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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:105 题号:22248945


The “Three Mountains (Fragrant Hills, Jade Spring Hill and Longevity Hill) and Five Gardens (Jingming Garden, Jingyi Garden, The Summer Palace, Changchun Garden and Yuanmingyuan)” are important landmarks in Beijing that represent its rich cultural and historical heritage.     1     (original) used as leisure retreats for the imperial family, these sites are now treasured for their     2     (nature) beauty and cultural significance.

Unfortunately, many valuable cultural items     3     (house) in these locations were lost due to damage caused by Western colonialist forces. However, a recent project has recreated 69 long-lost cultural relics in digital form,     4     are now being displayed to the public. This achievement is the result of cooperative efforts involving many volunteers from both home     5     abroad. Scholars and artists     6     (study) in France, as well as overseas students,     7     (contribute) valuable information about these scattered (分散的) relics.

The project has created a digital museum that showcases these cultural relics in seven different     8     (category). With technologies like virtual reality, visitors can have     9     unique and up-close experience of appreciating these items.     10     (reach) a wider audience, the digital museum team is also organizing offline touring exhibitions.

【知识点】 文化保护


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Anyone who has an interest in Dunhuang will have heard of Fan Jinshi. The Chinese archaeologist     1     has spent more than half a century researching and preserving the caves at the heart of the ancient Silk Road in Gansu Province     2     (know) as the “Daughter of Dunhuang” in her field, though “protector” is probably a more fitting     3     (describe).

Fan has been studying the historical site since the early 1960s, first as     4     archaeology undergraduate from Peking University, then as a conservationist when she     5     (become) the deputy director of the Dunhuang Research Academy in 1984, which serves to prevent the ancient site     6     being destroyed.

“It. is over a thousand years old. It is an old person, an     7     (extreme) weak old person. It has     8     (variety) illnesses. If you are a little careless, it could be gone. Gone forever Fan says.

Today, thanks to the work of great     9     (archaeologist) such as Fan, Dunhua is proud of the world’s largest and best-preserved collection of Buddhist relics     10     (date) from the fifth to the 13th centuries. The main Mogao site is made up of 735 caves spread across a 1,700-metre-wide cliff face, containing 45,000 square meters of murals (壁画) and more than 2,000 colourful sculptures.

2023-05-28更新 | 61次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Cultural relics are a part of history, and represent people’s cultural treasures. Therefore, it is important for us to protect     1     (they).

    2     we know, most cultural relics are really valuable because they have seen     3     history of our country, which allow us to have a better understanding of our country’s history and culture. We can also learn a lot from our ancestors (祖先) and feel proud of being a Chinese person while     4     (enjoy) these valuable treasures. In addition, we are able to develop tourism and promote the economy when the well     5     (protect) cultural relics are open to public.

However, some cultural relics     6     (damage) by people now. For example, buildings carved (雕刻)     7     people’s names can be seen here and there. There is no doubt that more valuable historical relics will disappear if people keep     8     (destroy) them.

Therefore, it is high time that we should take measures to protect cultural relics. To begin with, we can make speeches and put up posters     9     (educate) people how important it is to protect cultural relics. Besides, money can be collected to have some buildings repaired.

In a word, it is our duty to spare no effort to protect     10     (culture) relics.

2023-08-20更新 | 28次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

“There is no place like it on the planet. The large amount of     1     (creative) we find in Dunhuang spans (跨越) a thousand-year period,” said Neil Schmid, resident scholar at the Dunhuang Academy.

Due to its great significance, China has recently launched     2     cultural heritage platform supported by blockchain technology to share digital materials of the Dunhuang Grottoes (石窟).

The platform was     3     (joint) developed by the Dunhuang Academy and Chinese tech giant Tencent. On this platform, people around the world can     4     (permit) to use more than 6,500 pieces of high-definition materials in real-time.

Previously, visitors     5     (need) to wait for a week to get such permission. But the establishment of the digital platform helps online visitors get out of otherwise complex procedures and have     6     (easy) access to Dunhuang.

In addition, online visitors are welcome to use these digital materials     7     (design) their own cultural and creative products. In this way, designers can not only receive profit     8     their work, but also spread awareness of Dunhuang in creative ways.

“This is a pioneering project for     9     (offer) digital resources services in the cultural relic field,     10     could promote sustainable development of resource use,” said Luo Jing, an official with the National Cultural Heritage Administration.

2023-02-20更新 | 445次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般