9     (actual), exercise can be built into a normal day’s activities. For many people, walking or biking to school     10     (be) one way to make that happen. Even those who have to drive to school can get more exercise by parking farther away.

2020-10-20更新 | 63次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Social media user numbers continue to grow. In fact, the average person spends at least 1 hour and 40     1     (minute) per day looking at their favourite social media sites and apps. This is     2     astonishing amount of time that could     3     (spend) in other ways, but it is also indicative of the current social culture and business culture.

However, this doesn’t mean that spending this much time on social media is good for you.     4     your work may require you to remain online during business hours, it can be very helpful     5     (put) social media aside over the weekend or during a vacation.

Social media is a     6     (convenience) way to keep in touch and share photos, but it also requires you to give up a lot of your privacy. For example, Reputation Defender     7     (recent) reported that the latest privacy policy update for WhatsApp allowed the messaging app to share data with another app.

Therefore, if you don’t want another website to have access     8     your telephone number, make sure that you don’t have apps     9     (install) on your phone. Even     10     (good), you can take social media detox that includes deleting your apps and accounts to provide yourself with the best possible privacy protection.

2021-09-25更新 | 94次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般